what game are you playing right now?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Warframe on PS4

Yeah it's pretty good. It's one of those games where the choices you make will have consequences during your playthrough. I loved Deus Ex: Human Revolution and this is the sequel to that game. They include a Human Revolution recap video for people who didn't play it or need a refresher. Love the music and the games get me even more pumped for Cyberpunk 2077.

SHOULD i watch it? I have no idea if I should or just play this as a stand alone.
SHOULD i watch it? I have no idea if I should or just play this as a stand alone.

You don't necessarily have to watch it but why not? It tells you what exactly happened in Detroit, why Adam Jensen is augmented and gives you a little bit more insight into the tensions between humans and augments. It's only about 12 minutes long.
Ummm...I never thought I would say this, and it's kind of embarrassing, but...I'm playing No Man's Sky. Not only is half price and people were talking about it again, but they have actually added and changed enough of it, I have to grudgingly admit that's it's at least a decent game now.

I'm more careful than others when it comes to praising people for doing something good when those people are merely fixing their own screw up in the first place, but it's a minor miracle to lift this game out of the pit it sunk to. They could have just given up on it but didn't so there is that.
At the moment I'm playing Street Fighter V : Arcade Edition, Dragon's Age : Inquisition and Xenogears.
Sagat and G have just become available in SFV, and they were worth the wait.
I've never heard of that one, I will have to look out for it, Thanks :)

It's the first in a Trilogy called "Zero escape". 2 & 3 are on the 3DS & PC (& think vita?)

The second one (Virtue's last reward) is the best by most players opinions, and I totally agree. The story in 2 actually brought me to tears, which rarely happens for me in a game, but it was that freaking good.

Oh, and I'm not shitting you when I say 2 actually gets into Quantum Physics & Quantum Mechanics, thrown in with some ethical philosophy (Prisoner's Dilemma is a central theme). Schrodinger's Cat is just the basics; it gets into some really legit university level stuff, but presented in a way that the average person can understand it. And it will blow. your. mind.
Tinkering at playing Fallout 3 on the PC.

Wandering around trying to find the Library of Congress by following the inconveniently placed arrows. So far it's at least an hour of going around in circles, just about to throw caution to the wind and head off in a random direction. That usually solves the "where the feck is that arrow sending me" problem with this game.
It's the first in a Trilogy called "Zero escape". 2 & 3 are on the 3DS & PC (& think vita?)

The second one (Virtue's last reward) is the best by most players opinions, and I totally agree. The story in 2 actually brought me to tears, which rarely happens for me in a game, but it was that freaking good.

I don't think 1 & 3 have ever been released in UK, so doubt I will get a chance to play them, but I know Virtue's Last Reward was released here, so will have to look for that one. :)
I don't think 1 & 3 have ever been released in UK, so doubt I will get a chance to play them, but I know Virtue's Last Reward was released here, so will have to look for that one. :)
Wiki says there is a EU release, so I assume that means UK. But even if it doesn't, remember that DS games are region free!! So that shouldn't stop you. And there's a solid release date noted for ZTD's EU release, plus it's released for Steam, PS4, etc, so if you get that far, you should have several options to play it.

I actually started with VLR (#2), so I think that's a great place to start. Aside from the mind-blowing story, the game is more refined. The only drawback is that the story does continue from 999, so while the story for VLR will totally make sense, there might be some minor spoilers when you go back and play 999. But don't worry, it's nothing that ruins the experience. ZTD however is heavily reliant on the stories of BOTH 999 & VLR, so I would definitely play that one last.

One good reason why I'd play VLR first is getting all the endings is much less intuitive. There are24 endings, and you'll have to get them all to see the "true" ending. The great thing about VLR is that you can jump directly to the "decision points" which determine which ending you get, so you don't have to replay the entire game multiple times. However in 999, there's no such feature, and while there are far fewer endings you have to get through, it might be a little tedious. For that reason I'd recommend VLR first because you're that more likely to finish the game, and will be motivated to get through 999.

999 is a great too, don't get me wrong. If you liked the Titanic theme, you will love this one, and might even learn something new about it's history. And the climax of the game is awesome too. I remember my hands literally shaking when I first experienced it.

If you do go for either one and need help (or motivation!) give me a shout here. I'd be happy to see someone else experience what is one of the best stories in a game, ever.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Finished it last week or so but just restarted God of War (PS4) so one of my lady friends can watch. It's that good of a game.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Witcher 3 has taken over my life. I play God of War (PS4) every Tuesday with one of my lady friends.