Should anime adapt to Western sensibilities, or stay true to its cultural roots?
Jan 10, 4:35 PM
They can pretty much make whatever they want. I don't know to what extent Western consumption makes up their business model, but it still feels like they mostly cater to a Japanese market. And honestly, anime is already pretty much a blend of Japanese traditional culture and Western anyway. So it's probably not changing. |
Jan 10, 4:42 PM
BilboBaggins365's comment touches on a lot of the points I had in mind in a way more eloquent way than I could write on my own. There's been global influence in Japanese animation pretty much from the start. Japanese culture in general has taken on quite a bit of foreign influence after they were forced out of isolationism and rapidly tried to industrialize to catch up with Western superpowers. The Japanese culture of today has heavy outside influence and it would probably have looked very different if they were still isolationist. Even if you wanted to ignore that, there is definitely Western influence and inspirations in some popular shows of the past that you can directly point to. The Duel Mosnters card game in Yu-Gi-Oh was literally a parody of the popular Magic the Gathering card game which is produced by Wizards of the Coast and was made in the US. The allusion is even more direct in the original manga serialization as the game was called "Magic and Wizards" and is described as a popular game from the United States that was starting to become popular globally. While this may be less apparent nowadays due to the anime adaptation changing the name to Duel Monsters for copyright reasons, with the ZEXAL and ARC-V manga following along with this change years later (the English manga also changed it to Duel Monsters in reprints for consistency), an while the actual game may differ in rules quite a bit from MTG, it still does have its roots in the popular American card game. This isn't even up for debate as this was information directly from author Kazuki Takahashi (RIP) himself in Weekly Shonen Jump 1996 Issue 51 during the game's second manga appearance 今回の話はMTGが元になってますが、ルールは変えてます。奥が深いんスモン TL: This story is based on Magic the Gathering, although the rules have been modified. It's very deep Yu-Gi-Oh also takes a bit of inspiration from popular American films and comics in ways you may not expect. In an interview published in Duel Art: Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh! Illustrations (which is sadly out of print), Takahashi is directly asked about inspirations for his original Yu-Gi-Oh manga. While at first he goes over some inspirations from other mangaka, most notably pointing out the works of Hirohiko Araki, he was also directly asked about any inspirations outside of manga that had an influence on Yu-Gi-Oh. Takahashi starts by mentioning how Yugi's character design directly was inspired by the 1990 Tim Burton film Edward Scissorhands and used the "bondage fashion" to create the iconic leather outfit with the straps that he wears during the earlier parts of the series. In this same interview, Takahashi talks about the "Solid Vision" system, which is the holograms that the characters use in the anime and manga so that the viewer can watch the cards battle as if they were physically there. Takahashi stated that this idea was inspired by the board game "Dejarik" from the Star Wars franchise more colloquially known as Holochess. Later on in this same interview, Takahashi was asked about how he designed the monster cards seen throughout the series and he says that a major source of inspiration for a lot of designs came from the Spawn franchise using a lot of the McFarlane Toys action figures as reference when coming up with ideas for details to put on the monsters. You can even see this in chapter 22 of the original manga in where a kid at school is obsessed with an undead superhero from American comics who is a very obvious homage to Todd McFarlane's Spawn published by Image Comics. Dragon Ball also has quite a bit of Western influence in the franchise even if the story may have started off with more Chinese influence at first. Akira Toriyama is pretty well known in the Dragon Ball fandom to be a fan of American films and you can definitely see a few references or allusions in the franchise if you look hard enough. Sergeant Metallic from the Red Ribbon Army arc is a killer android who looks visually similar to Arnold Schwarznegger as the T-800 from the Terminator franchise that a young Goku ends up having to fight while he ascends Muscle Tower. While not outright confirmed, it is heavily speculated that Freeza's third form may have been inspired by the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise. The reason this speculation may hold some credence is due to a 2003 interview for the Viz Media version of the Shonen Jump magazine in where Toriyama was asked about his reasoning for adding in Sci-fi elements to Dragon Ball in where he responds I love sci-fi movies. Especially the first Alien movie–that’s my favorite. I incorporated science fiction into Dragon Ball to expand its scope which may lend some credence to the idea that some inspiration from Alien may have been taken in the character design given that it is Toriyama's favorite science fiction movie. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure thrives off of allusions and references to Western music and pop culture. From Part 4 onwards, almost every stand name is in reference to various bands, albums and songs. Out of all the Stands throuhgout the series, so far there has only been one named after a Japanese song, being CHOCOLATE DISCO from Part 7 (Steel Ball Run). Some characters are also named after songs and artists as well, and often times these references may clue one in on the nature of a character if they are aware of the original music. Jojo has also generally not stuck to Japan as a setting. Out of all 9 current Jojo parts, only 2 of them stay confined to Japan alone being parts 4 and 8. The United States has appeared as the primary location of a Jojo part the most out of any country, being the main settings of Parts 6,7, and 9. Parts 1, 2, and 5 primarily take place in European countries, with cultural elements showing up in the story. Western influence has been in Japanese animation and manga for a long time (since the beginning if you count early Japanese animators being inspired by Walt Disney cartoons) and honestly the people pretending it hasn't been there are just gaslighting themselves to push a narrative of "new anime bad because woke". Artists take inspirations from the world around them and the media they consume, so its not really all too uncommon for cross cultural pollination in storytelling to happen. It's not even exclusive to Japan either, you see it all the time with Western comics and animation too. Look at how many American cartoons reference Japanese shows or try to emulate some of the artistic trends in those shows. We are in a time where it is easier than ever to access art made from anywhere in the world, so of course artists will take that inspiration from things that might be from outside their own country, especially if there was some sort of unique concept or aesthetic decision that stuck with the artist. The nature of an artist is to take in and remix existing ideas from the outside world and other creators into something new and original, why should it just be limited to the stuff right outside one's window? The world is such a vast and interesting place and for one to lock themselves down to just one strict set of local cultural ideas in their creations leaves the full potential of artistic creativity chained down when there is an infinite frontier of ideas just outside of your local area |
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place. |
Jan 10, 4:43 PM
"global sensibilities" literally would open the flood gates for the slimey seedy woke freaks that would start creeping out of the wood-work so they can push their gay agenda. Trump won & im here to gloat and rub salt in the wounds of the idiot libtards |
Jan 10, 5:17 PM
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming
BilboBaggins365's comment touches on a lot of the points I had in mind in a way more eloquent way than I could write on my own. There's been global influence in Japanese animation pretty much from the start. Japanese culture in general has taken on quite a bit of foreign influence after they were forced out of isolationism and rapidly tried to industrialize to catch up with Western superpowers. The Japanese culture of today has heavy outside influence and it would probably have looked very different if they were still isolationist. Even if you wanted to ignore that, there is definitely Western influence and inspirations in some popular shows of the past that you can directly point to.
The Duel Mosnters card game in Yu-Gi-Oh was literally a parody of the popular Magic the Gathering card game which is produced by Wizards of the Coast and was made in the US. The allusion is even more direct in the original manga serialization as the game was called "Magic and Wizards" and is described as a popular game from the United States that was starting to become popular globally. While this may be less apparent nowadays due to the anime adaptation changing the name to Duel Monsters for copyright reasons, with the ZEXAL and ARC-V manga following along with this change years later (the English manga also changed it to Duel Monsters in reprints for consistency), an while the actual game may differ in rules quite a bit from MTG, it still does have its roots in the popular American card game. This isn't even up for debate as this was information directly from author Kazuki Takahashi (RIP) himself in Weekly Shonen Jump 1996 Issue 51 during the game's second manga appearance
Yu-Gi-Oh also takes a bit of inspiration from popular American films and comics in ways you may not expect. In an interview published in Duel Art: Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh! Illustrations (which is sadly out of print), Takahashi is directly asked about inspirations for his original Yu-Gi-Oh manga. While at first he goes over some inspirations from other mangaka, most notably pointing out the works of Hirohiko Araki, he was also directly asked about any inspirations outside of manga that had an influence on Yu-Gi-Oh. Takahashi starts by mentioning how Yugi's character design directly was inspired by the 1990 Tim Burton film Edward Scissorhands and used the "bondage fashion" to create the iconic leather outfit with the straps that he wears during the earlier parts of the series. In this same interview, Takahashi talks about the "Solid Vision" system, which is the holograms that the characters use in the anime and manga so that the viewer can watch the cards battle as if they were physically there. Takahashi stated that this idea was inspired by the board game "Dejarik" from the Star Wars franchise more colloquially known as Holochess. Later on in this same interview, Takahashi was asked about how he designed the monster cards seen throughout the series and he says that a major source of inspiration for a lot of designs came from the Spawn franchise using a lot of the McFarlane Toys action figures as reference when coming up with ideas for details to put on the monsters. You can even see this in chapter 22 of the original manga in where a kid at school is obsessed with an undead superhero from American comics who is a very obvious homage to Todd McFarlane's Spawn published by Image Comics.
Dragon Ball also has quite a bit of Western influence in the franchise even if the story may have started off with more Chinese influence at first. Akira Toriyama is pretty well known in the Dragon Ball fandom to be a fan of American films and you can definitely see a few references or allusions in the franchise if you look hard enough. Sergeant Metallic from the Red Ribbon Army arc is a killer android who looks visually similar to Arnold Schwarznegger as the T-800 from the Terminator franchise that a young Goku ends up having to fight while he ascends Muscle Tower. While not outright confirmed, it is heavily speculated that Freeza's third form may have been inspired by the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise. The reason this speculation may hold some credence is due to a 2003 interview for the Viz Media version of the Shonen Jump magazine in where Toriyama was asked about his reasoning for adding in Sci-fi elements to Dragon Ball in where he responds
which may lend some credence to the idea that some inspiration from Alien may have been taken in the character design given that it is Toriyama's favorite science fiction movie.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure thrives off of allusions and references to Western music and pop culture. From Part 4 onwards, almost every stand name is in reference to various bands, albums and songs. Out of all the Stands throuhgout the series, so far there has only been one named after a Japanese song, being CHOCOLATE DISCO from Part 7 (Steel Ball Run). Some characters are also named after songs and artists as well, and often times these references may clue one in on the nature of a character if they are aware of the original music. Jojo has also generally not stuck to Japan as a setting. Out of all 9 current Jojo parts, only 2 of them stay confined to Japan alone being parts 4 and 8. The United States has appeared as the primary location of a Jojo part the most out of any country, being the main settings of Parts 6,7, and 9. Parts 1, 2, and 5 primarily take place in European countries, with cultural elements showing up in the story.
Western influence has been in Japanese animation and manga for a long time (since the beginning if you count early Japanese animators being inspired by Walt Disney cartoons) and honestly the people pretending it hasn't been there are just gaslighting themselves to push a narrative of "new anime bad because woke". Artists take inspirations from the world around them and the media they consume, so its not really all too uncommon for cross cultural pollination in storytelling to happen. It's not even exclusive to Japan either, you see it all the time with Western comics and animation too. Look at how many American cartoons reference Japanese shows or try to emulate some of the artistic trends in those shows. We are in a time where it is easier than ever to access art made from anywhere in the world, so of course artists will take that inspiration from things that might be from outside their own country, especially if there was some sort of unique concept or aesthetic decision that stuck with the artist. The nature of an artist is to take in and remix existing ideas from the outside world and other creators into something new and original, why should it just be limited to the stuff right outside one's window? The world is such a vast and interesting place and for one to lock themselves down to just one strict set of local cultural ideas in their creations leaves the full potential of artistic creativity chained down when there is an infinite frontier of ideas just outside of your local area
The Duel Mosnters card game in Yu-Gi-Oh was literally a parody of the popular Magic the Gathering card game which is produced by Wizards of the Coast and was made in the US. The allusion is even more direct in the original manga serialization as the game was called "Magic and Wizards" and is described as a popular game from the United States that was starting to become popular globally. While this may be less apparent nowadays due to the anime adaptation changing the name to Duel Monsters for copyright reasons, with the ZEXAL and ARC-V manga following along with this change years later (the English manga also changed it to Duel Monsters in reprints for consistency), an while the actual game may differ in rules quite a bit from MTG, it still does have its roots in the popular American card game. This isn't even up for debate as this was information directly from author Kazuki Takahashi (RIP) himself in Weekly Shonen Jump 1996 Issue 51 during the game's second manga appearance
TL: This story is based on Magic the Gathering, although the rules have been modified. It's very deep
TL: This story is based on Magic the Gathering, although the rules have been modified. It's very deep
Yu-Gi-Oh also takes a bit of inspiration from popular American films and comics in ways you may not expect. In an interview published in Duel Art: Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh! Illustrations (which is sadly out of print), Takahashi is directly asked about inspirations for his original Yu-Gi-Oh manga. While at first he goes over some inspirations from other mangaka, most notably pointing out the works of Hirohiko Araki, he was also directly asked about any inspirations outside of manga that had an influence on Yu-Gi-Oh. Takahashi starts by mentioning how Yugi's character design directly was inspired by the 1990 Tim Burton film Edward Scissorhands and used the "bondage fashion" to create the iconic leather outfit with the straps that he wears during the earlier parts of the series. In this same interview, Takahashi talks about the "Solid Vision" system, which is the holograms that the characters use in the anime and manga so that the viewer can watch the cards battle as if they were physically there. Takahashi stated that this idea was inspired by the board game "Dejarik" from the Star Wars franchise more colloquially known as Holochess. Later on in this same interview, Takahashi was asked about how he designed the monster cards seen throughout the series and he says that a major source of inspiration for a lot of designs came from the Spawn franchise using a lot of the McFarlane Toys action figures as reference when coming up with ideas for details to put on the monsters. You can even see this in chapter 22 of the original manga in where a kid at school is obsessed with an undead superhero from American comics who is a very obvious homage to Todd McFarlane's Spawn published by Image Comics.
Dragon Ball also has quite a bit of Western influence in the franchise even if the story may have started off with more Chinese influence at first. Akira Toriyama is pretty well known in the Dragon Ball fandom to be a fan of American films and you can definitely see a few references or allusions in the franchise if you look hard enough. Sergeant Metallic from the Red Ribbon Army arc is a killer android who looks visually similar to Arnold Schwarznegger as the T-800 from the Terminator franchise that a young Goku ends up having to fight while he ascends Muscle Tower. While not outright confirmed, it is heavily speculated that Freeza's third form may have been inspired by the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise. The reason this speculation may hold some credence is due to a 2003 interview for the Viz Media version of the Shonen Jump magazine in where Toriyama was asked about his reasoning for adding in Sci-fi elements to Dragon Ball in where he responds
I love sci-fi movies. Especially the first Alien movie–that’s my favorite. I incorporated science fiction into Dragon Ball to expand its scope
which may lend some credence to the idea that some inspiration from Alien may have been taken in the character design given that it is Toriyama's favorite science fiction movie.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure thrives off of allusions and references to Western music and pop culture. From Part 4 onwards, almost every stand name is in reference to various bands, albums and songs. Out of all the Stands throuhgout the series, so far there has only been one named after a Japanese song, being CHOCOLATE DISCO from Part 7 (Steel Ball Run). Some characters are also named after songs and artists as well, and often times these references may clue one in on the nature of a character if they are aware of the original music. Jojo has also generally not stuck to Japan as a setting. Out of all 9 current Jojo parts, only 2 of them stay confined to Japan alone being parts 4 and 8. The United States has appeared as the primary location of a Jojo part the most out of any country, being the main settings of Parts 6,7, and 9. Parts 1, 2, and 5 primarily take place in European countries, with cultural elements showing up in the story.
Western influence has been in Japanese animation and manga for a long time (since the beginning if you count early Japanese animators being inspired by Walt Disney cartoons) and honestly the people pretending it hasn't been there are just gaslighting themselves to push a narrative of "new anime bad because woke". Artists take inspirations from the world around them and the media they consume, so its not really all too uncommon for cross cultural pollination in storytelling to happen. It's not even exclusive to Japan either, you see it all the time with Western comics and animation too. Look at how many American cartoons reference Japanese shows or try to emulate some of the artistic trends in those shows. We are in a time where it is easier than ever to access art made from anywhere in the world, so of course artists will take that inspiration from things that might be from outside their own country, especially if there was some sort of unique concept or aesthetic decision that stuck with the artist. The nature of an artist is to take in and remix existing ideas from the outside world and other creators into something new and original, why should it just be limited to the stuff right outside one's window? The world is such a vast and interesting place and for one to lock themselves down to just one strict set of local cultural ideas in their creations leaves the full potential of artistic creativity chained down when there is an infinite frontier of ideas just outside of your local area
LSSJ_Gaming said: Western influence has been in Japanese animation and manga for a long time (since the beginning if you count early Japanese animators being inspired by Walt Disney cartoons) and honestly the people pretending it hasn't been there are just gaslighting themselves to push a narrative of "new anime bad because woke". Additionally, people try to argue that whatever, woke stuff they see in media, well it must be because of those evil Western overlords. It takes away our agency, Japan's agency. I mean treating the USA like it some hive mind of the "progressive agenda" is quite funny all things considered. Japanese creators are conscious of the world, they do not live in a bubble. Wandering Son, is a work I would expect a lot of people to point out as being the "WOKE" however, it came out when Western funding in the industry had wanned. On the other hand, Shueisha is publishing pretty right wing xenophobic works, in age where Western funding is more successful than ever, and series like Irregular at Magic HS, whose themes i would argue are pretty right wing, are getting numerous sequels. Fanservice still exists and if anything is more explicit in some cases, despite the industry now getting more of it's money from global, rater than domestic audiences. LSSJ_Gaming said: he nature of an artist is to take in and remix existing ideas from the outside world and other creators into something new and original, why should it just be limited to the stuff right outside one's window? I mean I am a Tolkien fan, I get why Tolkien to some extent was worried about global homogenization. I actually feel this way about Western media. I don't want Western animators or creators to be like "the kids love anime, let's bring that in everywhere". It's boring and aesthetically there are very Western styles that I prefer to some anime art designs. Variety is good. I still think that even if some global trends become similar, the access we have to wide spread information means we have more access to unique culture, than any of our ancestors ever did. Still, even if the argument was right, and that we are going towards a global homogenized society..... what do people want to do lol? It's happening because of the internet, economic interdependence, advances in transportation etc. This has been an ongoing force since frankly 5 centuries ago, and we are just continually moving forward. You can't halt it and again anime cannot exist without it. I think most people who get upset about this are just scared of the future, so they go after what they think is a modern concept in rapid globalization, while they misunderstand that what is going on in the world, is a force that existed long before they were born. I get it I am scared of the future too. Still if the goal is I don't want anime to change, or get worse.... I mean it's going to change. Anime is not at all like what it was in the 70s or 80s. Global trends affected that, domestic trends did too. It's going to be different regardless if you get upset or not. All you do is wait and support what you want to see in media. Anime if anything is pretty money hungry and will respond to whoever has the most dough. So if you have it, they will cater to you. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 10, 5:28 PM
Jan 10, 5:28 PM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
LSSJ_Gaming said:
Western influence has been in Japanese animation and manga for a long time (since the beginning if you count early Japanese animators being inspired by Walt Disney cartoons) and honestly the people pretending it hasn't been there are just gaslighting themselves to push a narrative of "new anime bad because woke".
Western influence has been in Japanese animation and manga for a long time (since the beginning if you count early Japanese animators being inspired by Walt Disney cartoons) and honestly the people pretending it hasn't been there are just gaslighting themselves to push a narrative of "new anime bad because woke".
Additionally, people try to argue that whatever, woke stuff they see in media, well it must be because of those evil Western overlords. It takes away our agency, Japan's agency. I mean treating the USA like it some hive mind of the "progressive agenda" is quite funny all things considered.
Japanese creators are conscious of the world, they do not live in a bubble. Wandering Son, is a work I would expect a lot of people to point out as being the "WOKE" however, it came out when Western funding in the industry had wanned. On the other hand, Shueisha is publishing pretty right wing xenophobic works, in age where Western funding is more successful than ever, and series like Irregular at Magic HS, whose themes i would argue are pretty right wing, are getting numerous sequels. Fanservice still exists and if anything is more explicit in some cases, despite the industry now getting more of it's money from global, rater than domestic audiences.
LSSJ_Gaming said:
he nature of an artist is to take in and remix existing ideas from the outside world and other creators into something new and original, why should it just be limited to the stuff right outside one's window?
he nature of an artist is to take in and remix existing ideas from the outside world and other creators into something new and original, why should it just be limited to the stuff right outside one's window?
I mean I am a Tolkien fan, I get why Tolkien to some extent was worried about global homogenization. I actually feel this way about Western media. I don't want Western animators or creators to be like "the kids love anime, let's bring that in everywhere". It's boring and aesthetically there are very Western styles that I prefer to some anime art designs. Variety is good. I still think that even if some global trends become similar, the access we have to wide spread information means we have more access to unique culture, than any of our ancestors ever did.
Still, even if the argument was right, and that we are going towards a global homogenized society..... what do people want to do lol? It's happening because of the internet, economic interdependence, advances in transportation etc. This has been an ongoing force since frankly 5 centuries ago, and we are just continually moving forward. You can't halt it and again anime cannot exist without it. I think most people who get upset about this are just scared of the future, so they go after what they think is a modern concept in rapid globalization, while they misunderstand that what is going on in the world, is a force that existed long before they were born.
I get it I am scared of the future too. Still if the goal is I don't want anime to change, or get worse.... I mean it's going to change. Anime is not at all like what it was in the 70s or 80s. Global trends affected that, domestic trends did too. It's going to be different regardless if you get upset or not. All you do is wait and support what you want to see in media. Anime if anything is pretty money hungry and will respond to whoever has the most dough. So if you have it, they will cater to you.
@BilboBaggins365 i am also a massive a lord of the rings fan (nerd of the rings), what are your thoughts on rings of power that new amazon show? |
Jan 10, 5:34 PM
Reply to Briekimchi
They can pretty much make whatever they want. I don't know to what extent Western consumption makes up their business model, but it still feels like they mostly cater to a Japanese market. And honestly, anime is already pretty much a blend of Japanese traditional culture and Western anyway. So it's probably not changing.
@Briekimchi The AJA put out their new numbers, international funding now finally (Edit I guess it did make more in 2020 so not the first time) makes more money than the domestic audience, granted this all international markets. North America and Asia were the two biggest regions feeding into that. Though yeah it's probably not going to change because as I stated before, manga and LN are the two primary vectors for anime, and I just don't see international fans displacing natives in that area. ItachiDeltaForce said: @BilboBaggins365 i am also a lord of the rings fan, what are your thoughts on rings of power that new amazon show? Don't largely care about any Middle Earth stuff, Tolkien didn't write. Unless a universe starts out with multiple creators/authors, I usually just stick to what the original guy wrote. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 10, 5:52 PM
Jan 10, 5:57 PM
Neither. Art is a robust and individual thing, as much as it is cultural. A good artist in the best environment, I think, should be open to other cultures while also being willing to forge their own path. It is not a binary East versus West. Do any of you object to My Hero Academia being strongly influenced by Western culture? By the logic of this poll, Horikoshi betrayed his roots by including distinctively not Japanese aspects and influences within his works. Simply not limiting himself to his roots does not make Horikoshi a "race traitor" or anything, nor does it make any Japanese artist who wants to look towards other cultures for inspiration. For example, Bloodbourne from FromSoftware has undeniably been inspired by among other things H.P. Lovecraft. Framing it as a binary as this thread does I think misunderstands what art is to an individual level, and is in fact stifling to Japanese creatives. If any individual artist wants to adapt or be inspired by the "sensibilities" of other cultures, I say let them. Art is always going to change anyway, and grow from its roots. What does it mean to "stay true to its roots" when art as a whole never stops changing in the first place? Does being Japanese obligate Horikoshi to write in a "Japanese" style? BilboBaggins365 said: Though yeah it's probably not going to change because as I stated before, manga and LN are the two primary vectors for anime, and I just don't see international fans displacing natives in that area. I was genuinely surprised to discover Apothecary Diaries being a Japanese work by a Japanese author despite the clearly Chinese setting and iconography outside of what is normally in Wuxia animation. Perhaps it is too perfunctory and assumption based on one anime, but I would not be too surprised if more Chinese-inspired works and works from Chinese individuals like Wuxia do get more adaptations going forward, depending on how China's own animation evolves in spite of the censorship laws. I also wouldn't be surprised if the bigger thing is that Chinese animation influences anime creatives in the future. |
PeripheralVisionJan 10, 6:10 PM
Auroraloose's Aurorasimp “Like poking a strange horny animal with a stick” -Fleurbleue the incredibly beautiful and sadistic Québécois |
Jan 10, 6:11 PM
Reply to PeripheralVision
Neither. Art is a robust and individual thing, as much as it is cultural. A good artist in the best environment, I think, should be open to other cultures while also being willing to forge their own path. It is not a binary East versus West. Do any of you object to My Hero Academia being strongly influenced by Western culture? By the logic of this poll, Horikoshi betrayed his roots by including distinctively not Japanese aspects and influences within his works.
Simply not limiting himself to his roots does not make Horikoshi a "race traitor" or anything, nor does it make any Japanese artist who wants to look towards other cultures for inspiration. For example, Bloodbourne from FromSoftware has undeniably been inspired by among other things H.P. Lovecraft.
Framing it as a binary as this thread does I think misunderstands what art is to an individual level, and is in fact stifling to Japanese creatives. If any individual artist wants to adapt or be inspired by the "sensibilities" of other cultures, I say let them. Art is always going to change anyway, and grow from its roots.
What does it mean to "stay true to its roots" when art as a whole never stops changing in the first place? Does being Japanese obligate Horikoshi to write in a "Japanese" style?
I was genuinely surprised to discover Apothecary Diaries being a Japanese work by a Japanese author despite the clearly Chinese setting and iconography outside of what is normally in Wuxia animation. Perhaps it is too perfunctory and assumption based on one anime, but I would not be too surprised if more Chinese-inspired works and works from Chinese individuals like Wuxia do get more adaptations going forward, depending on how China's own animation evolves in spite of the censorship laws.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the bigger thing is that Chinese animation influences anime creatives in the future.
Simply not limiting himself to his roots does not make Horikoshi a "race traitor" or anything, nor does it make any Japanese artist who wants to look towards other cultures for inspiration. For example, Bloodbourne from FromSoftware has undeniably been inspired by among other things H.P. Lovecraft.
Framing it as a binary as this thread does I think misunderstands what art is to an individual level, and is in fact stifling to Japanese creatives. If any individual artist wants to adapt or be inspired by the "sensibilities" of other cultures, I say let them. Art is always going to change anyway, and grow from its roots.
What does it mean to "stay true to its roots" when art as a whole never stops changing in the first place? Does being Japanese obligate Horikoshi to write in a "Japanese" style?
BilboBaggins365 said:
Though yeah it's probably not going to change because as I stated before, manga and LN are the two primary vectors for anime, and I just don't see international fans displacing natives in that area.
Though yeah it's probably not going to change because as I stated before, manga and LN are the two primary vectors for anime, and I just don't see international fans displacing natives in that area.
I was genuinely surprised to discover Apothecary Diaries being a Japanese work by a Japanese author despite the clearly Chinese setting and iconography outside of what is normally in Wuxia animation. Perhaps it is too perfunctory and assumption based on one anime, but I would not be too surprised if more Chinese-inspired works and works from Chinese individuals like Wuxia do get more adaptations going forward, depending on how China's own animation evolves in spite of the censorship laws.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the bigger thing is that Chinese animation influences anime creatives in the future.
PeripheralVision said: Perhaps it is too perfunctory and assumption based on one anime, but I would not be too surprised if more Chinese-inspired works and works from Chinese individuals like Wuxia do get more adaptations going forward, depending on how China's own animation evolves in spite of the censorship laws. I mean Kingdom has regularly sold in the top ten for years. Dragon Ball and the Journey to the West and in other media the Romance of the Three Kingdoms game (and anime). PeripheralVision said: I wouldn't be surprised if the bigger thing is that Chinese animation influences anime creatives in the future. Possibly, I mean I wouldn't be entirely against that. I actually quite like Chinese history/culture. It's more interesting than Japan's own history/culture, in my personal opinion. |
Jan 10, 6:11 PM
Reply to 09philj
I think artists should make the art they want to make. If they want to make something from a uniquely and specifically Japanese perspective, fine. If they want to make something with a more global view, that's also fine. Depending on what they're making, one or the other might be more suitable, but it's a subjective artistic choice. It's not like anime is a completely magically separate part of world cinema anyway. You are almost certainly missing cultural references to things in anime that are not from Japan or your own country simply because the people who made the anime have consumed some piece of foreign media that you haven't. Something like, say, The Big O is obviously based around giant robots fighting monsters in the middle of the city which is a very super robot and tokusatsu inspired motif which is very Japanese, but it's also dripping with references and homages to noir, superhero media, and western science fiction, some of which are very overt, and the texture of the series would be very different without them. For example, the theme tune is obviously based on the theme tune Queen wrote for the 1980 film version of Flash Gordon. More obscurely, the track "Respect" from the soundtrack is also an homage, to the theme from the classic 1970 British sci-fi series Gerry Anderson's UFO. This is a deep cut that I only happen to know because I came of age at a time when Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons were being repeated on TV, and enjoyed them enough to want to go looking into Gerry Anderson's other works when I was older. I'm sure there are other explicit references in the series that I didn't pick up simply because I haven't seen the thing they're from.
(Respect and the theme from UFO below)
(Respect and the theme from UFO below)
@09philj Damn, never thought I'd hear that theme music again ANYWHERE. Thanks for saving part of my childhood. ( RE: The UFO theme.) |
Jan 11, 1:48 AM
It would be a kind of imperialism unless the Japanese directors and authors on their own will have their culture change, unfortunately due to their economic and geopolitical positioning they are a place to be pushed around more easily than some other nations as well as be at the whims of capitalist class in Japan who run most of the studios projects with only a few exceptions. The notion of global sensibilities as being some higher consciousness always pushing to good is nonsense due to overlooking the power imbalances of global influence and the kind of cultural and cognitive biases that people have. Instead of people expecting anime to be more suited to ones own culture, such people should be pushing for proper animation studios where they are from so they can do their own thing. Work on making animation better everywhere. Why put everything on one nation to do everything for everyone else? |
traedJan 11, 2:11 AM
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣸⠋⠀⠀⠀⡄⠀⠀⡔⠀⢀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⡘⡰⠁⠘⡀⠀⠀⢠⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⣀⠀⠀⡇⠀⡜⠈⠁⠀⢸⡈⢇⠀⠀⢣⠑⠢⢄⣇⠀⠀⠸⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢰⡟⡀⠀⡇⡜⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⡇⠈⢆⢰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠘⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⠀⠀⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠀⣧⠀⢿⢠⣤⣤⣬⣥⠀⠁⠀⠀⠛⢀⡒⠀⠀⠀⠘⡆⡆⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢵⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠀⢠⠃⠱⣼⡀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⠳⠶⠶⠆⡸⢀⡀⣀⢰⠀⠀⢸ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣀⠄⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⢠⠃⢀⠎⠀⠀⣼⠋⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠴⠢⢄⡔⣕⡍⠣⣱⢸⠀⠀⢷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡰⠃⢀⠎⠀⠀⡜⡨⢢⡀⠀⠀⠀⠐⣄⠀⠀⣠⠀⠀⠀⠐⢛⠽⠗⠁⠀⠁⠊⠀⡜⠸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢀⠔⣁⡴⠃⠀⡠⡪⠊⣠⣾⣟⣷⡦⠤⣀⡈⠁⠉⢀⣀⡠⢔⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡤⡗⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⣠⠴⢑⡨⠊⡀⠤⠚⢉⣴⣾⣿⡿⣾⣿⡇⠀⠹⣻⠛⠉⠉⢀⠠⠺⠀⠀⡀⢄⣴⣾⣧⣞⠀⡜⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠐⠒⣉⠠⠄⡂⠅⠊⠁⠀⠀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⢠⣷⣮⡍⡠⠔⢉⡇⡠⠋⠁⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ |
Jan 11, 2:05 AM
whatever the japanese authors wants to cook |
Jan 11, 3:27 AM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
And this relevant why? Where is the OP saying that, stories shouldn't be written by Japanese people? He is talking about "global standards" which mean a wide range of things, which of course people don't define. A Japanese creator still easily can bring their own experiences, while also consciously importing in foreign cultures into their work, or knowingly writing for a global audience.
Who is demanding what to be catered to them? Like this is the problem, you are treating Japanese fans like they are a monolith, and international fans like they are a monolith. You are ascribing censorship to international forces, and freedom of art to Japan, which in many cases is actually more censored than Western media (which country censors porn again?).
In general anime fans need to stop equating otaku culture to Japanese culture, as if they are universally the same thing. I guarantee Shinto priests do not want to be equated to the people that need their HS anime girl boobies. People are going to have a wide range of opinions of what they want to see in media, what should be acceptable to be seen etc. Once again people complaining about "global sensibilities" are just using "Japan" less like a country and people and more like a political/social instrument for whatever frustrations they have, with their own countries.
DigiCat said:
That does not change that anime is japanese and the stories written by japanese people are going to be rooted in their personal experiences with their own culture and values, experiences that don't only change from person to person, but also change if the author has lived abroad, if the author dates/marries a foreigner, if the author themself is a hafu
That does not change that anime is japanese and the stories written by japanese people are going to be rooted in their personal experiences with their own culture and values, experiences that don't only change from person to person, but also change if the author has lived abroad, if the author dates/marries a foreigner, if the author themself is a hafu
And this relevant why? Where is the OP saying that, stories shouldn't be written by Japanese people? He is talking about "global standards" which mean a wide range of things, which of course people don't define. A Japanese creator still easily can bring their own experiences, while also consciously importing in foreign cultures into their work, or knowingly writing for a global audience.
DigiCat said:
The latter on the other hand, is what stifles creativity and evolution and is what leads to things like censorship, inflating the ego of those who narcissisticly demand things be catered to them
The latter on the other hand, is what stifles creativity and evolution and is what leads to things like censorship, inflating the ego of those who narcissisticly demand things be catered to them
Who is demanding what to be catered to them? Like this is the problem, you are treating Japanese fans like they are a monolith, and international fans like they are a monolith. You are ascribing censorship to international forces, and freedom of art to Japan, which in many cases is actually more censored than Western media (which country censors porn again?).
In general anime fans need to stop equating otaku culture to Japanese culture, as if they are universally the same thing. I guarantee Shinto priests do not want to be equated to the people that need their HS anime girl boobies. People are going to have a wide range of opinions of what they want to see in media, what should be acceptable to be seen etc. Once again people complaining about "global sensibilities" are just using "Japan" less like a country and people and more like a political/social instrument for whatever frustrations they have, with their own countries.
BilboBaggins365 said: And this relevant why? Where is the OP saying that, stories shouldn't be written by Japanese people? He is talking about "global standards" which mean a wide range of things, which of course people don't define. A Japanese creator still easily can bring their own experiences, while also consciously importing in foreign cultures into their work, or knowingly writing for a global audience. Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things" RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it Let me flip the script a minute In japan public displays of affection are actually considered very disrespectful, their mentality is basically "do whatever you want, but get a room!" So knowing that, should hollywood movies/series adapt to a global standerd and cut all making-out scenese that happen in public places because it might be offencive to some people in japan or korea where that behaviour is frowned upon? Or let's take the global standerd even further, cuz global means including all countries Did you know there are still countries where being gay is illegal? So should hollywood and anime adapt to inculde their standerds and cut all LGBTQ BL/GL contetn? That is what happens when you create a global standerd trying to please everyone, it is limiting, it is not feasible, it'll lead to the destruction of creativity |
Jan 11, 7:44 AM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
PeripheralVision said:
Perhaps it is too perfunctory and assumption based on one anime, but I would not be too surprised if more Chinese-inspired works and works from Chinese individuals like Wuxia do get more adaptations going forward, depending on how China's own animation evolves in spite of the censorship laws.
Perhaps it is too perfunctory and assumption based on one anime, but I would not be too surprised if more Chinese-inspired works and works from Chinese individuals like Wuxia do get more adaptations going forward, depending on how China's own animation evolves in spite of the censorship laws.
I mean Kingdom has regularly sold in the top ten for years. Dragon Ball and the Journey to the West and in other media the Romance of the Three Kingdoms game (and anime).
PeripheralVision said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the bigger thing is that Chinese animation influences anime creatives in the future.
I wouldn't be surprised if the bigger thing is that Chinese animation influences anime creatives in the future.
Possibly, I mean I wouldn't be entirely against that. I actually quite like Chinese history/culture. It's more interesting than Japan's own history/culture, in my personal opinion.
BilboBaggins365 said: I mean Kingdom has regularly sold in the top ten for years. Dragon Ball and the Journey to the West and in other media the Romance of the Three Kingdoms game (and anime). Oh right, that's a good point. I guess I never thought of it because it seems much of the Chinese animation I see come out recently are seemingly intended for women/young girls. To be fair, I have two older sisters, so it might have biased my experience of what I believe is called Donghua? BilboBaggins365 said: Possibly, I mean I wouldn't be entirely against that. I actually quite like Chinese history/culture. It's more interesting than Japan's own history/culture, in my personal opinion. I think we'll see more work inspired by Chinese animation because there are a growing number of women (And I assume men) who watch anime also watching Chinese animation, in my experience, many of which heavily incorporate Chinese settings, history, and sensibilities. Chinese anime has exploded in quality recently, having their own Black Myth Wukong moments. It has also become easier to access in terms of subtitles and all that. I think this is overall a good thing as all of us have more to consume. I misunderstood that post of yours I was replying to, as it seems you are talking about the fanbase rather than anime itself. Obviously the fans will change. |
Auroraloose's Aurorasimp “Like poking a strange horny animal with a stick” -Fleurbleue the incredibly beautiful and sadistic Québécois |
Jan 11, 9:38 AM
Reply to DigiCat
BilboBaggins365 said:
And this relevant why? Where is the OP saying that, stories shouldn't be written by Japanese people? He is talking about "global standards" which mean a wide range of things, which of course people don't define. A Japanese creator still easily can bring their own experiences, while also consciously importing in foreign cultures into their work, or knowingly writing for a global audience.
And this relevant why? Where is the OP saying that, stories shouldn't be written by Japanese people? He is talking about "global standards" which mean a wide range of things, which of course people don't define. A Japanese creator still easily can bring their own experiences, while also consciously importing in foreign cultures into their work, or knowingly writing for a global audience.
Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things"
RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy
So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it
Let me flip the script a minute
In japan public displays of affection are actually considered very disrespectful, their mentality is basically "do whatever you want, but get a room!"
So knowing that, should hollywood movies/series adapt to a global standerd and cut all making-out scenese that happen in public places because it might be offencive to some people in japan or korea where that behaviour is frowned upon?
Or let's take the global standerd even further, cuz global means including all countries
Did you know there are still countries where being gay is illegal?
So should hollywood and anime adapt to inculde their standerds and cut all LGBTQ BL/GL contetn?
That is what happens when you create a global standerd trying to please everyone, it is limiting, it is not feasible, it'll lead to the destruction of creativity
DigiCat said: RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it Calling that a "standard" is conceding defeat. It's not standard if its proponents are a minority. |
その目だれの目? |
Jan 11, 10:20 AM
I'VE READ THIS THREAD BEFORE, I SAID I'VE READ THIS THREAD BEFORE On a more honest note, an artist should be able to gain inspiration from stuff from anywhere. One of my favorite works of all time is an Agatha Christie inspired mystery visual novel with supernatural elements with a lot of similarities to the Divine Comedy. Even if we are not gonna get that pretentious we have stuff like BNHA that got their inspiration from something from the west and did it really well. It was probably a huge part of why manga is outselling comics in their home soil (the US). The phrase "changes to please western/modern audiences" might be a bit of a jinx a lot of time but there are things that have done exactly that and done well. |
GokaiKingJan 11, 10:28 AM
愛がなければ、見えない。 Without Love, the truth cannot be seen. |
Jan 11, 11:28 AM
Reply to Lucifrost
DigiCat said:
RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy
So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it
RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy
So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it
Calling that a "standard" is conceding defeat. It's not standard if its proponents are a minority.
@Lucifrost Exactly, it is not a standerd to follow, but that is what the loud minority portrays it as |
Jan 11, 12:03 PM
I'm all for collaborative projects, but authenticity is important. |
Jan 11, 1:26 PM
Reply to DigiCat
BilboBaggins365 said:
And this relevant why? Where is the OP saying that, stories shouldn't be written by Japanese people? He is talking about "global standards" which mean a wide range of things, which of course people don't define. A Japanese creator still easily can bring their own experiences, while also consciously importing in foreign cultures into their work, or knowingly writing for a global audience.
And this relevant why? Where is the OP saying that, stories shouldn't be written by Japanese people? He is talking about "global standards" which mean a wide range of things, which of course people don't define. A Japanese creator still easily can bring their own experiences, while also consciously importing in foreign cultures into their work, or knowingly writing for a global audience.
Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things"
RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy
So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it
Let me flip the script a minute
In japan public displays of affection are actually considered very disrespectful, their mentality is basically "do whatever you want, but get a room!"
So knowing that, should hollywood movies/series adapt to a global standerd and cut all making-out scenese that happen in public places because it might be offencive to some people in japan or korea where that behaviour is frowned upon?
Or let's take the global standerd even further, cuz global means including all countries
Did you know there are still countries where being gay is illegal?
So should hollywood and anime adapt to inculde their standerds and cut all LGBTQ BL/GL contetn?
That is what happens when you create a global standerd trying to please everyone, it is limiting, it is not feasible, it'll lead to the destruction of creativity
@DigiCat DigiCat said: Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things" I was being coy, because one of the posters said this about wanting to be against "politics". Any time people bring up this topic, either for or against whatever they deem the "global standard" it's because they have a political bone to pick. Plus the term itself is just still quite stupid, because the USA and Iran do not have the same standard lol. DigiCat said: RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy Eh you have plenty of concerns from countries like China or Christian activist groups, blaming it all on feminists is pretty reductive. Regardless, though where is the line drawn? People say well it's because I don't want to see male characters humiliated or replaced in certain IPs I like. Or that, the concept of a "strong woman", in some Western media, frankly is quite toxic. I mean I would say to all of that fair enough. That said, the reason I largely have started to turn against all these claims about a "global standard" is that there is a large portion of people who just simply don't like diversity at all in the medium, despite the fact racial, sexual and gender diversity have been a thing in this medium for decades. Rose of Versailles in the 70s, was commenting on the male dominated society of Revolutionary France, and what it probably was like to be a Lesbian in those times. In that regard, anime was more progressive than a lot of mass media, even in the West. A lot of people would decry that as woke though. Plus, this idea that all Western fiction is just toxic girl bosses, with 15 different sexual identities is also just straight up foolish, and I think a lot of fans who think that, need to actually play more Western RPGs, read more books, and even film and TV, does have good stuff, and I am not a super active viewer. DigiCat said: So knowing that, should hollywood movies/series adapt to a global standerd and cut all making-out scenese that happen in public places because it might be offencive to some people in japan or korea where that behaviour is frowned upon? Well one, Hollywood does adapt to a "Global Standard", so do Western gaming studios, for countries like China and the ME. Remember Disney getting shit for try to show off how diverse they were for having a lesbian background character in SW, so they could easily cut her out for international releases? Yeah this happens all the time. The goal is money, and if you have to change media, to avoid outrage, to get a wider audience most will do it. Still, I don't really see "self censorship" in the same was as actual censorship, mainly because it's always easy to get access to the real thing, in modern day. DigiCat said: So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it DigiCat said: Did you know there are still countries where being gay is illegal? I mean again let's be honest here. You want me to be blunt I will be blunt. Most people, outside of the Christian activist groups are offended about fanservice for two reasons. One the fact there is a decent amount of sexual fanservice in anime, that is just sexual harassment jokes and the second point, that it's because anime has largely aimed it's work at an older teen audience, and therefore features older teens (or younger). This is the real crux. Sexual content, when you ignore hentai, in anime, is really really tame, however there is a reason some very sexualized Western shows don't get the amount of attention some anime do. Again trying to say this is the same as people being offended at gay people is a pretty pretty big reach. It's not the same morally speaking, unless you actually do think being LGBTQ is some immoral curse. Now I am going to say this, largely I have enjoyed plenty of shows like Food Wars, Dragon Ball, Kill La Kill etc. Do to my views on how these characters are drawn, problematic fiction, I don't' think it's causing some harm. It's like series like Euphoria or Game of Thrones, which has problematic scenes portrayed by adult actors. Still I am not just going to invalidate people who are concerned. The reality is yeah teenagers are often preyed upon, they probably are oversexualized in our culture and Japan's, and when considering the manga industry has had known pedos on famous manga, I get why some people are concerned. I am going TBH, a decent amount of anime fans just seem to revel in being creeps, and while that might just be I am trying to offend you edgy humor, it's not really a good look. Just saying oh yeah these, people are just scared of creativity and true free expression, well no it's a moral concern and again Western media, like the series I named like Game of Thrones and Euphoria have gotten similar critiques, because exploitation of minors is a real problem, and we can debate if this really contributes however, sure as I got older, I have reflected on some of this stuff, and hey I can see it, and as someone who enjoys his hentai, yeah i just tend to consciously move away from that stuff. Plus ultimately, like myself, I just think a lot of anime fans enjoy sexual content in the medium and would be fine if we just made more ecchi that just has a "all characters are above 18". It's just not as common. Like if you want to complain about the "global standard" you are going to find a lot of the world (that doesn't actually allow for child marriage) agrees or is somewhat critical of stuff in Japanese otaku culture, and that includes Japan itself. Just because something is common in a culture doesn't mean it should be accepted, or that people shouldn't push for it to change if there is actual harm that is noticeable. And honestly, I can't say yes or no, however, I do think that yeah teens are pretty oversexualized in our culture. At this point, I do think the medium would be better off cutting that out and you can do that while still being unabashedly sexual. That said, I don't want to ever see shows like hey classic DB not be available, because of a few of it's gags. PeripheralVision said: I misunderstood that post of yours I was replying to, as it seems you are talking about the fanbase rather than anime itself. Obviously the fans will change. No I actually meant both, fans will change, the genres are going to change, art style and animation is going to change. Art won't be stagnant and just like you have some posters, who lament the death of older anime (even as a fan who likes all eras of anime I really do miss the 80s), you are going to have dudes in the 2040s talk about how anime is dead, compared to the 2020s. Some people are not going to like the future, and you just got to accept that. At least there is a ton of media out there for you now. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 11, 1:48 PM
Jan 11, 2:01 PM
OP's asking truly audacious and unbiased questions with this thread. The answers were absolutely not predictable in any way. Suggestions for future threads: "Should anime switch from 2d to claymation?" "Do you think anime girls should wear burqas to please the IS folks?" "Should Japan outsource 100% of its animation jobs to China to decrease production costs?" "Would you rather win a billion dollar, or step on a LEGO?" |
DeathkoJan 11, 2:05 PM
Prophetess of the Golden Era |
Jan 11, 6:48 PM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
I was being coy, because one of the posters said this about wanting to be against "politics". Any time people bring up this topic, either for or against whatever they deem the "global standard" it's because they have a political bone to pick. Plus the term itself is just still quite stupid, because the USA and Iran do not have the same standard lol.
Eh you have plenty of concerns from countries like China or Christian activist groups, blaming it all on feminists is pretty reductive. Regardless, though where is the line drawn? People say well it's because I don't want to see male characters humiliated or replaced in certain IPs I like. Or that, the concept of a "strong woman", in some Western media, frankly is quite toxic. I mean I would say to all of that fair enough.
That said, the reason I largely have started to turn against all these claims about a "global standard" is that there is a large portion of people who just simply don't like diversity at all in the medium, despite the fact racial, sexual and gender diversity have been a thing in this medium for decades. Rose of Versailles in the 70s, was commenting on the male dominated society of Revolutionary France, and what it probably was like to be a Lesbian in those times. In that regard, anime was more progressive than a lot of mass media, even in the West. A lot of people would decry that as woke though.
Plus, this idea that all Western fiction is just toxic girl bosses, with 15 different sexual identities is also just straight up foolish, and I think a lot of fans who think that, need to actually play more Western RPGs, read more books, and even film and TV, does have good stuff, and I am not a super active viewer.
Well one, Hollywood does adapt to a "Global Standard", so do Western gaming studios, for countries like China and the ME. Remember Disney getting shit for try to show off how diverse they were for having a lesbian background character in SW, so they could easily cut her out for international releases? Yeah this happens all the time. The goal is money, and if you have to change media, to avoid outrage, to get a wider audience most will do it.
Still, I don't really see "self censorship" in the same was as actual censorship, mainly because it's always easy to get access to the real thing, in modern day.
I mean again let's be honest here. You want me to be blunt I will be blunt. Most people, outside of the Christian activist groups are offended about fanservice for two reasons. One the fact there is a decent amount of sexual fanservice in anime, that is just sexual harassment jokes and the second point, that it's because anime has largely aimed it's work at an older teen audience, and therefore features older teens (or younger). This is the real crux. Sexual content, when you ignore hentai, in anime, is really really tame, however there is a reason some very sexualized Western shows don't get the amount of attention some anime do.
Again trying to say this is the same as people being offended at gay people is a pretty pretty big reach. It's not the same morally speaking, unless you actually do think being LGBTQ is some immoral curse.
Now I am going to say this, largely I have enjoyed plenty of shows like Food Wars, Dragon Ball, Kill La Kill etc. Do to my views on how these characters are drawn, problematic fiction, I don't' think it's causing some harm. It's like series like Euphoria or Game of Thrones, which has problematic scenes portrayed by adult actors.
Still I am not just going to invalidate people who are concerned. The reality is yeah teenagers are often preyed upon, they probably are oversexualized in our culture and Japan's, and when considering the manga industry has had known pedos on famous manga, I get why some people are concerned. I am going TBH, a decent amount of anime fans just seem to revel in being creeps, and while that might just be I am trying to offend you edgy humor, it's not really a good look.
Just saying oh yeah these, people are just scared of creativity and true free expression, well no it's a moral concern and again Western media, like the series I named like Game of Thrones and Euphoria have gotten similar critiques, because exploitation of minors is a real problem, and we can debate if this really contributes however, sure as I got older, I have reflected on some of this stuff, and hey I can see it, and as someone who enjoys his hentai, yeah i just tend to consciously move away from that stuff.
Plus ultimately, like myself, I just think a lot of anime fans enjoy sexual content in the medium and would be fine if we just made more ecchi that just has a "all characters are above 18". It's just not as common.
Like if you want to complain about the "global standard" you are going to find a lot of the world (that doesn't actually allow for child marriage) agrees or is somewhat critical of stuff in Japanese otaku culture, and that includes Japan itself. Just because something is common in a culture doesn't mean it should be accepted, or that people shouldn't push for it to change if there is actual harm that is noticeable. And honestly, I can't say yes or no, however, I do think that yeah teens are pretty oversexualized in our culture. At this point, I do think the medium would be better off cutting that out and you can do that while still being unabashedly sexual. That said, I don't want to ever see shows like hey classic DB not be available, because of a few of it's gags.
No I actually meant both, fans will change, the genres are going to change, art style and animation is going to change. Art won't be stagnant and just like you have some posters, who lament the death of older anime (even as a fan who likes all eras of anime I really do miss the 80s), you are going to have dudes in the 2040s talk about how anime is dead, compared to the 2020s. Some people are not going to like the future, and you just got to accept that. At least there is a ton of media out there for you now.
DigiCat said:
Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things"
Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things"
I was being coy, because one of the posters said this about wanting to be against "politics". Any time people bring up this topic, either for or against whatever they deem the "global standard" it's because they have a political bone to pick. Plus the term itself is just still quite stupid, because the USA and Iran do not have the same standard lol.
DigiCat said:
RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy
RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy
Eh you have plenty of concerns from countries like China or Christian activist groups, blaming it all on feminists is pretty reductive. Regardless, though where is the line drawn? People say well it's because I don't want to see male characters humiliated or replaced in certain IPs I like. Or that, the concept of a "strong woman", in some Western media, frankly is quite toxic. I mean I would say to all of that fair enough.
That said, the reason I largely have started to turn against all these claims about a "global standard" is that there is a large portion of people who just simply don't like diversity at all in the medium, despite the fact racial, sexual and gender diversity have been a thing in this medium for decades. Rose of Versailles in the 70s, was commenting on the male dominated society of Revolutionary France, and what it probably was like to be a Lesbian in those times. In that regard, anime was more progressive than a lot of mass media, even in the West. A lot of people would decry that as woke though.
Plus, this idea that all Western fiction is just toxic girl bosses, with 15 different sexual identities is also just straight up foolish, and I think a lot of fans who think that, need to actually play more Western RPGs, read more books, and even film and TV, does have good stuff, and I am not a super active viewer.
DigiCat said:
So knowing that, should hollywood movies/series adapt to a global standerd and cut all making-out scenese that happen in public places because it might be offencive to some people in japan or korea where that behaviour is frowned upon?
So knowing that, should hollywood movies/series adapt to a global standerd and cut all making-out scenese that happen in public places because it might be offencive to some people in japan or korea where that behaviour is frowned upon?
Well one, Hollywood does adapt to a "Global Standard", so do Western gaming studios, for countries like China and the ME. Remember Disney getting shit for try to show off how diverse they were for having a lesbian background character in SW, so they could easily cut her out for international releases? Yeah this happens all the time. The goal is money, and if you have to change media, to avoid outrage, to get a wider audience most will do it.
Still, I don't really see "self censorship" in the same was as actual censorship, mainly because it's always easy to get access to the real thing, in modern day.
DigiCat said:
So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it
So by saying "anime should adapt to a global standerd" you're basically saying anime should cut all fanservice cuz some loud westeners are offended by it
DigiCat said:
Did you know there are still countries where being gay is illegal?
Did you know there are still countries where being gay is illegal?
I mean again let's be honest here. You want me to be blunt I will be blunt. Most people, outside of the Christian activist groups are offended about fanservice for two reasons. One the fact there is a decent amount of sexual fanservice in anime, that is just sexual harassment jokes and the second point, that it's because anime has largely aimed it's work at an older teen audience, and therefore features older teens (or younger). This is the real crux. Sexual content, when you ignore hentai, in anime, is really really tame, however there is a reason some very sexualized Western shows don't get the amount of attention some anime do.
Again trying to say this is the same as people being offended at gay people is a pretty pretty big reach. It's not the same morally speaking, unless you actually do think being LGBTQ is some immoral curse.
Now I am going to say this, largely I have enjoyed plenty of shows like Food Wars, Dragon Ball, Kill La Kill etc. Do to my views on how these characters are drawn, problematic fiction, I don't' think it's causing some harm. It's like series like Euphoria or Game of Thrones, which has problematic scenes portrayed by adult actors.
Still I am not just going to invalidate people who are concerned. The reality is yeah teenagers are often preyed upon, they probably are oversexualized in our culture and Japan's, and when considering the manga industry has had known pedos on famous manga, I get why some people are concerned. I am going TBH, a decent amount of anime fans just seem to revel in being creeps, and while that might just be I am trying to offend you edgy humor, it's not really a good look.
Just saying oh yeah these, people are just scared of creativity and true free expression, well no it's a moral concern and again Western media, like the series I named like Game of Thrones and Euphoria have gotten similar critiques, because exploitation of minors is a real problem, and we can debate if this really contributes however, sure as I got older, I have reflected on some of this stuff, and hey I can see it, and as someone who enjoys his hentai, yeah i just tend to consciously move away from that stuff.
Plus ultimately, like myself, I just think a lot of anime fans enjoy sexual content in the medium and would be fine if we just made more ecchi that just has a "all characters are above 18". It's just not as common.
Like if you want to complain about the "global standard" you are going to find a lot of the world (that doesn't actually allow for child marriage) agrees or is somewhat critical of stuff in Japanese otaku culture, and that includes Japan itself. Just because something is common in a culture doesn't mean it should be accepted, or that people shouldn't push for it to change if there is actual harm that is noticeable. And honestly, I can't say yes or no, however, I do think that yeah teens are pretty oversexualized in our culture. At this point, I do think the medium would be better off cutting that out and you can do that while still being unabashedly sexual. That said, I don't want to ever see shows like hey classic DB not be available, because of a few of it's gags.
PeripheralVision said:
I misunderstood that post of yours I was replying to, as it seems you are talking about the fanbase rather than anime itself. Obviously the fans will change.
I misunderstood that post of yours I was replying to, as it seems you are talking about the fanbase rather than anime itself. Obviously the fans will change.
No I actually meant both, fans will change, the genres are going to change, art style and animation is going to change. Art won't be stagnant and just like you have some posters, who lament the death of older anime (even as a fan who likes all eras of anime I really do miss the 80s), you are going to have dudes in the 2040s talk about how anime is dead, compared to the 2020s. Some people are not going to like the future, and you just got to accept that. At least there is a ton of media out there for you now.
BilboBaggins365 said: Any time people bring up this topic, either for or against whatever they deem the "global standard" it's because they have a political bone to pick For someone who seems to be claiming they have no interest in politics you sure seem quite obsessed with what other's political beliefs may be BilboBaggins365 said: That said, the reason I largely have started to turn against all these claims about a "global standard" is that there is a large portion of people who just simply don't like diversity at all in the medium Most people actually neither like nor dislike diversity, they simply don't care, so long as the characters are well written and the story developes naturally It's hard to have that if a studio is demanding you have x amount women, x amount people of color, x amount gays BilboBaggins365 said: Plus, this idea that all Western fiction is just toxic girl bosses, with 15 different sexual identities is also just straight up foolish, and I think a lot of fans who think that, need to actually play more Western RPGs, read more books, and even film and TV, does have good stuff, and I am not a super active viewer I 100% agree with this BilboBaggins365 said: Well one, Hollywood does adapt to a "Global Standard", so do Western gaming studios, for countries like China and the ME. Remember Disney getting shit for try to show off how diverse they were for having a lesbian background character in SW, so they could easily cut her out for international releases? Yeah this happens all the time. The goal is money, and if you have to change media, to avoid outrage, to get a wider audience most will do it Yes, and do you remember how much money Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker actually made? Oh yeah, HALF the amount Force Awakens did Hmmm i wonder why... it doesn't by any chance have to do (at least in part) with how Disney shamelessly "adapted to the global standerd" and contributed to creating outrage which pissed the fans off and made them not want to pay money to watch the movie? That does not seem like a very good business model if you ask me BilboBaggins365 said: One the fact there is a decent amount of sexual fanservice in anime Yes, and do you know which types of anime specifically tend to feature a good amount of this and who the target audience of these types of anime are? Shounen: Teen boys Seinen & GL: Men Josei & BL: Women And the simple reason for this is SEX SELLS If it didn't, the shows that did feture this content wouldn't be making money and (smart) studios would find a different aproach to make stuff that does sell The exeptions to this "rule" being Shoujo, because romanticized fairytale scenarios sell better among the target audience of teen girls And of course Kodomo, target audience kids, for obvious reasons, stands at 0% sexual fanservice That said, if the type of fanservice isn't your cup of tea, no one is forcing you to watch it, there is still a great amount of fantastic fanservice free anime to choose from, but don't pretent the majority of the audience has a problem with fanservice whet their wallets say otherwise BilboBaggins365 said: that is just sexual harassment jokes If you're claiming this is also a decent amount, that is untrue, yes there are anime that feature such jokes, some in extreamly poor taste, but most fanservice is boob jokes and panty shots BilboBaggins365 said: and the second point, that it's because anime has largely aimed it's work at an older teen audience, and therefore features older teens Oh wow! The main target audience for fanservice is horny teen boys! Who would've thought that? BilboBaggins365 said: (or younger) You realize that the anime that feature younger characters being sexualized are a minority in the medium and are not extreamly popular among neither international nor local audiences (Now we can debate the morality of the creators and those who are the target audience for such shows) But regardless of that, there is a reason something like Super Lovers is never going to have the budget of My Hero Academia, because for very obvious reasons it will never make as much money! BilboBaggins365 said: Again trying to say this is the same as people being offended at gay people is a pretty pretty big reach. It's not the same morally speaking, unless you actually do think being LGBTQ is some immoral curse Well since you made the comparison You think morally speaking LGBTQ is not on the same level as sexual fanservice You don't think LGBTQ is immoral So by that logic, do you by any chance think any type of sexual fanservice is immoral? Do you think feeling sexual attraction and horniness is immoral? And just to make things extra clear, i said "feel" not "act on impulse like a wild animal" (you can see this as more of a rethorical questioin since you gave your thoughts on the matter later in your reply) BilboBaggins365 said: TBH, a decent amount of anime fans just seem to revel in being creeps Again, untrue A loud minority on an internet forum (*cough cough the loli and/or incest crowd) does not speak for the whole fandom |
Jan 11, 8:09 PM
@DigiCat For someone who seems to be claiming they have no interest in politics you sure seem quite obsessed with what other's political beliefs may be Did I claim that? I mean if I had I probably would immediately refute that if you could give me the quote where I said or implied this. I do have an interest in politics, my issue is when people deflect from claiming they are very non political, and only acting on the basis of "I like good media" or "I hate censorship" when in fact they are operating on a political basis. Most people actually neither like nor dislike diversity, they simply don't care, so long as the characters are well written and the story developes naturally It's hard to have that if a studio is demanding you have x amount women, x amount people of color, x amount gays This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue. Hmmm i wonder why... it doesn't by any chance have to do (at least in part) with how Disney shamelessly "adapted to the global standerd" and contributed to creating outrage which pissed the fans off and made them not want to pay money to watch the movie? That does not seem like a very good business model if you ask me ... Not really. It's because they made tons of changes to SW lore, and characterization that turned off lots of fans like me, who did go to TLJ just not Rise. Like if the point is that left wing politics, within Western spaces have led to bad writing decisions and forced narratives, I wouldn't disagree. My issue is one cultural critiques treating this as innate in Western media spaces (it's not), that left wing narratives at all are bad or destructive (they also are not) and that the right doesn't also have very forced narratives (because they do). SW itself is actually very left wing, in sometimes very insufferable ways (see EPVI). The problem with the culture war, and the "global standard" focused people is they can't just accept maybe this IP sucks cause they have bad writers, it must be because of the politics. SW just has bad writing and guess what lots of anime do too. And the simple reason for this is SEX SELLS Did I deny that? I am confused by your statement? Plus ecchi honestly isn't as good as investment as it used to be. You can get away with it in other works, however sex actually isn't really selling as well as it used to, outside of some exceptions. Granted the stuff we are getting is pretty explicit. The exeptions to this "rule" being Shoujo, because romanticized fairytale scenarios sell better among the target audience of teen girls Shojo absolutely has fanservice in it. If you're claiming this is also a decent amount, that is untrue, yes there are anime that feature such jokes, some in extreamly poor taste, but most fanservice is boob jokes and panty shots Dude I have watched my share of old school/mainstream battle shonen. Shows like Touch, City Hunter, Dragon Ball, YuYu Hakusho, Naruto, My Hero Academia all these series have characters who are allied with the good guys commit straight up sexual assault at some point. Modern shows this is less the case, it still can be there. Again I didn't say the majority I said a decent amount for people to notice. Yeah I was intentionally vague. The majority may not be that, and I didn't actually claim that. Oh wow! The main target audience for fanservice is horny teen boys! Who would've thought that? ..Yeah I mean I didn't deny that? Like what is the point of this response? Secondly I mean Jump's audience is actually like half adults. It's not as teen focused as you may think. I wouldn't be shocked if that is true of a lot of shonen magazines. So by that logic, do you by any chance think any type of sexual fanservice is immoral? Do you think feeling sexual attraction and horniness is immoral? And just to make things extra clear, i said "feel" not "act on impulse like a wild animal" Maybe? Fact is after all of these stupid debates, there isn't anything that shows anything indictive yet. I still think that yeah teens are being preyed upon by our society. Whether that is just natural human depravity or there is some cultural aspect, I cannot say. If there is a cultural aspect we do have a responsibility at that point to ensure they aren't being victimized. Edit: You would have to clarify what you mean by "any". No I don't think sexual attraction, sexual art or sexual desire is immoral generally. Though there are yeah kinds of sexual desire and attraction that are absolutely immoral. I don't see what kind of answer you are expecting here lol. I think my answer would be the same as most people. A loud minority on an internet forum (*cough cough the loli and/or incest crowd) does not speak for the whole fandom Decent doesn't mean majority, it just means enough to be noticeable, which it is. Also I don't really think incest is the biggest thing lol. We got tons of that in Western media too. Again you will have people who get upset over it, however, I really think most of the heat on anime fanservice would die down if most of the characters were just said to be canonically 18 and taking place in non HS settings, even if they have some pretty out there fetishes. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 11, 11:27 PM
Jan 11, 11:23 PM
'global sensibilities' are a spook. They're not tangible, they're moralistic bunk. You can just ignore it and your work will have far more merit by doing so. The only sensibility that should matter is that of the artist and writer. For art is a reflection of the soul, not the reflection of what somebody in California believes is gross or isn't inclusive enough, nor what someone in a suit thinks will be better for viewership. |
Jan 12, 1:31 AM
BilboBaggins365 said: Still, even if the argument was right, and that we are going towards a global homogenized society..... what do people want to do lol? It's happening because of the internet, economic interdependence, advances in transportation etc. This has been an ongoing force since frankly 5 centuries ago, and we are just continually moving forward. You can't halt it and again anime cannot exist without it. I think most people who get upset about this are just scared of the future, so they go after what they think is a modern concept in rapid globalization, while they misunderstand that what is going on in the world, is a force that existed long before they were born. End capitalism or at least heavily restrict it from brainwashing people intentional or not, and stop global superpowers from using threats of violence to manipulate others. BilboBaggins365 said: This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue. Because they are tourists. If they were there from the beginning they would have known what is the norm in anime and manga already. Many dont even watch anime they get it from memes. BilboBaggins365 said: Maybe? Fact is after all of these stupid debates, there isn't anything that shows anything indictive yet. I still think that yeah teens are being preyed upon by our society. Whether that is just natural human depravity or there is some cultural aspect, I cannot say. If there is a cultural aspect we do have a responsibility at that point to ensure they aren't being victimized. Edit: You would have to clarify what you mean by "any". No I don't think sexual attraction, sexual art or sexual desire is immoral generally. Though there are yeah kinds of sexual desire and attraction that are absolutely immoral. I don't see what kind of answer you are expecting here lol. I think my answer would be the same as most people. Anyone at any age can be taken advantage of in some shape or form by anyone of any age but also the line is far too arbitrary on what is and is not taking advantage, you literally can argue any and all relationships no matter how good they are all are taking advantage and taken advantage of within them. The claim you make of one thing influencing another while giving such a easily open to interpretation of what thing is just is so unscientifically unfalsifiable. Different people all have their own strengths and weaknesses, everyone has a vulnerable side. Though what you have implied is falsifiable and long proven false, that media consumption does not lead to any net negative effect on any criminality or bad character inherently. Actions are more what matters not thoughts and feelings. There isn't anything immoral in any desire because such things are not something anyone can control as it just happens from their brain wiring not a choice they made, if desire is immoral of any kind and if lack of choice does not even matter in determining morality then someone can all the same argue homosexuals and transgenders and people with autism or schizophrenia are immoral for the same reasons of it being arbitrarily considered "unnatural", "gross" or "immoral" (circular reasoning). |
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Jan 12, 1:40 AM
Anime must be stay true to its cultural roots. We, as you want to call yourself -weeb, Anime fan or otaku- must protect Anime purity from Western sensiblities, they are trying to change Anime, they are already did with Western Animation, with Western Games, with Western Films, but we are aware of what they are tying to do now. We must gatekeep tourists, we must protect Anime. |
NurguburuJan 12, 1:52 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Jan 12, 3:30 AM
Anime is already woke, so many ''literally 100% a woman but it's actually a man'' characters and shota shit. Many of the shows sucked off here contain woke ideas or elements. |
Caveman draw anime girl on cave, Caveman happy. Cityman angry at cave drawing, Caveman throw club at Cityman. epic candy : |
Jan 12, 4:09 AM
Reply to Nurguburu
Anime must be stay true to its cultural roots.
We, as you want to call yourself -weeb, Anime fan or otaku- must protect Anime purity from Western sensiblities, they are trying to change Anime, they are already did with Western Animation, with Western Games, with Western Films, but we are aware of what they are tying to do now.
We must gatekeep tourists, we must protect Anime.
We, as you want to call yourself -weeb, Anime fan or otaku- must protect Anime purity from Western sensiblities, they are trying to change Anime, they are already did with Western Animation, with Western Games, with Western Films, but we are aware of what they are tying to do now.
We must gatekeep tourists, we must protect Anime.
@Nurguburu >Says this >Has Neon Genesis Evangelion in his favourites list It's all too predictable. |
"I am the Nemesis, I am the Warlock, I am the shape of things to come, the Lord of the Flies, holder of the Sword Sinister, the Death Bringer, I am the one who waits on the edge of your dreams, I am all these things and many more." |
Jan 12, 4:21 AM
Reply to 09philj
I have been playing PokiesReal for several months now and can share my experience. Firstly, it is important to understand that real money games always have an element of chance. No slot gives guaranteed winnings, and everything depends on luck, but there are several points that can increase the chances of success. |
thiefcrazy98Jan 21, 1:05 PM
Jan 12, 4:28 AM
Reply to thiefcrazy98
I have been playing PokiesReal for several months now and can share my experience. Firstly, it is important to understand that real money games always have an element of chance. No slot gives guaranteed winnings, and everything depends on luck, but there are several points that can increase the chances of success.
@thiefcrazy98 Anime is conservative or at very least conservative elements are very prominent in Anime. @09philj What do you mean? Evangelion -like all Anime- ain't woke. |
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Jan 12, 4:33 AM
Reply to thiefcrazy98
I have been playing PokiesReal for several months now and can share my experience. Firstly, it is important to understand that real money games always have an element of chance. No slot gives guaranteed winnings, and everything depends on luck, but there are several points that can increase the chances of success.
@thiefcrazy98 It's also just couched in insane levels of denialism about how western cinema and Japanese cinema have influenced each other pretty much from the start, which actually obfuscates which parts are distinctly Japanese and which aren't. It's not like I want an active conscious effort to westernise anime but references, homages, and influences from western cinema and culture generally are constant and often fairly overt. This befits Japan's somewhat unusual status as a country that was very isolated for a long time but then rapidly modernised through both willing and unwilling imitation of the western imperial powers it had contact with. |
"I am the Nemesis, I am the Warlock, I am the shape of things to come, the Lord of the Flies, holder of the Sword Sinister, the Death Bringer, I am the one who waits on the edge of your dreams, I am all these things and many more." |
Jan 12, 10:01 AM
I've heard of some companies who want to stop any licensing of lewd anime to encourage self-censoring, but I really hope that doesn't happen. Even if the west is a big market, I don't think anime should cater to it. What they're doing for the domestic market is usually what foreigners also prefer. In terms of localizations (like your example of changing rice balls into donuts) that's also something anime could do without. If the dub and sub are that different then I think the majority of viewers would either watch the sub even if they prefer dubs or just avoid anime that they know the dub changed too much if they can't do subs. Even if a licensing team thinks they're being helpful by trying to make things more familiar, they're really alienating anyone who chooses to watch their version because it's no longer the authentic product. English dubs can be made well in a way that gives viewers as close to the original experience while still making it easier to watch and if you're going to go through the effort of dubbing a show you should take care to make it a proper translation. |
Jan 12, 10:33 AM
Reply to traed
BilboBaggins365 said:
Still, even if the argument was right, and that we are going towards a global homogenized society..... what do people want to do lol? It's happening because of the internet, economic interdependence, advances in transportation etc. This has been an ongoing force since frankly 5 centuries ago, and we are just continually moving forward. You can't halt it and again anime cannot exist without it. I think most people who get upset about this are just scared of the future, so they go after what they think is a modern concept in rapid globalization, while they misunderstand that what is going on in the world, is a force that existed long before they were born.
Still, even if the argument was right, and that we are going towards a global homogenized society..... what do people want to do lol? It's happening because of the internet, economic interdependence, advances in transportation etc. This has been an ongoing force since frankly 5 centuries ago, and we are just continually moving forward. You can't halt it and again anime cannot exist without it. I think most people who get upset about this are just scared of the future, so they go after what they think is a modern concept in rapid globalization, while they misunderstand that what is going on in the world, is a force that existed long before they were born.
End capitalism or at least heavily restrict it from brainwashing people intentional or not, and stop global superpowers from using threats of violence to manipulate others.
BilboBaggins365 said:
This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue.
This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue.
Because they are tourists. If they were there from the beginning they would have known what is the norm in anime and manga already. Many dont even watch anime they get it from memes.
BilboBaggins365 said:
Maybe? Fact is after all of these stupid debates, there isn't anything that shows anything indictive yet. I still think that yeah teens are being preyed upon by our society. Whether that is just natural human depravity or there is some cultural aspect, I cannot say. If there is a cultural aspect we do have a responsibility at that point to ensure they aren't being victimized.
Edit: You would have to clarify what you mean by "any". No I don't think sexual attraction, sexual art or sexual desire is immoral generally. Though there are yeah kinds of sexual desire and attraction that are absolutely immoral. I don't see what kind of answer you are expecting here lol. I think my answer would be the same as most people.
Maybe? Fact is after all of these stupid debates, there isn't anything that shows anything indictive yet. I still think that yeah teens are being preyed upon by our society. Whether that is just natural human depravity or there is some cultural aspect, I cannot say. If there is a cultural aspect we do have a responsibility at that point to ensure they aren't being victimized.
Edit: You would have to clarify what you mean by "any". No I don't think sexual attraction, sexual art or sexual desire is immoral generally. Though there are yeah kinds of sexual desire and attraction that are absolutely immoral. I don't see what kind of answer you are expecting here lol. I think my answer would be the same as most people.
Anyone at any age can be taken advantage of in some shape or form by anyone of any age but also the line is far too arbitrary on what is and is not taking advantage, you literally can argue any and all relationships no matter how good they are all are taking advantage and taken advantage of within them. The claim you make of one thing influencing another while giving such a easily open to interpretation of what thing is just is so unscientifically unfalsifiable. Different people all have their own strengths and weaknesses, everyone has a vulnerable side. Though what you have implied is falsifiable and long proven false, that media consumption does not lead to any net negative effect on any criminality or bad character inherently. Actions are more what matters not thoughts and feelings. There isn't anything immoral in any desire because such things are not something anyone can control as it just happens from their brain wiring not a choice they made, if desire is immoral of any kind and if lack of choice does not even matter in determining morality then someone can all the same argue homosexuals and transgenders and people with autism or schizophrenia are immoral for the same reasons of it being arbitrarily considered "unnatural", "gross" or "immoral" (circular reasoning).
@traed End capitalism or at least heavily restrict it from brainwashing people intentional or not, and stop global superpowers from using threats of violence to manipulate others. This has nothing to do with capitalism. What are you talking about? When we consider how globalism impacts culture and art, that process can be traced back to the bronze age. Kouros statues, and their Egyptian influence, Hellenism's influence in India and then later how Buddhist art impacted Asia. These developments were all very connected, and artistically sculpting talents from three continents influenced a lot of the art we find in all of them. Global homogeneity, in the modern sense is a product of technology, not some economic system. It's occurring due to the fact I can talk to people all over the world, due to the fact I can access their culture and ideas. The fact I can go to Asia in like a 12 hour flight, instead of sailing on a boat for over a year, at least changed everything. In order to halt this process, one that created anime (anime with globalism would look like Japanese wood block prints), you would have to rip up the internet, our telecommunication, and halt our interconnected transportation. So basically live like a Luddite and destroy what makes modern society function. Again the anime fans that complain about "Global homogeneity" or globalism impacting their precious anime are part of the problem, if they aren't Japanese. Because they are tourists. If they were there from the beginning they would have known what is the norm in anime and manga already. Many dont even watch anime they get it from memes. If I have to hear the word tourist in nerdy media spaces again I might have a migraine. Call it whatever you want, no they are fans. Like you can take someone who has watched like 1000 different entries on MAL, and they are definitely going to have preferences. There are things fans want to see more of and less of in the industry. The difference is of course these fans, are voicing that preference by being hateful, rather than simply not watching and not supporting. I mean I don't expect straight men to care/support a BL show. There are no "tourists" there is just consumers, and whoever is loud enough, spends enough will impact the industry. Anyone at any age can be taken advantage of in some shape or form by anyone of any age but also the line is far too arbitrary on what is and is not taking advantage WTF does this mean? Yeah people can have unequal relationships, the difference is teens will always be in an unequal relationship and unlike adults have no ability to have agency. Why do I have to state this? The claim you make of one thing influencing another while giving such a easily open to interpretation of what thing is just is so unscientifically unfalsifiable. No where in this conversation have I made a "claim" I made a "hypothetical". Though what you have implied is falsifiable and long proven false, that media consumption does not lead to any net negative effect on any criminality or bad character inherently There are mixed studies, sure studies on violent games didn't show any long term impacts however, there have been studies that have shown violent pornography may impact sexual violence. It's more murky and not as straight forward as either side would admit. I don't have enough knowledge to make a claim and nor am I currently doing that. Actions are more what matters not thoughts and feelings. Sure actions are what matters, and I never said anime/manga fanservice is contributing to actual harm. That said, to say thoughts and feelings don't matter? They do. Like regardless of what anime fans what to say in their little hug box, most parents are going to find a lot of this stuff objectionable, a lot of society is. Downplay their concerns however, when we consider how teens are often preyed upon, just telling them to hand wave media that has sexualized the concept is insensitive at best. There isn't anything immoral in any desire Cannibalism is a desire, pedophilia is a desire. You can say that it's not immoral because some of these people can't help it. Sure they can't help it however, the desire itself is immoral. Those that do have fucked up thoughts and feelings are mentally ill, and they need to control their urges, not embrace them. if desire is immoral of any kind and if lack of choice does not even matter in determining morality then someone can all the same argue homosexuals and transgenders and people with autism or schizophrenia are immoral No you couldn't because the reason homosexuality has long been persecuted has to do with religious and cultural traditions and the belief the next generation needs to reproduce. Beyond that, there is no societal harm that comes from engaging in same sex activities, that is not true of some of desires I stated above, where there is harm created on society, by those people potentially embracing their desires. You wouldn't get away with watching that in front of traditional conservatives lol. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 12, 10:38 AM
Jan 12, 10:40 AM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
Did I claim that? I mean if I had I probably would immediately refute that if you could give me the quote where I said or implied this. I do have an interest in politics, my issue is when people deflect from claiming they are very non political, and only acting on the basis of "I like good media" or "I hate censorship" when in fact they are operating on a political basis.
This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue.
... Not really. It's because they made tons of changes to SW lore, and characterization that turned off lots of fans like me, who did go to TLJ just not Rise. Like if the point is that left wing politics, within Western spaces have led to bad writing decisions and forced narratives, I wouldn't disagree.
My issue is one cultural critiques treating this as innate in Western media spaces (it's not), that left wing narratives at all are bad or destructive (they also are not) and that the right doesn't also have very forced narratives (because they do). SW itself is actually very left wing, in sometimes very insufferable ways (see EPVI). The problem with the culture war, and the "global standard" focused people is they can't just accept maybe this IP sucks cause they have bad writers, it must be because of the politics. SW just has bad writing and guess what lots of anime do too.
Did I deny that? I am confused by your statement? Plus ecchi honestly isn't as good as investment as it used to be. You can get away with it in other works, however sex actually isn't really selling as well as it used to, outside of some exceptions. Granted the stuff we are getting is pretty explicit.
Shojo absolutely has fanservice in it.
Dude I have watched my share of old school/mainstream battle shonen. Shows like Touch, City Hunter, Dragon Ball, YuYu Hakusho, Naruto, My Hero Academia all these series have characters who are allied with the good guys commit straight up sexual assault at some point. Modern shows this is less the case, it still can be there. Again I didn't say the majority I said a decent amount for people to notice. Yeah I was intentionally vague. The majority may not be that, and I didn't actually claim that.
..Yeah I mean I didn't deny that? Like what is the point of this response? Secondly I mean Jump's audience is actually like half adults. It's not as teen focused as you may think. I wouldn't be shocked if that is true of a lot of shonen magazines.
Maybe? Fact is after all of these stupid debates, there isn't anything that shows anything indictive yet. I still think that yeah teens are being preyed upon by our society. Whether that is just natural human depravity or there is some cultural aspect, I cannot say. If there is a cultural aspect we do have a responsibility at that point to ensure they aren't being victimized.
Edit: You would have to clarify what you mean by "any". No I don't think sexual attraction, sexual art or sexual desire is immoral generally. Though there are yeah kinds of sexual desire and attraction that are absolutely immoral. I don't see what kind of answer you are expecting here lol. I think my answer would be the same as most people.
Decent doesn't mean majority, it just means enough to be noticeable, which it is. Also I don't really think incest is the biggest thing lol. We got tons of that in Western media too. Again you will have people who get upset over it, however, I really think most of the heat on anime fanservice would die down if most of the characters were just said to be canonically 18 and taking place in non HS settings, even if they have some pretty out there fetishes.
For someone who seems to be claiming they have no interest in politics you sure seem quite obsessed with what other's political beliefs may be
Did I claim that? I mean if I had I probably would immediately refute that if you could give me the quote where I said or implied this. I do have an interest in politics, my issue is when people deflect from claiming they are very non political, and only acting on the basis of "I like good media" or "I hate censorship" when in fact they are operating on a political basis.
Most people actually neither like nor dislike diversity, they simply don't care, so long as the characters are well written and the story developes naturally
It's hard to have that if a studio is demanding you have x amount women, x amount people of color, x amount gays
This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue.
Hmmm i wonder why... it doesn't by any chance have to do (at least in part) with how Disney shamelessly "adapted to the global standerd" and contributed to creating outrage which pissed the fans off and made them not want to pay money to watch the movie? That does not seem like a very good business model if you ask me
... Not really. It's because they made tons of changes to SW lore, and characterization that turned off lots of fans like me, who did go to TLJ just not Rise. Like if the point is that left wing politics, within Western spaces have led to bad writing decisions and forced narratives, I wouldn't disagree.
My issue is one cultural critiques treating this as innate in Western media spaces (it's not), that left wing narratives at all are bad or destructive (they also are not) and that the right doesn't also have very forced narratives (because they do). SW itself is actually very left wing, in sometimes very insufferable ways (see EPVI). The problem with the culture war, and the "global standard" focused people is they can't just accept maybe this IP sucks cause they have bad writers, it must be because of the politics. SW just has bad writing and guess what lots of anime do too.
And the simple reason for this is SEX SELLS
Did I deny that? I am confused by your statement? Plus ecchi honestly isn't as good as investment as it used to be. You can get away with it in other works, however sex actually isn't really selling as well as it used to, outside of some exceptions. Granted the stuff we are getting is pretty explicit.
The exeptions to this "rule" being Shoujo, because romanticized fairytale scenarios sell better among the target audience of teen girls
Shojo absolutely has fanservice in it.
If you're claiming this is also a decent amount, that is untrue, yes there are anime that feature such jokes, some in extreamly poor taste, but most fanservice is boob jokes and panty shots
Dude I have watched my share of old school/mainstream battle shonen. Shows like Touch, City Hunter, Dragon Ball, YuYu Hakusho, Naruto, My Hero Academia all these series have characters who are allied with the good guys commit straight up sexual assault at some point. Modern shows this is less the case, it still can be there. Again I didn't say the majority I said a decent amount for people to notice. Yeah I was intentionally vague. The majority may not be that, and I didn't actually claim that.
Oh wow! The main target audience for fanservice is horny teen boys! Who would've thought that?
..Yeah I mean I didn't deny that? Like what is the point of this response? Secondly I mean Jump's audience is actually like half adults. It's not as teen focused as you may think. I wouldn't be shocked if that is true of a lot of shonen magazines.
So by that logic, do you by any chance think any type of sexual fanservice is immoral? Do you think feeling sexual attraction and horniness is immoral? And just to make things extra clear, i said "feel" not "act on impulse like a wild animal"
Maybe? Fact is after all of these stupid debates, there isn't anything that shows anything indictive yet. I still think that yeah teens are being preyed upon by our society. Whether that is just natural human depravity or there is some cultural aspect, I cannot say. If there is a cultural aspect we do have a responsibility at that point to ensure they aren't being victimized.
Edit: You would have to clarify what you mean by "any". No I don't think sexual attraction, sexual art or sexual desire is immoral generally. Though there are yeah kinds of sexual desire and attraction that are absolutely immoral. I don't see what kind of answer you are expecting here lol. I think my answer would be the same as most people.
A loud minority on an internet forum (*cough cough the loli and/or incest crowd) does not speak for the whole fandom
Decent doesn't mean majority, it just means enough to be noticeable, which it is. Also I don't really think incest is the biggest thing lol. We got tons of that in Western media too. Again you will have people who get upset over it, however, I really think most of the heat on anime fanservice would die down if most of the characters were just said to be canonically 18 and taking place in non HS settings, even if they have some pretty out there fetishes.
BilboBaggins365 said: Did I claim that? I mean if I had I probably would immediately refute that if you could give me the quote where I said or implied this. I do have an interest in politics, my issue is when people deflect from claiming they are very non political, and only acting on the basis of "I like good media" or "I hate censorship" when in fact they are operating on a political basis Here is your quote of you yet again mentioning politics You keep saying you have no interest in politics, yet you are one of the only ones in this thread who keeps mentioning politics repeatedly "people who are against this are all poiltical" "people who think this are political because that" It might be time to realize that not everyone's opinion that differs from yours is rooted in politics BilboBaggins365 said: This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue You claim mine is a wild assumption, yet your own assumption is based on a few trolls in a comment section, isn't that considered wild? Homophobic, racist, sexist a-holes will always exist, they are also nothing but a loud minority and are generally not motivated by politics, but by a rotten superiority complex with things like politics or religion being used as an excuse for their crappy behaviour BilboBaggins365 said: ... Not really. It's because they made tons of changes to SW lore, and characterization that turned off lots of fans like me, who did go to TLJ just not Rise. Like if the point is that left wing politics, within Western spaces have led to bad writing decisions and forced narratives, I wouldn't disagree I in fact said "in part" BilboBaggins365 said: Did I deny that? I am confused by your statement? Plus ecchi honestly isn't as good as investment as it used to be. You can get away with it in other works, however sex actually isn't really selling as well as it used to, outside of some exceptions. Granted the stuff we are getting is pretty explicit You are talking about ecchi, which has sex as it's main selling point Sex sells doesn't mean it can hold up a series/movie on it's own, those series do have an audience, but what really sells is fanservice used as an add on, not as the sole selling point People like hot characters, people like sexy outfits, people like fansrvicy camera angles But people also like good stories, people like character depth, people like being able to connect to those characters Fanservice is not necessary for good storytelling, but it is considered a bonus, it generally does not damage a story BilboBaggins365 said: Shojo absolutely has fanservice in it Shoujo has it's own type of fanservice, but it is generally not as sexually overt, more romanticized, and focuses on letting the audience use their imagination, it is made in a way to resonate with it's target audience of teen girls, reason why it looks very different from shounen, seinen, or even josei BilboBaggins365 said: Dude I have watched my share of old school/mainstream battle shonen. Shows like Touch, City Hunter, Dragon Ball, YuYu Hakusho, Naruto, My Hero Academia all these series have characters who are allied with the good guys commit straight up sexual assault at some point. Modern shows this is less the case, it still can be there. Again I didn't say the majority I said a decent amount for people to notice. Yeah I was intentionally vague. The majority may not be that, and I didn't actually claim that Ok, Dragon Ball has Master Roshi, City Hunter has Ryo Saeba, Naruto has Jiraiya haning out in brothels (that's not exactly SA). but where in Yu Yu Hakusho and My Hero Academia do characters commit straight up sexual assult? Where in - Blue Exorcist - Cat's Eye - Dr. Stone - Fullmetal Alchemist - Demon Slayer - Attack On Titan - Soul Eater - Tokyo Revengers - Full Metal Panic - Black Clover - Code Geass Do characters commit straight up sexual assault? Like you said, you were intentionally vague on how much a "decent amount" is, it's not the majority you say, but it still sounds like you mean it's a lot, so how much is it actually? BilboBaggins365 said: ..Yeah I mean I didn't deny that? Like what is the point of this response? Secondly I mean Jump's audience is actually like half adults. It's not as teen focused as you may think. I wouldn't be shocked if that is true of a lot of shonen magazines. You confuse stuff yet again, you confuse the "target audience" with the "audience" Jump's audience is a mix of kids, teens, and adults, it's a mix of male and female, that does not change that Jump's target audience is male teens That is like saying Hot Wheels's target audience is boys, Barbie's target audience is girls, does that mean there are no grown-ups who enjoy collecting Hot Wheels or Barbie? Does that mean girls aren't allowed to play with Hot Wheels and boys aren't allowed to play with Barbies? The target audience exist for marketing purposes, it gives you an idea who will be interested in your product, it doesn't predict your exact audience |
DigiCatJan 12, 10:47 AM
Jan 12, 10:54 AM
What would "global sensitivities" in an ever more multipolar world be? Those of India, Russia, China, Europe, Trumpistan, Indonesia? The very question makes no sense to me. And Japanese story telling and animation are a global brand, and no Netflix would be idiotic enough to destroy it. If all they want is cheap animation to bad stories, they can do that with ChatGPT writing and North Koean sweat shops animating. This thread is just the umptieth panicky instance of not thinking things trough to the economic result. Take the kink and edge from anime, and you lose money. That is why the world buys them. |
Jan 12, 10:59 AM
@DigiCat Here is your quote of you yet again mentioning politics Yes I am responding to your claim lol.... that is how comments work. You keep saying you have no interest in politics Again quote where I said this. "people who are against this are all poiltical" "people who think this are political because that" It might be time to realize that not everyone's opinion that differs from yours is rooted in politics Complaining that globalism is ruining anime because they potentially could bring in more LGBTQ characters, that they could have more varied racial characters, how they may depict sexuality or because they might have more prominent female characters is political. Like isn't that what this is really about? It's very hard to disconnect from politics because politics is about society. Not every position you have is political however, a lot of them are going to be. Like that was the only reason I would disagree with the everything is political crowd, I don't think everything is however, a majority of things we do talk about in society or our culture are. You are absolutely heavily influenced by what you think the ideal society is. You claim mine is a wild assumption, yet your own assumption is based on a few trolls in a comment section, isn't that considered wild? Ahem.... read what I said again. Did I deny that? No. Dude we are dealing with anecdotal evidence, we aren't scientists here. All I am saying is that sure, you can feel that way however, my experience is very different. I in fact said "in part" No one cared about the kiss scene. It was just funny to watch Disney be hypocritical. People like hot characters, people like sexy outfits, people like fansrvicy camera angles But people also like good stories, people like character depth, people like being able to connect to those characters Cool, again I never denied that. Fanservice is not necessary for good storytelling, but it is considered a bonus, it generally does not damage a story Well at least you said something I disagreed with... and not something I never opposed. No fanservice can damage a story. I mean literally any story element can damage a story. You have to consider tone, what elements of fanservice are in the work and it can create immersion problems even. Like that is why I find a lot of fanservice gag comedy annoying, not because people are horny creeps, but because they don't get really punished for being that way, like they would IRL. Shoujo has it's own type of fanservice, but it is generally not as sexually overt, more romanticized, and focuses on letting the audience use their imagination, it is made in a way to resonate with it's target audience of teen girls, reason why it looks very different from shounen, seinen, or even josei I won't entirely deny that, still honestly I just consider most BL to be pretty adjacent to Shojo, and that stuff is very sexually overt. Female targeted media just divided up their content preference more than male media. but where in Yu Yu Hakusho and My Hero Academia do characters commit straight up sexual assult? I mean I am actively watching it Yusuke Urameshi pulls up his childhood's friends skirt to look at her underwear. As for MHA? Mineta. Jiraiya haning out in brothels (that's not exactly SA) He is a peeping tom. I mean to be fair I guess that is the crime of mischief and voyeurism if we really want to be technical. Where in .... What is the point of listing off these shows? I never claimed this is present in all anime, or present in all shonen anime or whatever. I just said you can find in enough noteworthy shows that is all. Like you said, you were intentionally vague on how much a "decent amount" is, it's not the majority you say, but it still sounds like you mean it's a lot, so how much is it actually? Noticeable, as in I can list off enough notable anime, that casual fans are going to watch, where they get this idea in the first place. No I did not say majority. I mean I have literally defended anime from past claims, that it's full of fanservice like this. Like again, you are making an assertion that I agree with. That isn't my point though. Jump's audience is a mix of kids, teens, and adults, it's a mix of male and female, that does not change that Jump's target audience is male teens On paper yes, in reality they have to consider their reader base is also older, and therefore keep those fans invested in reading too. That is like saying Hot Wheels's target audience is boys, Barbie's target audience is girls, does that mean there are no grown-ups who enjoy collecting Hot Wheels or Barbie? Does that mean girls aren't allowed to play with Hot Wheels and boys arenìt allowed to play with Barbies? Lots of toy companies like Lego, are conscious of the fact they have older buyers. Why do you think they put out those expensive sets, most parents are not getting that for their kids. Well off single adults or at least childless ones however...., they got money. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 12, 11:07 AM
Jan 12, 11:06 AM
No. I like the uniqueness of anime from American entertainment. |
Jan 12, 11:29 AM
Reply to zombie_pegasus
I've heard of some companies who want to stop any licensing of lewd anime to encourage self-censoring, but I really hope that doesn't happen. Even if the west is a big market, I don't think anime should cater to it. What they're doing for the domestic market is usually what foreigners also prefer.
In terms of localizations (like your example of changing rice balls into donuts) that's also something anime could do without. If the dub and sub are that different then I think the majority of viewers would either watch the sub even if they prefer dubs or just avoid anime that they know the dub changed too much if they can't do subs. Even if a licensing team thinks they're being helpful by trying to make things more familiar, they're really alienating anyone who chooses to watch their version because it's no longer the authentic product. English dubs can be made well in a way that gives viewers as close to the original experience while still making it easier to watch and if you're going to go through the effort of dubbing a show you should take care to make it a proper translation.
In terms of localizations (like your example of changing rice balls into donuts) that's also something anime could do without. If the dub and sub are that different then I think the majority of viewers would either watch the sub even if they prefer dubs or just avoid anime that they know the dub changed too much if they can't do subs. Even if a licensing team thinks they're being helpful by trying to make things more familiar, they're really alienating anyone who chooses to watch their version because it's no longer the authentic product. English dubs can be made well in a way that gives viewers as close to the original experience while still making it easier to watch and if you're going to go through the effort of dubbing a show you should take care to make it a proper translation.
zombie_pegasus said: just avoid anime that they know the dub changed too much if they can't do subs. I have low standards for dubs but have had to do this 1 time, for a dub that aged extremely poorly. It took almost 20 years for this anime to be completely fansubbed. |
その目だれの目? |
Jan 12, 7:36 PM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
Yes I am responding to your claim lol.... that is how comments work.
Again quote where I said this.
Complaining that globalism is ruining anime because they potentially could bring in more LGBTQ characters, that they could have more varied racial characters, how they may depict sexuality or because they might have more prominent female characters is political. Like isn't that what this is really about?
It's very hard to disconnect from politics because politics is about society. Not every position you have is political however, a lot of them are going to be. Like that was the only reason I would disagree with the everything is political crowd, I don't think everything is however, a majority of things we do talk about in society or our culture are. You are absolutely heavily influenced by what you think the ideal society is.
Ahem.... read what I said again. Did I deny that? No. Dude we are dealing with anecdotal evidence, we aren't scientists here. All I am saying is that sure, you can feel that way however, my experience is very different.
No one cared about the kiss scene. It was just funny to watch Disney be hypocritical.
Cool, again I never denied that.
Well at least you said something I disagreed with... and not something I never opposed. No fanservice can damage a story. I mean literally any story element can damage a story. You have to consider tone, what elements of fanservice are in the work and it can create immersion problems even. Like that is why I find a lot of fanservice gag comedy annoying, not because people are horny creeps, but because they don't get really punished for being that way, like they would IRL.
I won't entirely deny that, still honestly I just consider most BL to be pretty adjacent to Shojo, and that stuff is very sexually overt. Female targeted media just divided up their content preference more than male media.
I mean I am actively watching it Yusuke Urameshi pulls up his childhood's friends skirt to look at her underwear. As for MHA? Mineta.
He is a peeping tom. I mean to be fair I guess that is the crime of mischief and voyeurism if we really want to be technical.
.... What is the point of listing off these shows? I never claimed this is present in all anime, or present in all shonen anime or whatever. I just said you can find in enough noteworthy shows that is all.
Noticeable, as in I can list off enough notable anime, that casual fans are going to watch, where they get this idea in the first place. No I did not say majority. I mean I have literally defended anime from past claims, that it's full of fanservice like this. Like again, you are making an assertion that I agree with. That isn't my point though.
On paper yes, in reality they have to consider their reader base is also older, and therefore keep those fans invested in reading too.
Lots of toy companies like Lego, are conscious of the fact they have older buyers. Why do you think they put out those expensive sets, most parents are not getting that for their kids. Well off single adults or at least childless ones however...., they got money.
Here is your quote of you yet again mentioning politics
Yes I am responding to your claim lol.... that is how comments work.
You keep saying you have no interest in politics
Again quote where I said this.
"people who are against this are all poiltical" "people who think this are political because that"
It might be time to realize that not everyone's opinion that differs from yours is rooted in politics
Complaining that globalism is ruining anime because they potentially could bring in more LGBTQ characters, that they could have more varied racial characters, how they may depict sexuality or because they might have more prominent female characters is political. Like isn't that what this is really about?
It's very hard to disconnect from politics because politics is about society. Not every position you have is political however, a lot of them are going to be. Like that was the only reason I would disagree with the everything is political crowd, I don't think everything is however, a majority of things we do talk about in society or our culture are. You are absolutely heavily influenced by what you think the ideal society is.
You claim mine is a wild assumption, yet your own assumption is based on a few trolls in a comment section, isn't that considered wild?
Ahem.... read what I said again. Did I deny that? No. Dude we are dealing with anecdotal evidence, we aren't scientists here. All I am saying is that sure, you can feel that way however, my experience is very different.
I in fact said "in part"
No one cared about the kiss scene. It was just funny to watch Disney be hypocritical.
People like hot characters, people like sexy outfits, people like fansrvicy camera angles
But people also like good stories, people like character depth, people like being able to connect to those characters
Cool, again I never denied that.
Fanservice is not necessary for good storytelling, but it is considered a bonus, it generally does not damage a story
Well at least you said something I disagreed with... and not something I never opposed. No fanservice can damage a story. I mean literally any story element can damage a story. You have to consider tone, what elements of fanservice are in the work and it can create immersion problems even. Like that is why I find a lot of fanservice gag comedy annoying, not because people are horny creeps, but because they don't get really punished for being that way, like they would IRL.
Shoujo has it's own type of fanservice, but it is generally not as sexually overt, more romanticized, and focuses on letting the audience use their imagination, it is made in a way to resonate with it's target audience of teen girls, reason why it looks very different from shounen, seinen, or even josei
I won't entirely deny that, still honestly I just consider most BL to be pretty adjacent to Shojo, and that stuff is very sexually overt. Female targeted media just divided up their content preference more than male media.
but where in Yu Yu Hakusho and My Hero Academia do characters commit straight up sexual assult?
I mean I am actively watching it Yusuke Urameshi pulls up his childhood's friends skirt to look at her underwear. As for MHA? Mineta.
Jiraiya haning out in brothels (that's not exactly SA)
He is a peeping tom. I mean to be fair I guess that is the crime of mischief and voyeurism if we really want to be technical.
Where in
.... What is the point of listing off these shows? I never claimed this is present in all anime, or present in all shonen anime or whatever. I just said you can find in enough noteworthy shows that is all.
Like you said, you were intentionally vague on how much a "decent amount" is, it's not the majority you say, but it still sounds like you mean it's a lot, so how much is it actually?
Noticeable, as in I can list off enough notable anime, that casual fans are going to watch, where they get this idea in the first place. No I did not say majority. I mean I have literally defended anime from past claims, that it's full of fanservice like this. Like again, you are making an assertion that I agree with. That isn't my point though.
Jump's audience is a mix of kids, teens, and adults, it's a mix of male and female, that does not change that Jump's target audience is male teens
On paper yes, in reality they have to consider their reader base is also older, and therefore keep those fans invested in reading too.
That is like saying Hot Wheels's target audience is boys, Barbie's target audience is girls, does that mean there are no grown-ups who enjoy collecting Hot Wheels or Barbie? Does that mean girls aren't allowed to play with Hot Wheels and boys arenìt allowed to play with Barbies?
Lots of toy companies like Lego, are conscious of the fact they have older buyers. Why do you think they put out those expensive sets, most parents are not getting that for their kids. Well off single adults or at least childless ones however...., they got money.
BilboBaggins365 said: Yes I am responding to your claim lol.... that is how comments work Yes, my claims that have nothing to do with politics, you are the one who keeps brining politics up BilboBaggins365 said: Complaining that globalism is ruining anime because they potentially could bring in more LGBTQ characters, that they could have more varied racial characters, how they may depict sexuality or because they might have more prominent female characters is political. Like isn't that what this is really about? And where exactly have i been complaining about anime having LGBT or different raced or female characters? That is completely not what all this is about, unlike what your politically obsessed brain thinks My complaints are about censorship, about putting personal agendas over storytelling, regardless of if/what their politics are BilboBaggins365 said: No one cared about the kiss scene. It was just funny to watch Disney be hypocritical This is quite contradictory to your previous reply to my very same statement about people not caring if there's LGBT characters in anime DigiCat said: Most people actually neither like nor dislike diversity, they simply don't care, so long as the characters are well written and the story developes naturally BilboBaggins365 said: This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue. BilboBaggins365 said: No fanservice can damage a story. I mean literally any story element can damage a story. You have to consider tone, what elements of fanservice are in the work and it can create immersion problems even Hence why i said "generally" and not "always" BilboBaggins365 said: I won't entirely deny that, still honestly I just consider most BL to be pretty adjacent to Shojo, and that stuff is very sexually overt. Female targeted media just divided up their content preference more than male media. I in fact mentioned that BL and Josei, both target audience women, do have sexually overt fanservice, it is shoujo that tends to have less of that The difference being shoujo targets teen girls while josei and most BL targets adult women The same way there are also differences between shounen, for teen boys, and seinen, for adult men, have differences in how they execute fanservice BilboBaggins365 said: I mean I am actively watching it Yusuke Urameshi pulls up his childhood's friends skirt to look at her underwear Let me ask you this If instead of lifting Keiko's skirt, Urameshi pantsed Kuwabara Or if the situation was flipped and it was Keiko giving Urameshi a wedgy Would you consider those sexual assault? BilboBaggins365 said: Noticeable, as in I can list off enough notable anime, that casual fans are going to watch, where they get this idea in the first place. No I did not say majority Noticeable does not answer the question 3 popular anime having such characters is noticeable, but if it's 3 out of 100 anime having such characters that's very different if they were 30 out of 100 BilboBaggins365 said: On paper yes, in reality they have to consider their reader base is also older, and therefore keep those fans invested in reading too. That is not how target audience and marketing works The reason you have a target audience is because if you try to please multiple audiences all at once, chances are you're going to end up not pleasing anyone That is the mistake Star Wars sequels made, trying to change an IP which original target audience is boys to appeal more to girls and ending up appealing to neither, what's more there was no need to change things in the first place because the girls who did like Star Wars in the first place liked it for what it is Me, a straight adult woman, i'm not the target audience of shounen, i'm definetely not the target audience of the fanservice in shounen, but i like the storytelling style of most shounen, i like the blend of fast paced action and character moments, and i don't want shounen to change to be more appealing to women, i like shounen anime for what it is, if i wanted to watch anime that i'm the target audience i'd just watch josei BilboBaggins365 said: Lots of toy companies like Lego, are conscious of the fact they have older buyers. Why do you think they put out those expensive sets, most parents are not getting that for their kids. Well off single adults or at least childless ones however...., they got money Toy companies like Lego are also devided into demographics You don't have a universal targete audience ALL Lego set, the only universal target audience ALL Lego has is the box of bricks, neutral use your imagination to build anything Once you start adding more nuance to the sets, you need a target audience in mind Reason why there's Lego Duplo, target audience kindergarteners, Lego Ninjago, target audience boys, Lego Friends, target audience girls, and the 999.99$ Lego Millennium Falcon, target audience adult Star Wars collectors |
DigiCatJan 12, 7:47 PM
Jan 12, 8:07 PM
Reply to AnimeJunky
I wish anime companies would grow their balls back and continue/reboot Kodomo no Jikan. I wanna see heads explode/implode.
@AnimeJunky Bro I'd KILL for another season as long as they don't heavily censor it for "modern sensibilities". My favorite manga deserves a full adaptation. Also ever OP/ED is a banger. I'm not sure how I'd feel about a remake since I'd really miss that 2000s anime look the show has. |
Jan 12, 8:45 PM
@DigiCat Yes, my claims that have nothing to do with politics, you are the one who keeps brining politics up Well one you have failed to prove I said I had no interest in politics. Two I was the one who tip toed around, the political nature of this thread. You are the one who said: Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things" RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy So uh no, you were the one who brought up politics and I am just responding to that. Before you made these comments, the only time I brought up politics was to point out that getting worried about the things you mentioned, is dumb, because there hasn't been some major political shift since international money became more dominant. And where exactly have i been complaining about anime having LGBT or different raced or female characters? Did I say you? Plus you stated you wanted me to stop kidding around with what "global standards" means. You were the one who brought up the issue of people worried about some forms of feminist rhetoric worming into anime. Secondly, I am talking very generally, and yes most of the concern about "globalism" related to anime is based on some idea of what Western political thought is and how that could impact anime. This is quite contradictory to your previous reply to my very same statement about people not caring if there's LGBT characters in anime Huh? No? The point was that SW bombed with some fans long before, it got to the whole inclusion of LGBT characters situation. People were still stewing over Luke. The whole point of SW is that yeah people do care about LGBT inclusion and a lot of people around the world see it very negatively. How is what I said contradictory? If you are going to make an accusation back it up, I still have yet to see that. Hence why i said "generally" and not "always" Fine... I literally don't understand why we are talking about this. I never even made an anti all fanservice comment. in fact mentioned that BL and Josei, both target audience women, do have sexually overt fanservice, it is shoujo that tends to have less of that Fine I wouldn't disagree. Would you consider those sexual assault? If you want to ignore how inter gender relations are in the real world, sure it's not that different. Regardless, people do downplay how bad some bullying is. The reality is, where I come from, if I was in HS/MS, and I flicked up some girls skirt, so I could look at her underwear you better believe the cops are getting involved. 3 popular anime having such characters is noticeable, but if it's 3 out of 100 anime having such characters that's very different if they were 30 out of 100 Kay... I am well aware that it could just be 3/100. The thing is many of these shows are popular, and that is what a lot of casual fans get from anime. The fact that I could be watching a wholesome SOL, that has no fanservice content whatsoever is irrelevant for how the public views the medium. Did I say this is right or justified? No. That said, I have seen enough jokes and commentary coming from casuals and outsiders to know, they are getting their ideas about anime sexual content, fanservice etc from stuff like this regardless if you think that is justifiable or not. Plus.... you are going off on something that I didn't even claim was a main issue. Just something some fans don't like. It really is just the ages of the characters. We have tons of depictions of graphic rape, incest, non con situations, in our own Western fiction that doesn't get that much attention. The reason you have a target audience is because if you try to please multiple audiences all at once, chances are you're going to end up not pleasing anyone Well assuming that what a 16 year old male wants and what a 25 year old male wants is drastically different is a major assumption. You don't have to appeal to very different audiences, all I am saying they are aware they do have older fans, and as a result Jump is going to have maybe some edgier works to appeal to older teens too, it has works like OP, where the editors must know the audience has aged up with the work etc etc. Of course their goal is to continue to bring in teens to sustain the business. I am just saying they have to be aware and will pay nods to their other fans. I mean that is true with the female fanbase. I mean hey it get's mentioned in Bakuman, as something creators may do, of course the series condemns going away from the major demographic. Still series like Haikyuu will have themes that cater to the traditional male sports manga/anime fan, however, they are aware attractive/sympathetic male leads also can bring in more women to reading their work. Me, a straight adult woman, i'm not the target audience of shounen, i'm definetely not the target audience of the fanservice in shounen, but i like the storytelling style of most shounen, i like the blend of fast paced action and character moments, and i don't want shounen to change to be more appealing to women, i like shounen anime for what it is, if i wanted to watch anime that i'm the target audience i'd just watch josei Yeah well I am not denying that. I am a mid 20s dude. I still enjoy that format of storytelling. I am not saying that creators should or are changing it. What I am saying is they will throw in nods to their older audiences in some form, while keeping the work still very shonenesque. Regardless this is really going down another rabbit hole, that frankly is getting really off topic. At the very least, yeah I do not deny that Shonen Jump is trying to mainly get male teens to read their stuff... okay? it was just a side comment regarding the fact that teens only actually make up around 50% of it's reading base. That is all. I didn't mean for it to be more than, lots of people reading those series with fanservice aren't teens. I honestly don't have much more to say then I think you are going off on me, on something I don't even drastically differ from you on, which for a few of these points is also true. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 12, 9:08 PM
Jan 13, 1:17 AM
inim said: What would "global sensitivities" in an ever more multipolar world be? Those of India, Russia, China, Europe, Trumpistan, Indonesia? The very question makes no sense to me. And Japanese story telling and animation are a global brand, and no Netflix would be idiotic enough to destroy it. If all they want is cheap animation to bad stories, they can do that with ChatGPT writing and North Koean sweat shops animating. This thread is just the umptieth panicky instance of not thinking things trough to the economic result. Take the kink and edge from anime, and you lose money. That is why the world buys them. It's coded language for "American". About that.... zombie_pegasus said: I've heard of some companies who want to stop any licensing of lewd anime to encourage self-censoring, but I really hope that doesn't happen. Even if the west is a big market, I don't think anime should cater to it. What they're doing for the domestic market is usually what foreigners also prefer. In terms of localizations (like your example of changing rice balls into donuts) that's also something anime could do without. If the dub and sub are that different then I think the majority of viewers would either watch the sub even if they prefer dubs or just avoid anime that they know the dub changed too much if they can't do subs. Even if a licensing team thinks they're being helpful by trying to make things more familiar, they're really alienating anyone who chooses to watch their version because it's no longer the authentic product. English dubs can be made well in a way that gives viewers as close to the original experience while still making it easier to watch and if you're going to go through the effort of dubbing a show you should take care to make it a proper translation. The bigger issue at the moment is the credit card companies attacking anime, manga and games from Japan. Hell they even attacked a dating service for otaku so they are trying to genocide the Japanese. I do know it isnt the companies at the root of it but problem in US law changes that was supported by both parties more or less and the acts of the renamed Morality in Media. |
traedJan 13, 1:22 AM
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣸⠋⠀⠀⠀⡄⠀⠀⡔⠀⢀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⡘⡰⠁⠘⡀⠀⠀⢠⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⣀⠀⠀⡇⠀⡜⠈⠁⠀⢸⡈⢇⠀⠀⢣⠑⠢⢄⣇⠀⠀⠸⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢰⡟⡀⠀⡇⡜⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⡇⠈⢆⢰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠘⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⠀⠀⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠀⣧⠀⢿⢠⣤⣤⣬⣥⠀⠁⠀⠀⠛⢀⡒⠀⠀⠀⠘⡆⡆⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢵⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠀⢠⠃⠱⣼⡀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⠳⠶⠶⠆⡸⢀⡀⣀⢰⠀⠀⢸ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣀⠄⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⢠⠃⢀⠎⠀⠀⣼⠋⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠴⠢⢄⡔⣕⡍⠣⣱⢸⠀⠀⢷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡰⠃⢀⠎⠀⠀⡜⡨⢢⡀⠀⠀⠀⠐⣄⠀⠀⣠⠀⠀⠀⠐⢛⠽⠗⠁⠀⠁⠊⠀⡜⠸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢀⠔⣁⡴⠃⠀⡠⡪⠊⣠⣾⣟⣷⡦⠤⣀⡈⠁⠉⢀⣀⡠⢔⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡤⡗⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⣠⠴⢑⡨⠊⡀⠤⠚⢉⣴⣾⣿⡿⣾⣿⡇⠀⠹⣻⠛⠉⠉⢀⠠⠺⠀⠀⡀⢄⣴⣾⣧⣞⠀⡜⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠐⠒⣉⠠⠄⡂⠅⠊⠁⠀⠀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⢠⣷⣮⡍⡠⠔⢉⡇⡠⠋⠁⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ |
Jan 13, 1:30 AM
No one should adopt anyone else's sensibilities, unless they're mine |
Jan 13, 2:08 AM
Jan 13, 2:31 AM
MergedZamasuJan 13, 2:37 AM
Jan 13, 4:07 AM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
Well one you have failed to prove I said I had no interest in politics. Two I was the one who tip toed around, the political nature of this thread. You are the one who said:
So uh no, you were the one who brought up politics and I am just responding to that. Before you made these comments, the only time I brought up politics was to point out that getting worried about the things you mentioned, is dumb, because there hasn't been some major political shift since international money became more dominant.
Did I say you? Plus you stated you wanted me to stop kidding around with what "global standards" means. You were the one who brought up the issue of people worried about some forms of feminist rhetoric worming into anime.
Secondly, I am talking very generally, and yes most of the concern about "globalism" related to anime is based on some idea of what Western political thought is and how that could impact anime.
Huh? No? The point was that SW bombed with some fans long before, it got to the whole inclusion of LGBT characters situation. People were still stewing over Luke. The whole point of SW is that yeah people do care about LGBT inclusion and a lot of people around the world see it very negatively. How is what I said contradictory? If you are going to make an accusation back it up, I still have yet to see that.
Fine... I literally don't understand why we are talking about this. I never even made an anti all fanservice comment.
Fine I wouldn't disagree.
If you want to ignore how inter gender relations are in the real world, sure it's not that different. Regardless, people do downplay how bad some bullying is. The reality is, where I come from, if I was in HS/MS, and I flicked up some girls skirt, so I could look at her underwear you better believe the cops are getting involved.
Kay... I am well aware that it could just be 3/100. The thing is many of these shows are popular, and that is what a lot of casual fans get from anime. The fact that I could be watching a wholesome SOL, that has no fanservice content whatsoever is irrelevant for how the public views the medium.
Did I say this is right or justified? No. That said, I have seen enough jokes and commentary coming from casuals and outsiders to know, they are getting their ideas about anime sexual content, fanservice etc from stuff like this regardless if you think that is justifiable or not.
Plus.... you are going off on something that I didn't even claim was a main issue. Just something some fans don't like. It really is just the ages of the characters. We have tons of depictions of graphic rape, incest, non con situations, in our own Western fiction that doesn't get that much attention.
Well assuming that what a 16 year old male wants and what a 25 year old male wants is drastically different is a major assumption. You don't have to appeal to very different audiences, all I am saying they are aware they do have older fans, and as a result Jump is going to have maybe some edgier works to appeal to older teens too, it has works like OP, where the editors must know the audience has aged up with the work etc etc.
Of course their goal is to continue to bring in teens to sustain the business. I am just saying they have to be aware and will pay nods to their other fans. I mean that is true with the female fanbase. I mean hey it get's mentioned in Bakuman, as something creators may do, of course the series condemns going away from the major demographic. Still series like Haikyuu will have themes that cater to the traditional male sports manga/anime fan, however, they are aware attractive/sympathetic male leads also can bring in more women to reading their work.
Yeah well I am not denying that. I am a mid 20s dude. I still enjoy that format of storytelling. I am not saying that creators should or are changing it. What I am saying is they will throw in nods to their older audiences in some form, while keeping the work still very shonenesque.
Regardless this is really going down another rabbit hole, that frankly is getting really off topic. At the very least, yeah I do not deny that Shonen Jump is trying to mainly get male teens to read their stuff... okay? it was just a side comment regarding the fact that teens only actually make up around 50% of it's reading base. That is all. I didn't mean for it to be more than, lots of people reading those series with fanservice aren't teens. I honestly don't have much more to say then I think you are going off on me, on something I don't even drastically differ from you on, which for a few of these points is also true.
Yes, my claims that have nothing to do with politics, you are the one who keeps brining politics up
Well one you have failed to prove I said I had no interest in politics. Two I was the one who tip toed around, the political nature of this thread. You are the one who said:
Don't kid yourself with "global standards means a wide range of things"
RN the "global standered" a very very loud minority is demanding are things like "me too" fight the patriarchy
So uh no, you were the one who brought up politics and I am just responding to that. Before you made these comments, the only time I brought up politics was to point out that getting worried about the things you mentioned, is dumb, because there hasn't been some major political shift since international money became more dominant.
And where exactly have i been complaining about anime having LGBT or different raced or female characters?
Did I say you? Plus you stated you wanted me to stop kidding around with what "global standards" means. You were the one who brought up the issue of people worried about some forms of feminist rhetoric worming into anime.
Secondly, I am talking very generally, and yes most of the concern about "globalism" related to anime is based on some idea of what Western political thought is and how that could impact anime.
This is quite contradictory to your previous reply to my very same statement about people not caring if there's LGBT characters in anime
Huh? No? The point was that SW bombed with some fans long before, it got to the whole inclusion of LGBT characters situation. People were still stewing over Luke. The whole point of SW is that yeah people do care about LGBT inclusion and a lot of people around the world see it very negatively. How is what I said contradictory? If you are going to make an accusation back it up, I still have yet to see that.
Hence why i said "generally" and not "always"
Fine... I literally don't understand why we are talking about this. I never even made an anti all fanservice comment.
in fact mentioned that BL and Josei, both target audience women, do have sexually overt fanservice, it is shoujo that tends to have less of that
Fine I wouldn't disagree.
Would you consider those sexual assault?
If you want to ignore how inter gender relations are in the real world, sure it's not that different. Regardless, people do downplay how bad some bullying is. The reality is, where I come from, if I was in HS/MS, and I flicked up some girls skirt, so I could look at her underwear you better believe the cops are getting involved.
3 popular anime having such characters is noticeable, but if it's 3 out of 100 anime having such characters that's very different if they were 30 out of 100
Kay... I am well aware that it could just be 3/100. The thing is many of these shows are popular, and that is what a lot of casual fans get from anime. The fact that I could be watching a wholesome SOL, that has no fanservice content whatsoever is irrelevant for how the public views the medium.
Did I say this is right or justified? No. That said, I have seen enough jokes and commentary coming from casuals and outsiders to know, they are getting their ideas about anime sexual content, fanservice etc from stuff like this regardless if you think that is justifiable or not.
Plus.... you are going off on something that I didn't even claim was a main issue. Just something some fans don't like. It really is just the ages of the characters. We have tons of depictions of graphic rape, incest, non con situations, in our own Western fiction that doesn't get that much attention.
The reason you have a target audience is because if you try to please multiple audiences all at once, chances are you're going to end up not pleasing anyone
Well assuming that what a 16 year old male wants and what a 25 year old male wants is drastically different is a major assumption. You don't have to appeal to very different audiences, all I am saying they are aware they do have older fans, and as a result Jump is going to have maybe some edgier works to appeal to older teens too, it has works like OP, where the editors must know the audience has aged up with the work etc etc.
Of course their goal is to continue to bring in teens to sustain the business. I am just saying they have to be aware and will pay nods to their other fans. I mean that is true with the female fanbase. I mean hey it get's mentioned in Bakuman, as something creators may do, of course the series condemns going away from the major demographic. Still series like Haikyuu will have themes that cater to the traditional male sports manga/anime fan, however, they are aware attractive/sympathetic male leads also can bring in more women to reading their work.
Me, a straight adult woman, i'm not the target audience of shounen, i'm definetely not the target audience of the fanservice in shounen, but i like the storytelling style of most shounen, i like the blend of fast paced action and character moments, and i don't want shounen to change to be more appealing to women, i like shounen anime for what it is, if i wanted to watch anime that i'm the target audience i'd just watch josei
Yeah well I am not denying that. I am a mid 20s dude. I still enjoy that format of storytelling. I am not saying that creators should or are changing it. What I am saying is they will throw in nods to their older audiences in some form, while keeping the work still very shonenesque.
Regardless this is really going down another rabbit hole, that frankly is getting really off topic. At the very least, yeah I do not deny that Shonen Jump is trying to mainly get male teens to read their stuff... okay? it was just a side comment regarding the fact that teens only actually make up around 50% of it's reading base. That is all. I didn't mean for it to be more than, lots of people reading those series with fanservice aren't teens. I honestly don't have much more to say then I think you are going off on me, on something I don't even drastically differ from you on, which for a few of these points is also true.
BilboBaggins365 said: Well one you have failed to prove I said I had no interest in politics. Two I was the one who tip toed around, the political nature of this thread. You are the one who said You've been spending most of the time in this thread diminishing other's opinions as "they think that for political reasons" as if you are somehow above that What impression do you think that gives? BilboBaggins365 said: So uh no, you were the one who brought up politics and I am just responding to that I did not bring up politics, i brought up what "global standerd" certain people are asking for relly is, they may have political reasons behind it, but that does not mean everyone who disagrees with them or even agrees with them also has political reasons BilboBaggins365 said: Did I say you? You sure seem to be implying it BilboBaggins365 said: Plus you stated you wanted me to stop kidding around with what "global standards" means. You were the one who brought up the issue of people worried about some forms of feminist rhetoric worming into anime I repeat, yet again, that is not what the majority of people are worried about You, the auther, are free to write whatever story you want, whatever chatracters you want But if you start picking characters based on "i have to include this race, i have to include this gender, i have to include this sexuality at all cost", if you start with "i have to push this message at all cost" pouring all your effort in that instead of developing the characters personalities, what are their motives, what are their likes/dislike, what is their pychological state, building up a story, where is it set, how does this world work, what tone are you going for, and to be clear, you can still have character designs in mind, you can still have a message at heart you want to tell in your story all with the latter But if you have the former mentality, what do you think the quality of your story will be? The problem with most people who are asking for a "global standerd" "adapt to global sensibilities" is that they are too obsessed with inclusion, they are too obsessed with stron women, and that ends up being to the detriment of actually telling good stories with the characters/themes they want The truth is they're not asking for anime to adapt to "global sensibilities, they're asking for it to adapt to their own "personal sensibilities", and no one in their right mind is ok with that behaviour BilboBaggins365 said: Huh? No? The point was that SW bombed with some fans long before, it got to the whole inclusion of LGBT characters situation. People were still stewing over Luke Yes, it bombed with The Last Jedi, a movie that put agenda over storytelling, a movie that was promoted as "the force is female", which explain to me, since these people claim to be all for inclusion, how is that statement inclusive when there are both male and female jedi? BilboBaggins365 said: The whole point of SW is that yeah people do care about LGBT inclusion and a lot of people around the world see it very negatively. How is what I said contradictory? You literally said BilboBaggins365 said: No one cared about the kiss scene That is called indifference, not negativity The same indifference i said most people have towards BL/GL content in anime and you replied "no people see it negatively" People don't see LGBT characters negatively, people see prioritizing that over storytelling negatively BilboBaggins365 said: If you want to ignore how inter gender relations are in the real world, sure it's not that different. Regardless, people do downplay how bad some bullying is. The reality is, where I come from, if I was in HS/MS, and I flicked up some girls skirt, so I could look at her underwear you better believe the cops are getting involved Yes inter-gender relations exist, yes bullying exist, yes if you flick up "some girls"skirt chances are she'll call the cops (or if you're lucky just beat the crap out of you herself) You forget the context og YYH though, Keiko is not "some girl", she is Urameshi's childhood best friend, you see when people get very close to eachother, they don't always care as much (if at all) about things like inter-gender relations, if your friend plays a dirty prank on you, chances are you're going to react very differently that if a random person on the street does so, if your friend greets you by calling you an a-hole, chances are you're going to react very differently than if a random person on the street does so, i can go on in infinity Not everyone is the same in this aspect of course, but you'll be surprised how when people form close bonds, things that you would never accept from a stranger become just silly jokes, because you have build trust with that person and know it will not go beyond a joke BilboBaggins365 said: Well assuming that what a 16 year old male wants and what a 25 year old male wants is drastically different is a major assumption They might not be drastically different, but they are still different, otherwise shounen and seinen would be mashed into one big demographic You see, usually people mature from when they are teenagers to when they are young adults, that is not to say a 25yo can't like a shounen story or a 16yo can't like a seinen story, but there are still different marketing strategies for each demographic, there are still different themes that work better with one over the other, are there'll likely be differences (even if slight ones) for why the 25yo and the 16yo like the same show BilboBaggins365 said: it has works like OP, where the editors must know the audience has aged up with the work etc etc. Of course their goal is to continue to bring in teens to sustain the business. I am just saying they have to be aware and will pay nods to their other fans. I mean that is true with the female fanbase. I mean hey it get's mentioned in Bakuman, as something creators may do, of course the series condemns going away from the major demographic. Still series like Haikyuu will have themes that cater to the traditional male sports manga/anime fan, however, they are aware attractive/sympathetic male leads also can bring in more women to reading their work Yes there are longrunners like OP that have a fanbase that's been with them from the begining and has grown up with them, and they do need to find ways to keep that fanbase invested, but they do so without taking away the original charm of the series And yes they do have nods for other demographics that are interested in their series, i never said they didn't, but again, they give these nods without changing what made their series successful in the first place, because before coming for the attractive male leads, the females who already liked shounen liked it for what it is, if not they'd just go back to their many shoujo pretty boys |
Jan 13, 6:36 AM
Condoms said: For ex, changing rice balls to sandwiches in early Pokémon eps to make it more relatable to western kids Condoms said: e also had many localization where problematic themes were removed and dialogues, These are two very different things. The former is generally fine. Your specific example is a meme in the anime community though because it was obviously a riceball. The concept is not so foreign or bizzare that western audiences couldn't grasp or enjoy it. The localizers who thought so are goofy. The latter is where problems start. |
Jan 13, 10:42 AM
@DigiCat You've been spending most of the time in this thread diminishing other's opinions as "they think that for political reasons" as if you are somehow above that Stop making assumptions and your life will be easier. No I never said or implied I was above politics. What I said I don't like is people pretending they are apolitical, and they only want good writing, yet their definition of an ideal medium, is one that caters to their political ideals. I did not bring up politics, i brought up what "global standerd" certain people are asking for relly is, they may have political reasons behind it, but that does not mean everyone who disagrees with them or even agrees with them also has political reasons Whatever.....again I didn't mention anything about politics beyond, there hasn't been a political shift since international money flowed in. You can go back in the thread and see that. You sure seem to be implying it This is what I said Complaining that globalism is ruining anime because they potentially could bring in more LGBTQ characters, that they could have more varied racial characters, how they may depict sexuality or because they might have more prominent female characters is political. Like isn't that what this is really about? In response to this comment you made It might be time to realize that not everyone's opinion that differs from yours is rooted in politics We are talking about yeah my responses need the context related to the words you provided... so no I never did imply you. I am talking generally about everyone. Yes, it bombed with The Last Jedi, a movie that put agenda over storytelling, a movie that was promoted as "the force is female", which explain to me, since these people claim to be all for inclusion, how is that statement inclusive when there are both male and female jedi? I wouldn't deny that. Still the problem wasn't bringing in a female character and emphasizing her, it was that the writing sucked. I mean if you emphasize male characters, and downplay the female characters, sure people might call that work sexist. I don't like those people, just like I don't like people blaming female empowerment, on bad writing. I never would have disagreed that TLJ's bad writing was influenced by this desire to uphold female characters and downplay male characters. That is true. That is called indifference, not negativity The same indifference i said most people have towards BL/GL content in anime and you replied "no people see it negatively" People don't see LGBT characters negatively, people see prioritizing that over storytelling negatively Fine, I will be honest that was poor choice of words on my part. Disney censored because people do care. Again, unless you are actually going to argue LGBTQ people are tolerated globally, which I mean at that point then I think I am done with the insanity of that assertion. People do see LGBT characters negatively and if you are going to deny that, deny how homophobic, even a lot of Westerners are (like I do have personal experience here lol as a bi/pan man) forget the Global South.....I don't have much to say to that lol. That is just straight up delusion at that point. Part of the militancy of some of these communities, sometimes unjustifiably and aimed at the wrong people, is because LGBT people are under threat. They feel threatened and that leads to hostility. I mean could you really blame them? It isn't just about execution it often is about identity. Look I was a disaffected SW fan coming out of TLJ too. Sure I like many, just thought it was writing/lore though you spend any time talking to many "I hate politics people" and you will find yeah a lot of them are just self interested bigots. Whatever, that is just my anecdotal experience and I haven't had enough in the opposite direction, to change that world view. I am only human. You forget the context og YYH though, Keiko is not "some girl", she is Urameshi's childhood best friend, you see when people get very close to eachother, they don't always care as much (if at all) about things like inter-gender relations, if your friend plays a dirty prank on you, chances are you're going to react very differently that if a random person on the street does so, if your friend greets you by calling you an a-hole, chances are you're going to react very differently than if a random person on the street does so, i can go on in infinity Fine, you know you as a straight woman are fine with your crush flipping up your skirt... I am not going to keep going into this even more lol. I think I am just done with this line of discussion to the point of caring, and frankly I spent way too much time on this tiring discussion. I literally only brought this up because I saw a meme awhile back, and I just realized it was making fun of YuYu, now that I am watching it. IDC, honestly having fun with the show I was just trying to say how others see it. |
BilboBaggins365Jan 13, 10:58 AM
Jan 13, 12:39 PM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
Stop making assumptions and your life will be easier. No I never said or implied I was above politics. What I said I don't like is people pretending they are apolitical, and they only want good writing, yet their definition of an ideal medium, is one that caters to their political ideals.
Whatever.....again I didn't mention anything about politics beyond, there hasn't been a political shift since international money flowed in. You can go back in the thread and see that.
This is what I said
In response to this comment you made
We are talking about yeah my responses need the context related to the words you provided... so no I never did imply you. I am talking generally about everyone.
I wouldn't deny that. Still the problem wasn't bringing in a female character and emphasizing her, it was that the writing sucked. I mean if you emphasize male characters, and downplay the female characters, sure people might call that work sexist. I don't like those people, just like I don't like people blaming female empowerment, on bad writing. I never would have disagreed that TLJ's bad writing was influenced by this desire to uphold female characters and downplay male characters. That is true.
Fine, I will be honest that was poor choice of words on my part. Disney censored because people do care. Again, unless you are actually going to argue LGBTQ people are tolerated globally, which I mean at that point then I think I am done with the insanity of that assertion.
People do see LGBT characters negatively and if you are going to deny that, deny how homophobic, even a lot of Westerners are (like I do have personal experience here lol as a bi/pan man) forget the Global South.....I don't have much to say to that lol. That is just straight up delusion at that point. Part of the militancy of some of these communities, sometimes unjustifiably and aimed at the wrong people, is because LGBT people are under threat. They feel threatened and that leads to hostility. I mean could you really blame them?
It isn't just about execution it often is about identity. Look I was a disaffected SW fan coming out of TLJ too. Sure I like many, just thought it was writing/lore though you spend any time talking to many "I hate politics people" and you will find yeah a lot of them are just self interested bigots. Whatever, that is just my anecdotal experience and I haven't had enough in the opposite direction, to change that world view. I am only human.
Fine, you know you as a straight woman are fine with your crush flipping up your skirt... I am not going to keep going into this even more lol. I think I am just done with this line of discussion to the point of caring, and frankly I spent way too much time on this tiring discussion. I literally only brought this up because I saw a meme awhile back, and I just realized it was making fun of YuYu, now that I am watching it. IDC, honestly having fun with the show I was just trying to say how others see it.
You've been spending most of the time in this thread diminishing other's opinions as "they think that for political reasons" as if you are somehow above that
Stop making assumptions and your life will be easier. No I never said or implied I was above politics. What I said I don't like is people pretending they are apolitical, and they only want good writing, yet their definition of an ideal medium, is one that caters to their political ideals.
I did not bring up politics, i brought up what "global standerd" certain people are asking for relly is, they may have political reasons behind it, but that does not mean everyone who disagrees with them or even agrees with them also has political reasons
Whatever.....again I didn't mention anything about politics beyond, there hasn't been a political shift since international money flowed in. You can go back in the thread and see that.
You sure seem to be implying it
This is what I said
Complaining that globalism is ruining anime because they potentially could bring in more LGBTQ characters, that they could have more varied racial characters, how they may depict sexuality or because they might have more prominent female characters is political. Like isn't that what this is really about?
In response to this comment you made
It might be time to realize that not everyone's opinion that differs from yours is rooted in politics
We are talking about yeah my responses need the context related to the words you provided... so no I never did imply you. I am talking generally about everyone.
Yes, it bombed with The Last Jedi, a movie that put agenda over storytelling, a movie that was promoted as "the force is female", which explain to me, since these people claim to be all for inclusion, how is that statement inclusive when there are both male and female jedi?
I wouldn't deny that. Still the problem wasn't bringing in a female character and emphasizing her, it was that the writing sucked. I mean if you emphasize male characters, and downplay the female characters, sure people might call that work sexist. I don't like those people, just like I don't like people blaming female empowerment, on bad writing. I never would have disagreed that TLJ's bad writing was influenced by this desire to uphold female characters and downplay male characters. That is true.
That is called indifference, not negativity
The same indifference i said most people have towards BL/GL content in anime and you replied "no people see it negatively"
People don't see LGBT characters negatively, people see prioritizing that over storytelling negatively
Fine, I will be honest that was poor choice of words on my part. Disney censored because people do care. Again, unless you are actually going to argue LGBTQ people are tolerated globally, which I mean at that point then I think I am done with the insanity of that assertion.
People do see LGBT characters negatively and if you are going to deny that, deny how homophobic, even a lot of Westerners are (like I do have personal experience here lol as a bi/pan man) forget the Global South.....I don't have much to say to that lol. That is just straight up delusion at that point. Part of the militancy of some of these communities, sometimes unjustifiably and aimed at the wrong people, is because LGBT people are under threat. They feel threatened and that leads to hostility. I mean could you really blame them?
It isn't just about execution it often is about identity. Look I was a disaffected SW fan coming out of TLJ too. Sure I like many, just thought it was writing/lore though you spend any time talking to many "I hate politics people" and you will find yeah a lot of them are just self interested bigots. Whatever, that is just my anecdotal experience and I haven't had enough in the opposite direction, to change that world view. I am only human.
You forget the context og YYH though, Keiko is not "some girl", she is Urameshi's childhood best friend, you see when people get very close to eachother, they don't always care as much (if at all) about things like inter-gender relations, if your friend plays a dirty prank on you, chances are you're going to react very differently that if a random person on the street does so, if your friend greets you by calling you an a-hole, chances are you're going to react very differently than if a random person on the street does so, i can go on in infinity
Fine, you know you as a straight woman are fine with your crush flipping up your skirt... I am not going to keep going into this even more lol. I think I am just done with this line of discussion to the point of caring, and frankly I spent way too much time on this tiring discussion. I literally only brought this up because I saw a meme awhile back, and I just realized it was making fun of YuYu, now that I am watching it. IDC, honestly having fun with the show I was just trying to say how others see it.
BilboBaggins365 said: Stop making assumptions and your life will be easier. No I never said or implied I was above politics. What I said I don't like is people pretending they are apolitical, and they only want good writing, yet their definition of an ideal medium, is one that caters to their political ideals. How about taking your own advice "Stop making assumptions and your life will be easier"? You keep assuming people are pretending to be apolitical, you keep thinking they just can't have those opinions without being political BilboBaggins365 said: Where is the contradiction? I mean, if the point is that they made changes to the story, because yeah they wanted to emphasize female character writing, sure... I wouldn't deny that. Still the problem wasn't bringing in a female character and emphasizing her, it was that the writing sucked. Like again develop where my contradiction is. I never would have disagreed that TLJ's bad writing was influenced by this desire to uphold female characters and downplay male characters. That is true. This isn't contradictory to anything i have said though lol. The contradiction was reffering to what you said about "no one cared about the lesbian kiss" when in your previoous post you claomed people do care about if there are gay characters in anime, so which is it? Are people offended by there being LGBT characters or are they indifferent? BilboBaggins365 said: Fine, I will be honest that was poor choice of words on my part, since you seem determined to jump on everything I say. Disney censored because people do care. Again, unless you are actually going to argue LGBTQ people are tolerated globally, which I mean at that point then I think I am done with the insanity of that assertion. I never claimed LGBT is tolarated globally, and don't twist this into "it's not tolerated globally" when your initial claim was this BilboBaggins365 said: This is a pretty wide assumption. Well I have made a few too. Still I mean if we are going to talk somewhat recent, CR literally nuked their comment section because of all the people making homophobic comments, on a BL series. That series was an organic creation of Japanese creativity however, those people didn't care. I used to underestimate how intolerant right wing fans were in nerdy spaces, on the basis this had died down, in younger generations. It has not, and to me there have been plenty of examples where depiction not execution is in fact the issue. BilboBaggins365 said: People do see LGBT characters negatively and if you are going to deny that, deny how homophobic, even a lot of Westerners are (like I do have personal experience here lol as a bi/pan man) forget the Global South.....I don't have much to say to that lol. That is just straight up delusion at that point. Some people see LGBT characters negatively, but like i already said, it's a loud minority, that is not delusional Obviously it's more complicated than that, there are also places in the west where the concetration of homophobic or racist people is higher, generally this happens in small towns where many of it's people stay there their whole lives, never leaving to experience the outside world, only interacting with people of their home towns, basically creating a bubble of ignorance But even calculating situations like this, overall, they are still the minority in todays world I don't know what your personal experiencees are, where you live, but claiming that is the norm because you've had bad experiences, i won't go as far as to say delusional cuz we as humans do base our view of the world on our personal experiences in part, but it does come off as a bit self centered to think that because you are experiencing something bad it must mean most people who are like you or in your same situation must be having the same bad experience |
Jan 13, 4:22 PM
@DigiCat You keep assuming people are pretending to be apolitical, you keep thinking they just can't have those opinions without being political How is assuming that by encouraging more LGBT fiction, or "empowered" female characters you are going to ensure a worse industry, not a political belief? Like I am not claiming my reality is the only objective reality, it's just my anecdotal experience, which is often validated even by fans on here. I never said they can't, I just said that most are very political in my experience. Sure, I don't like poor representation and yeah there is a lot of that, however, a lot of people are cloaking their hate behind, "oh I just hate bad writing". And when you see, actual Japanese works, unconnected to the West, get hate because they are LGBT, it's hard to keep thinking a lot of fans who complain about this stuff aren't also bigoted. And again, though I will continue to state.. yeah this is my anecdotal experience. Some people see LGBT characters negatively, but like i already said, it's a loud minority, that is not delusional Most of the world is not a loud minority, LGBT acceptance is within a small minority of people. Western soft power just makes that acceptance seem higher than it is. I mean if anime was to be truly "global" that would be to embrace homophobia funnily enough. as a bit self centered to think that because you are experiencing something bad it must mean most people who are like you or in your same situation must be having the same bad experience Everyone is self centered to some extent. Everyone is looking out for their own interest. I don't know what your personal experiencees are, where you live, but claiming that is the norm because you've had bad experiences, At best it's just a few hurtful comments/views it's not a big deal, however, that's because I live in the affluent West. Anyway whatever, I just don't have much more to say, so this is my last response. I don't even think there is some major disagreement on most of the things we are talking about. |
Jan 13, 5:07 PM
Fuck no it should stay to it´s cultural roots. I mean fuck all these so called DEI supporters talk and talk about how bad racism is but have 0 issue fucking over others cultures just so they can push their own political twisted reality to a the point. All these so called morons that think they are some fucking wonderful people trying to make the world a better place are more hateful and more racist than any one else have some fucking respect for other people Cultures and for fuck sake have some respect for other people creation. Wanna push your shitty political trash make your own games or anime. But we all know how well your political drivel ends. Concord DEAD, Vailguard lost more money to the point that is Bioware fucks up the next game bioware will be no more. high guardian spice so fucking bad it´s hated by allot of people and probably the reason Sony bought them up because the lost to much money on the trash. And for fuck sake quit hiring people base on their gender, race and sexuality hire the RIGHT people for the right fucking job and not´s what their fucking shitty pronoun is. looking at you again Bioware that only hire activists instead of competent people. And no i´m not Left or right wing I don´t give a shit about American´s trash politics and if I did I would only feel sorry for them because them seam to vote in morons. Nor in my own country do I care about politics we have had both left and right wing in power and non of them has done anything worth my vote or respect instead all they done is lie like the worthless compulsive liar´s they are just so they can line their pockets with tax payer money. Never ever do they care about whats best for the people, ever. So if you call me right wing yatzi I will call you brainwashed moron that can´t think for them self and are more racist than Yatzi. If this DEI trash keeps up I fucking hope the world ends fast because DEI brainwash is not a world any one sane human would wanna live in. |
Jan 14, 3:57 PM
Reply to BilboBaggins365
How is assuming that by encouraging more LGBT fiction, or "empowered" female characters you are going to ensure a worse industry, not a political belief? Like I am not claiming my reality is the only objective reality, it's just my anecdotal experience, which is often validated even by fans on here. I never said they can't, I just said that most are very political in my experience. Sure, I don't like poor representation and yeah there is a lot of that, however, a lot of people are cloaking their hate behind, "oh I just hate bad writing". And when you see, actual Japanese works, unconnected to the West, get hate because they are LGBT, it's hard to keep thinking a lot of fans who complain about this stuff aren't also bigoted. And again, though I will continue to state.. yeah this is my anecdotal experience.
Most of the world is not a loud minority, LGBT acceptance is within a small minority of people. Western soft power just makes that acceptance seem higher than it is. I mean if anime was to be truly "global" that would be to embrace homophobia funnily enough.
Everyone is self centered to some extent. Everyone is looking out for their own interest.
At best it's just a few hurtful comments/views it's not a big deal, however, that's because I live in the affluent West. Anyway whatever, I just don't have much more to say, so this is my last response. I don't even think there is some major disagreement on most of the things we are talking about.
You keep assuming people are pretending to be apolitical, you keep thinking they just can't have those opinions without being political
How is assuming that by encouraging more LGBT fiction, or "empowered" female characters you are going to ensure a worse industry, not a political belief? Like I am not claiming my reality is the only objective reality, it's just my anecdotal experience, which is often validated even by fans on here. I never said they can't, I just said that most are very political in my experience. Sure, I don't like poor representation and yeah there is a lot of that, however, a lot of people are cloaking their hate behind, "oh I just hate bad writing". And when you see, actual Japanese works, unconnected to the West, get hate because they are LGBT, it's hard to keep thinking a lot of fans who complain about this stuff aren't also bigoted. And again, though I will continue to state.. yeah this is my anecdotal experience.
Some people see LGBT characters negatively, but like i already said, it's a loud minority, that is not delusional
Most of the world is not a loud minority, LGBT acceptance is within a small minority of people. Western soft power just makes that acceptance seem higher than it is. I mean if anime was to be truly "global" that would be to embrace homophobia funnily enough.
as a bit self centered to think that because you are experiencing something bad it must mean most people who are like you or in your same situation must be having the same bad experience
Everyone is self centered to some extent. Everyone is looking out for their own interest.
I don't know what your personal experiencees are, where you live, but claiming that is the norm because you've had bad experiences,
At best it's just a few hurtful comments/views it's not a big deal, however, that's because I live in the affluent West. Anyway whatever, I just don't have much more to say, so this is my last response. I don't even think there is some major disagreement on most of the things we are talking about.
BilboBaggins365 said: How is assuming that by encouraging more LGBT fiction, or "empowered" female characters you are going to ensure a worse industry, not a political belief? How is equating that to wanting good writing and respect for different cultures not an obsission with politics? BilboBaggins365 said: however, a lot of people are cloaking their hate behind, "oh I just hate bad writing" Again assuming that people can't simply critique bad writing without being politically motivated You are the one who used "a lot" this time, you don't get to say you were being vague with how often you think this happens BilboBaggins365 said: And when you see, actual Japanese works, unconnected to the West, get hate because they are LGBT, it's hard to keep thinking a lot of fans who complain about this stuff aren't also bigoted. And again, though I will continue to state.. yeah this is my anecdotal experience. Like i already mentioned in previous replies, a few trolls on the internet do not determind how the majority of fans behave Also a work being japanese, being unconnected to the west, doesn't make it immune to bad writing Like there are well written western shows/movies and badly written ones, there are well written anime and there are badly written ones, this regardless of genre BilboBaggins365 said: At best it's just a few hurtful comments/views it's not a big deal So you went from BilboBaggins365 said: People do see LGBT characters negatively and if you are going to deny that, deny how homophobic, even a lot of Westerners are (like I do have personal experience here lol as a bi/pan man) To "it's just a few hurtful comment, no biggie"... A lot vs A few... you do know what an antonym is, right? You do know what your anecdotal evidence amounts to when it's the former vs the latter, right? |
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