
So what do i do after capturing the tentacle monster and getting sabia fucked by the drunk soldier as Ba Ashi... Bris says something about whitecrest and Lynn doing solo sabia btw


What would be the general advice for a guy who hasn't played it yet at all? Is it worth playing unfinished 0.81 version or is it better to wait for 1.0 release?


New Member
it takes more than year to progress from 0.7 to 0.8 so playing it now better than waiting for full release.


How do i know i finished the update? i joined the bandits, had sex with the human as dancer, captured the tentacle and made "peace" with the shaman. But unlike the other version there was no cg nor message sayng that was the end of the version.


Are there any new scenes with Neve in the recent update? She is the only character I look forward to seeing whenever an update comes out.
Does anyone know how to get past the quest with maply and a hellhound with in it, if you preveiously enslaved the catgirls? She just keeps refusing to talk to me after a certain point during the quest. It is preventing me from progressing the game any further.


I left a comment some time ago on patreon, will try here too since devs seem to browse this place aswell. I agree with what most ppl complain about. Game took wierd turn from trainer to some kind of vn/adventure game hybrid. U read and read just to view one scene then read and read again. Even worse, most stuff require money to progress and there is no fun way of geting money after 1st chapter. Spaming "hunting" in a forest for 3 weeks is not fun gameplay. This game needs trainer elements and reapatable scenes for it to be sustainable. 1 art can last much longer with slight changes if you guys provide context. If the game continues like this then every update ppl will grind for next scene while being frustrated by unfun "hold ctrl" gameplay, then view scene for 15 seconds and put the game down again in disapointment. Porgressing story with alot of text is ok if you give us scenes to break up the monotony. I know it sounds harsh but in the end the game is basicly a vehicle for viewing nomos art and give context to the scenes. We dont need great stories and huge fleshed out maps. Just gives us repeatable and random encounters in the camp involving sabia and orcs/hounds and make resaults and answers be effected by her stats or previous quests. Abandon progressing story or adding new characters untill you can make the game actually enjoable to play thru anything after 1st chapter. Reuse the scenes if u must but please, add porn to the porn game. Anyway thats my 5 cents. I wish the team best luck in the future.
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Реакции: dafvid112


New Member
For me personally.. I'm just gonna be writing thoughts in no order here so,
I discovered your work when you finished NN and shortly before starting KoD, NN was awesome for few reasons, and not necessarily related to the characters it parodied. They were unique in the H game sense, and there was a lot of roleplay in it, for example the scene where you could betray your teammate when she was kept as insurance in the minotaur camp was one of the hottest things. The endgame minigames were 30/10 too and I just prefer rpgm to renpy.

Now for KoD, it started amazing, hot muscular highborn girl alone in orc camp, with this premise it's really hard to go wrong but.. As someone mentioned she has a bit too much freedom for being prisoner, it's quite irrational, but you could use the excuse that there is too much going on in the camp for them to care. Yoruichi is also there to assure her, if she made appearance later it would make more sense for Sabia to lean towards sub behaviour.
Next, there are no small event decisions for Sabia, you pick one of the big routes and she autopilots with her proud personality (sub only player here, oops guilty, playing hgames for the hentai) the bar event is the biggest offender here, no choices, no variance, not even foreshadowing and the build up is in completely different direction. No repeatable scenes as said many times before, this is really silly, you only need to draw it once and it will fill the game, think from players prespective as well.

Honestly I'd describe KoD atm as one big cock tease, the theme is so flexible and good, yet it's like the good stuff is being avoided on purpose. I would make Sabia's personality more flexible early with each choice until she falls into either extreme then you can start branching the scenes. Basically I go sub route but she's still in the highborn commander Sabia mindset, instead of being just girl who submitted to orcs out of fear.
Now the story, while decent it really never kicked off, neither did the dialogue, the characters are rather weak for the most part. When I was replaying the 3rd time after update I found myself ctrl-ing through the new content I haven't read yet, with no regrets.. I'll give it a shot again now that you have new writer in 2019. Also, stop skipping best. content :rage: I don't doubt kod will evolve and eventually smoothens out with enough work in the right direction, the theme is just strong. Gl to you and the others.
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