How to Bind the armholes and neckline of a knit garment the simple way.
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Binding Knit garments simply. Using a basic sleeveless teeshirt/tunic pattern watch this demonstration on how to bind your armholes & neckline. This method will have you finishing all those knit projects in no time. Remember to use wooly nylon (it must be the stretchy version) in your bobbin if the armholes and neckline need to stretch. You can wind it on your bobbin either by hand or with your bobbin winder. Also for the best results you stretch needles. We sell the wooly nylon, the stretch needles, and great quality knits in our online store
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It works! I just rebound my armholes using this method. Looks like a great finish. Thanks
Great idea! It solves a lot of binding problems!
Thank you! Turned out lovely.
What a great method for applying armhole binding! I just used it in a rib knit top I was making & it turned out beautifully!
Great technique, love Pam's pattern.
Thank you . This was exactly what I needed.
Loved 😍 this!
Very helpful, exactly the information I was looking for!
Thank you!
Great video, thank you! That answered the questions I had for this topic :)
Thank you good demo
Very helpful🤲🤲🤲🙏🤲♥️
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you♥️🙏🤲
You are so welcome
Very helpful - thank you!
You're welcome!
duckbill scissors are great for trimming
An applique scissors would've been a safer bet for trimming the "extra" binging fabric on the inside. I'd hate to see you ruin a garment after all that work by cutting a hole in the main fabric on accident.
Very useful. I never understood the point of the lightning zigzag. Thanks
For the neck binding, do you only sew one of the shoulder seams initially?
How wide is the strip?
Still waiting anxiously. Would we just sew binding on before sew shoulders by sewing on front and back strips like armholes?
If you have a 1/4” seam on armhole did you trim the armhole a little first then serge on the binding? It would be too small otherwise?
The armhole had a 1/4" seam allowance. Cut your binding generously and you should not have an issue.
What kind of sewing foot are you using? It almost looks like it works the same as a walking foot
Can u use this same technique with woven fabrics if your binding is on the bias?
You'll need to finish the raw edge of the binding or it will fray: serge it or turn it under.
When and how did you do the neck binding?
It sounds like we need to make another video
@@universityofsewing Yes please! How do you do the neck ahead of time?
Neck binding video next?