Why I closed my handmade jewelry shop and 5 reasons I am so happy I did!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • This video ended up being WAY longer than I expected, but hey-this is MY STORY! 🎉
    If you own a handmade jewelry business or you're thinking about starting one, this is for YOU! 💍✨ I ran my handmade business for 8+ years, and let me tell you-I’ve learned SO much along the way. This is just the beginning of many more videos where I’ll spill all the lessons, tips I wish I knew before I started, and just some real, honest advice.
    Filming this was such a blast! 🥹✨ Reflecting on everything I’ve achieved, experienced, and learned brought me SO much joy. Running a small business is hard AF-but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. This journey shaped me into who I am today, and honestly? F💥CK, it was FUN.
    This video is a raw, real convo about how I got into jewelry making and what that journey looked like. No fluff-just real talk. 💯 I hope you can take something from my experience and apply it to your own path!
    Got questions? 🤔 Drop them below! Want small business tips? 💡 I GOT CHU! Marketing, website design, packaging-I can talk about it all. Let me know what you want to learn next! I LOVE creating these videos for you!
    Love you all! 💖

Комментарии • 22

  • @agl5132
    @agl5132 7 дней назад +11

    As a retired psychiatric caseworker and artist/crafter and a teacher of craft you have to really ask yourself what do I want for my business? Do I want to do mass production for what's polular or trending? Or do I want to create the pieces that inspire me? As we know as creatives we are usually flowing with ideas. While working on one you often have several other ideas clamoring for your attention. My own medium was mosaics/ stained glass and then onto jewelry making. For me personally I did not want to do mass production. This very well may work for those who want to create a line, execute and repeat. I prefered doing one offs or limited addition. I was able to charge more and the minute the pieces were released they sold out. You can even make that first piece, market it and have presales for those limited pieces. For me personally I didn't enjoy the farmers/crafters markets long. Early set ups, uncertain weather and so many weekends. Once you shift to limited pieces you can run your business from anywhere. You could keep engagement up with your customers through social media but only offer those pieces on a monthly basis. You can also have select pieces or a limited amount of mass produced if you choose in local shops. Let your customers know which shops carry your items and that mabe they have limited pieces they will not find elsewhere. This is good for you and the shops. With all this being said many creatives want to explore other areas and that is absolutely fine. I myself have shifted again in retirement and am writing and illustrating childrens books and designing merchandise. Taking care of your mental health is so important. Your body needs to not be running on empty all the time. This will catch up to you. Do not look at moments in your life as failures but rather a learning experience. You have learned what does and does not work for you. What you do or do not want to carry with you into the next phase. As we age we evolve. Too many people think that if they start with one thing they must remain doing it the rest of their life. Not true. We can not grow if we remain stagnant. If physical issues require you to move onto something else embrace it. I had to move on from mosaics and jewlery as the constant cutting of tessere, glass and jewlery making caused eventual wrist arthritis/tendonitis and my neck issues. Each person needs to decide what is important and will work for them. What are their initial and long term goals. Blessings to all the creatives here. ❤️👏🏼

    • @rebeccalopez1755
      @rebeccalopez1755 5 дней назад

      Wow. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your advice & you’re exactly the kind of person & creative I’d like to be later in life. I’m going to school for Psychology & working as a case worker at a specialist office. I’m also trying to start my very first jewelry business since it’s been a hobby of mine for a few years now.
      I’ve been reaching a stagnant point in life right now & have been feeling discouraged by my pacing & inexperience in the business-side of things, so this was definitely eye-opening to read. Your comment is so inspiring & makes me feel like it’s all going to work out in the end. Would it be okay to message you directly for a few other questions I have? Thank you again!

  • @neikspreciousgems-co
    @neikspreciousgems-co 17 часов назад

    So glad I came across your video. I lost the passion jewelry making for a little while. I realized that I was trying to make things that would sell instead of making things that I really enjoyed making. Recently I decided to start fresh with a new brand on what I really want to do. With the old one I'm planning on switching to wholesale/supplier for aspiring jewelers. For my new brand I pushing to start soldering, no more excuses. Making things from an art perspective rather than retail. This time around I'm not eager to sell. Just want to take my time and actually enjoy what I love. The business structure for the old one wasn't as great either. I didn't think over my plan very well. It wasn't realistic. Now with this new one I my time and not rush to blow up on the internet.

  • @coolhandrobyn
    @coolhandrobyn 5 дней назад +1

    It feels like we had a similar journey except instead of making jewelry, it was pottery for me. The burnout was same. The excitement of getting sales is quickly overshadowed by the banality of making the same thing over and over and feeling like a machine.

  • @rhajaawright6092
    @rhajaawright6092 6 дней назад +1

    I clicked on your video, and was startled, because I was like hey I know her, we went to the same schools growing up! Thanks for sharing your journey! I am just getting started with a business, haven't even launched yet and I resonate with this already, about the burnout, not listening to your body, etc. I think you're soooo right too, how it can turn from art to just making sales, and you helped me keep things in perspective as I'm starting. To not just get so caught up in the sales, and what's trending, and instead make things that resonate with me and that I'm enjoying, and at a sustainable pace. I feel you, it should be fun, and when it's not, it's time to pivot! So did you just recently close your shop this year, or you closed a few years after you started your full time job?

  • @kittenishthings
    @kittenishthings 10 дней назад +3

    Really loved this video!! I just started my crochet business this month and I feel like I can relate to some of your points already.. Juggling all the hats is a lot at times and I find myself having a hard time creating healthy routines especially without the structure. Would love to hear more tips & advice about your jewelry business ❤
    Also love that your business brought you in the direction that was better for you! I've always believed what's meant for us will always find a way ✨️

    • @urjewelrygirl
      @urjewelrygirl  9 дней назад +1

      Hey, love! 💕 Thank you so much for watching-I’m so happy you could relate to some of the points! And yay for starting your biz!! 🎉✨
      Girl, trust me-finding a healthy routine and setting boundaries is a game-changer! With my new biz, I don’t start work until 10 AM, no work after 5 PM, and I’ve set some solid boundaries so this one doesn’t consume me haha! 😆
      I’m definitely going to be creating a lot more videos on this-I can see how helpful it is, and that makes me so happy! 🥹💖 Wishing you all the best with everything!! 💫✨

  • @Ilovejewelry06
    @Ilovejewelry06 11 дней назад +1

    Oh. And I can take all the small jewelry biz tips you can give! Keep ‘em coming!

  • @journeyrosebeauty
    @journeyrosebeauty 10 дней назад

    I enjoyed the realistic perspective. Can you do a video on how the pop up shelves were made? They’re adorable

    • @urjewelrygirl
      @urjewelrygirl  9 дней назад

      You're so welcome! 💕 I’m an open book, and I love talking about the challenges just as much as the wins! Both push you to grow and evolve in ways you never expect. 🌱✨
      OMG, I’ve been wanting to make a video about how we did this forever! 😆 I will make it happen one day! 🎥💡 Those were my absolute favorite to create! 💖

  • @lilgyft
    @lilgyft 9 дней назад

    Great video!

  • @Beeatrix
    @Beeatrix 10 дней назад +2

    Sooo you were not actually passionate about jewelry you were obsessed with a girl's vibe making jewelry. 😂 Girl no wonder you blew out.

    • @urjewelrygirl
      @urjewelrygirl  9 дней назад +2

      Don’t get me wrong-I LOVE making jewelry! 💖 I didn’t think I’d have to defend that fact lol, buttt yes, I did lose my love and passion for jewelry making as my business scaled. 😮‍💨
      I had to create pieces that didn’t fully align with me but catered to my customers in order to keep my business afloat and growing. It was a tough balance. But now, stepping away from the business responsibilities has reignited my love for jewelry making-I can finally create art for me again! 🎨✨
      And yes, I absolutely loved this girl’s vibe, her lifestyle, and seeing her thrive while selling her craft-I loved all of it! 💫💛

  • @Ilovejewelry06
    @Ilovejewelry06 11 дней назад +1

    Girrrl… I’m at a crossroads right now. This crossroad exactly. Don’t know what to do- how to scale- take my baby business to the next level..
    I feel like I would be more comfortable with the steady, stable income life as well. What exactly does that look like for you? Content creating?
    Thank you for sharing the deep stuff!

    • @urjewelrygirl
      @urjewelrygirl  9 дней назад +2

      To be so honest-I cannot advocate enough for keeping it a side hustle! 🙌 Based on my experience, I truly love it so much more as a stable side hustle that I don’t have to depend on for my full income.
      I am ALL about multiple income streams, but having one super stable source that covers most of your bills and you can rely on? Game-changer. 💡💰 This shift has completely changed my life, and I love the balance it gives me! Now, I can be creative again and make art without stress! 🎨✨
      I think with more business success, yes-you get more money 💸-but also more stress, responsibility, etc. It really comes down to how you manage that personally, spiritually, and physically. For me, it just wasn’t working. So, I pivoted to a stable income, and it works for me! 🙌💖 I work for two brands as a full -ime content creator - so I provide them with content (reels, tiktoks, short form videos) that they use every month as ads, reels, ect.! This is super steady and I am locked in with them for lifeeee - so once I had this steady income I started up this channel and now this is my cretaive side hustle! Plus, I plan to re open a shop probs next year!!
      Hope this helps!!!

    • @TheMBArtsStudio
      @TheMBArtsStudio 8 дней назад +1

      Have to remember to delete the chatgpt prompt portion of the response before posting it❤

    • @Ilovejewelry06
      @Ilovejewelry06 6 дней назад +1

      @@TheMBArtsStudio Oh, I thought that that was cute and fitting- sounded like it would be from you, haha. Since you’re pretty real in all your vids, I don’t mind!

    • @urjewelrygirl
      @urjewelrygirl  6 дней назад +1

      @@Ilovejewelry06omg so embarrassing 😅 I can't spell - I use it for spell checks 😂 raw and real over here 😂

    • @urjewelrygirl
      @urjewelrygirl  6 дней назад +2

      @@TheMBArtsStudiohahah 😮omg - I use for spelling 😂