Charming Southern Backyard Garden Talk & Tour 🏆 2022 Reader Garden Award Winners: Jim & Carole Poole

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Kristin visits our 2022 Reader Garden Award Winners, Jim & Carole Poole in their Georgia garden. Watch along and learn how they have transformed their backyard and created a garden with year-round interest. There is always something blooming!
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Комментарии • 324

  • @suepercy8390
    @suepercy8390 Год назад +17

    Lovely garden and you did a great job of letting them talk with only a little input to encourage conversation

  • @nolagirl7082
    @nolagirl7082 2 года назад +16

    What a sweet husband! I can’t think of a better gift… Then to come out and see a bunch of empty pots you had, full of tulips!🌷🌷

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад +2

      You just gave me tears in my eyes! You’re sweet to remember that…and he really is a wonderful husband!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      So true! Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  • @carollittle4056
    @carollittle4056 2 года назад +5

    52 years what a wonderful design

  • @janethayes1908
    @janethayes1908 2 года назад +25

    I sooo LOVE this kind of video!!! Beautiful gardens give me so much inspiration, plus a little kick in the butt to go work in my own garden beds!! 😁

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад +1

      So glad you liked it and it inspired you! Thanks for watching.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад

      Hello Janet, I’m so happy you liked the video. Garden Gate Magazine produces such beautiful videos and we were so honored to be a part of one. It’s great that you are inspired to work in your garden. I always need a little inspiration too!

  • @PilotCristina
    @PilotCristina Год назад +4

    I don’t say this about a lot of gardens but they did they a great job. My style of gardening. I like to call it a formal cottage.

  • @lindaortolano7837
    @lindaortolano7837 2 года назад +9

    Just a lovely garden and lovely homeowners!

  • @libbypatton3199
    @libbypatton3199 2 года назад +8

    I'm not finished watching yet but I LOVE the editing and post-production! Did y'all notice the plant descriptions as they popped up? Did you see the Pomeranian? I love a little bit of humor and whimsy and this made my day!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад +1

      Great! Glad you noticed the Pomeranian. Thank for watching and commenting.

  • @sheilagilleland4312
    @sheilagilleland4312 2 года назад +37

    Absolutely beautiful garden! My garden is in the very early stages, at almost sixty Years old, i’m just now getting into gardening. I’m in North Texas, 7B. I have a lot to learn, but now that I have some extra time to focus on gardening I’m just loving it. I’m also a watercolor artist and find it’s such a struggle trying to do both art and yard. I love to paint and to garden so much that I’m not sure how to manage my time and keep my house clean, animals happy and husband fed. Theirs just not enough hours in a day. You art work is superb, and your garden it’s picture perfect.

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад +2

      Thanks so much for watching and commenting. Good luck in your gardening journey!

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад +5

      Sheila! You and I have so much in common. You just described my life on every point. And you are right..there are not enough hours in the day! A while back, I just decided to focus on my faith, my husband, my dog, my art and my garden. In that order. House cleaning barely makes the list! Thank you so much for watching and for the sweet compliments. We are so excited about all of this! Seems like a dream!

    • @sheilagilleland4312
      @sheilagilleland4312 2 года назад +2

      @@carolepoolegallery1981I completely agree, my faith is also on the top of my list, then my family/ fur babies. I raised four boys and my youngest is a marine. My eyes opened up to a whole new world when my nest became empty. My boys were our entire life, it was all about them. Instead of dirt bike trails, shooting areas and basketball hoops, I started a real yard, with pretty flowers and walking paths. I learned that I love to mow, and trim hedges and to edge the lawn, to cut out grass and start a flowerbed. We have ten acres, not all our land will end up being used for gardens, but again I try and never say never. Thank you for you sweet words, and reminding me that it’s ok if it’s not all done, the important things are being cared for,
      God bless!

    • @feliciahutchins4237
      @feliciahutchins4237 2 года назад +2

      Me too

    • @rosehill1595
      @rosehill1595 2 года назад +1

      That is so true - I really enjoy designing and working in my garden. I even learned how to do proper compost. Every year is a new experience, so exciting to try new things and see how it all turns out. There is nothing better than grabbing my first cup of coffee and taking a walk in the garden.

  • @bigred6815
    @bigred6815 Год назад +1

    I agree with Jim about cannas. I started off with three plants and within a few years I had about an eight foot row packed with beautiful bright yellow cannas with solid dark green leaves. I talked to and watered them everyday. I would pray as I watered them. They brought me such peace.

  • @featherednests4374
    @featherednests4374 2 года назад +7

    Absolutely gorgeous! So beautiful! Thanks for sharing. You should be so proud.

  • @pinkpoodle7100
    @pinkpoodle7100 2 года назад +5

    I’ve watched this video 3 times. The garden design and maintenance are beautiful. 🌷

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      Wow, thank you!

    • @d.wilbur5164
      @d.wilbur5164 Год назад

      Today I'm back to watch for my third or fourth time. It's so hot in Georgia and I needed some inspiration, which this always gives me! So tranquil and beautiful!!!

  • @OldLadySpeer
    @OldLadySpeer 2 года назад +12

    How beautiful! I can see your love of gardening and each other! You are blessed! Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with the rest of us! 🥰🥰

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад +1

      So nice of you. Thanks for watching.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад +1

      Melinda, what a dear sweet thing to say. We really appreciate it. We were happy to share and had such a good time making the tour video!

  • @aprilfool4ewe
    @aprilfool4ewe 2 года назад +12

    Absolutely GORGEOUS! Such an inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing!

  • @kristopherfante9646
    @kristopherfante9646 2 года назад +7

    Beautifully designed!

  • @deekeene4273
    @deekeene4273 2 года назад +7

    What a slice of heaven, so perfectly beautiful!!

  • @christiebetts-fi7qj
    @christiebetts-fi7qj 10 месяцев назад +1

    I loved the husband surprising his wife with the tulips. Tulips were my Mom’s favorite flower and when she got mostly bedridden, I planted tulips where she could see them from the bedroom window

  • @Pervydachny
    @Pervydachny 2 года назад +6

    Amazing garden beauty! I admire the work done. Thank you for sharing a great video👍🌻💙

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      So nice of you. Thanks for visiting.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад +1

      Thank you so much for dropping by. We really appreciate it and happy to share the video.

  • @irenetovar7756
    @irenetovar7756 2 года назад +6

    Absolutely gorgeous

  • @maggiecudic2744
    @maggiecudic2744 2 года назад +5

    Gorgeous garden, what a fortunate couple to share this interest into their later years.

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      We agree! Thanks for watching.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад

      What a sweet thing to say Maggie. It really is nice and keeps us focused. We feel so honored to appear in such a lovely magazine. Thank you for watching.

  • @hollyhold562
    @hollyhold562 Год назад

    Jim's right about people, builders, + landscape. Beautiful garden.

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  Год назад

      Yes, so knowledgeable and passionate. Thanks for watching and commenting.

  • @GoAwayNow-iz3du
    @GoAwayNow-iz3du Год назад +1

    Up here in TN with the heavy rains, clay soil & drought summers, we've had really good luck with Darlow's Enigma white roses.
    They aren't as showy, but have profuse, simple blooms & are very fragrant as well as being extremely hardy.
    I only fertilize them in the spring & they explode all spring, summer & most of fall here in 7a.

  • @GardenHappy
    @GardenHappy 2 года назад +2

    Such a beautiful and sweet little slice of heaven! 🧡❤️💜💙💚

  • @yuegonghuamei6685
    @yuegonghuamei6685 2 года назад +2

    One of best home garden like mine with little cost no chemicals, organic open garden for neighbors enjoy too.

  • @lindadixon7956
    @lindadixon7956 2 года назад +1

    linda Dorough Dixon here...I really enjoyed the show on the Pools gardens.. I think they have so much to add to the Roswell neighborhood City ....He is a fine home builder ...

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      thanks for watching and commenting. Carole and Jim are such nice people.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад

      Thank you so much Linda! We appreciate your kind worlds!

  • @VancouverIslandgirl
    @VancouverIslandgirl 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden .

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      Thanks for visiting and commenting. Jim and Carole have done a wonderful job with their garden.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад

      Thank you so much Diane! We loved sharing!

  • @rnguyen2516
    @rnguyen2516 11 месяцев назад +1

    What a beautiful garden and serene seating areas. But Carole, your artwork is wonderful! I’ll have to see if I can find your details so that I can have you paint our home! I love that you celebrated your 50th wedding anniversary right in your garden. I can’t think of a more ideal setting! Congratulations!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  11 месяцев назад +1

      Glad you liked it. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  • @suzetteccc
    @suzetteccc 2 года назад +3

    Wow. There are many gardens on YT, but it's no wonder that Jim and Carole's garden won an award. The view from the patio is outstanding. I have to admit I'm a boxwood addict and my favourite shrub/flower is hydrangea, so this has been a real inspiration. I'm way up and over in Vancouver Canada, so my zone is a little colder which allows for the those two plants to winter well. Thank you for sharing. It is such a pleasure to see.😌

  • @katherinecornette5315
    @katherinecornette5315 2 года назад +7

    They are a great couple! Working together to create a lovely place!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      Yes they are! So glad we got to feature all their hard work.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад

      Katherine, what a sweet thing to say! We really do love working together and we definitely love our little place!

  • @MrsB_734
    @MrsB_734 2 года назад +1

    Oh My Goodness! My dream garden.

  • @countrygirl6794
    @countrygirl6794 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely Beautiful Garden! I'm sure I would never leave the patio ... Thank you for sharing your stunning garden, I wish I had your talent ... 🌹🌺🌻🌷

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад +1

      You’re just the sweetest! We do spend a lot of time there and appreciate your kind words!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  • @azizhusain5111
    @azizhusain5111 2 года назад +1

    Iwatching your garden vudeo from near bhopal. Indua very stuninf garden

  • @liontribeofjudah5616
    @liontribeofjudah5616 2 года назад +3

    Love this garden..I love that it looks like it has akways been this way..SO MUCH INTEREST..TEXTURE.. just MAGICAL..

  • @apotheosisofarose1425
    @apotheosisofarose1425 2 года назад +2

    Love love love the potting area behind the fence panels. Such a great idea

  • @michaeljonesdougherty.209
    @michaeljonesdougherty.209 2 года назад +1

    How very pretty & well done
    💕 Like a secret Garden

  • @leadepp4047
    @leadepp4047 2 года назад +3

    What a elegant southern garden!

  • @dutchhillhome158
    @dutchhillhome158 2 года назад +3

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  • @northeasthardytropicals541
    @northeasthardytropicals541 2 года назад +3

    What a phenomenal property. The patio setup is amazing.

  • @marysantistevan6939
    @marysantistevan6939 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely Fantastic! the love and inspiration from these two special people are appreciated very much!! Blessings, enjoyed your beautiful Gardens!! 🥰🤗🥰🤗

  • @lindas5964
    @lindas5964 2 года назад +1

    What a lovely couple and enchanting garden❣️

  • @celmargarcia1910
    @celmargarcia1910 2 года назад

    I enjoyed the stroll

  • @pamd1861
    @pamd1861 2 года назад +3

    Absolutely lovely gardens in every way!!

  • @sarahcole7338
    @sarahcole7338 2 года назад +1

    Wow what a gorgeous garden!! I just love Jim, his passion for what he does really shows! Sweet couple❤️

  • @LifeHomeandGardenwithAnaRica
    @LifeHomeandGardenwithAnaRica 2 года назад +3

    This garden is so beautiful! I'm working on mine.

  • @PLFoon
    @PLFoon 2 года назад +2

    Very nice Garden Design full of blooms just love it

  • @ourcozycorner8517
    @ourcozycorner8517 2 года назад +3

    Oh I love this! I’ve been looking at my small backyard & visualizing an old school classic garden. We already have some crepe myrtle trees, a small magnolia, river birch, & an evergreen. I added a little garden bench under the two crepe myrtles. In the spring/summer it looks so gorgeous with the gardenia bushes. But I want to plant more things so it will not only feel magical in the spring or summer, but year round. I am no gardener so feeling very stuck. This is nice inspiration.

  • @sandieweatherup
    @sandieweatherup 2 года назад +4

    Well they're the next town over from me!😁 Would love to see a garden winner that has vegetable beds; or a poteger garden.

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      Maybe this year we will have a submittal veggies. Thanks for watching.

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад +1

      You live near Roswell? That’s great! We’ll have to encourage the vegetable gardens!

  • @GardenbyDahlin
    @GardenbyDahlin 2 года назад +5

    Absolute stunning! Love it! 😍🤩

  • @joannschultz3679
    @joannschultz3679 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for the lovely tour, enjoyed very much.

  • @southerncharm693
    @southerncharm693 2 года назад +2

    😍 I absolutely adore it all and those birdhouses 🤩 I would love to have this in my backyard as it’s not only looks so stunning beautiful it’s sound relaxing as I could fall asleep in a hammock 💗🌳🌷🌼🌸🌺🌻🌹🌾🪴💐♥️

  • @malaikahansen
    @malaikahansen 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely amazing 🤩

  • @jennifergreene8891
    @jennifergreene8891 10 месяцев назад

    Another BEAUTIFUL garden tour! Thank you to the Pooles for sharing!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  10 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for watching! We love being able to share these stunning gardens from our travels.

  • @Rmarsavis327
    @Rmarsavis327 2 года назад +2

    What a beautiful garden! Love it so much.

  • @fredahwiwu5219
    @fredahwiwu5219 2 года назад +1

    Absolutely beautiful

  • @daniellegrows2498
    @daniellegrows2498 Год назад +1

    Ohhhhh I love it so much!!! I’m in north Al so it was wonderful to see what you grow that I can also!!

  • @geraldinevera2829
    @geraldinevera2829 2 года назад +1

    Perfect God has truly blessed you two❤❤❤

  • @robinboudwin9581
    @robinboudwin9581 2 года назад +3

    I've had two homes with what I call my "trash" garden, and they turn out to be the prettiest.

  • @magalover2024
    @magalover2024 Год назад

    Congratulations Jim and Carole 🥰 I love your garden and bet the birdies are happy… can’t wait to start mine!

  • @janetcorey5102
    @janetcorey5102 2 года назад +2

    Beautifully executed garden. I especially like the square and straight lines of the fence combined with gentle curves of pateo

    • @carolepoolegallery1981
      @carolepoolegallery1981 2 года назад

      Thank you so much Janet. So happy you noticed. Jim is very good at planning things like that and I am so proud of him!

  • @d.wilbur5164
    @d.wilbur5164 2 года назад +6

    Your garden is magnificent!!! Would love to see it on a garden tour. I garden in Alpharetta and need to up my game :) It is just lovely!!!

  • @aliciaconnolly1227
    @aliciaconnolly1227 2 года назад +4

    Love these garden tours so much!

  • @Bigdogplantation
    @Bigdogplantation 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely beautiful! I have a new garden space in my back yard and am going to incorporate some of this gorgeous design! Congratulations!❤

  • @claireburkus8497
    @claireburkus8497 2 года назад +3


  • @5262janna
    @5262janna 2 года назад +1

    Very nice collaboration among a couple!

  • @bevfast865
    @bevfast865 2 года назад +4

    Gorgeous yard!

  • @anamayor5750
    @anamayor5750 2 года назад

    He needs a RUclips channel I love his garden

  • @bethjohnson8234
    @bethjohnson8234 2 года назад +3


  • @raton_garden
    @raton_garden Год назад

    Wow so beautiful garden. Good job❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @shellbells339
    @shellbells339 2 года назад +1

    Oh my gracious! Love this! 😍

  • @patriciaagee-u5s
    @patriciaagee-u5s 11 месяцев назад

    This garden is a blessing to see and enjoy.❤

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  11 месяцев назад

      Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for watching and commenting.

  • @vin.handle
    @vin.handle 2 года назад +1

    Possibly, the most beautiful home garden I have ever seen. Reading the article and doing the math with the dimensions cited there for the backyard (70 feet X 80 feet) comes out to 1/8 acre. Is that possible?

  • @jeankelly368
    @jeankelly368 Год назад

    What a beautiful garden!. I had a yard in Dunwoody i loved to embellish.

  • @dotbetter2581
    @dotbetter2581 Год назад

    Such a beautiful garden ❤ and a lovely conversation ☺️ thank you so so much for this amazing tour.

  • @alicehenley1328
    @alicehenley1328 2 года назад +1

    I’m so glad I found this!!! I’m in ga also further down south, omg your garden is stunning every thing just falls into place!! That patio is sooo nice I would just and knit and look at all the slender!! You two should be very proud as I’m proud for you!!! Congratulations.. well done

    @BCBRENDA Год назад

    New viewer! How beautiful! Gave me inspiration in preparing to build my memorial garden for my grandmother who raised me. " Grannies Garden ". Grannie is gone at the age of 93 n she lived her fliwer n veggie garden. Thanks for sharing!

  • @Holly_at_gypsyhollergardens
    @Holly_at_gypsyhollergardens 2 года назад +3

    Very nice !!!

  • @jolenedyer4788
    @jolenedyer4788 2 года назад +2

    So beautiful

  • @alicequarterman3777
    @alicequarterman3777 11 месяцев назад

    Congratulations, on your winning, gorgeous garden.

  • @anntodd1233
    @anntodd1233 2 года назад +1

    Love what you have done! It is beautiful!

  • @LuckyEucalyptusTree-
    @LuckyEucalyptusTree- Год назад +1


  • @ninachumnanvech5212
    @ninachumnanvech5212 Год назад


  • @jacquiinsc711
    @jacquiinsc711 2 года назад +1

    I just watched this video for the the 5th time. Your garden is stunning and I love how well you both work together. Everything you chose compliments the yard so perfectly. My husband and I are currently designing our 1.5 acre garden from scratch. May I ask what type of ground cover is in the yard? Or is it grass? If so, what type of grass? Thank you in advance. 😊

  • @lauracampa1838
    @lauracampa1838 2 года назад +1

    I think I will try to make a border with pine needles just like theirs. 😍

  • @lindasells4476
    @lindasells4476 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  11 месяцев назад

      Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for watching and commenting.

  • @Faji9r
    @Faji9r 2 года назад +1

    All the plants look new.

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад +1

      Some of the annuals hadn't reached maturity when video was shot.

  • @Easyyumcook
    @Easyyumcook 2 года назад +2

    Nice garden!

  • @julielamb9983
    @julielamb9983 2 года назад +2

    Gorgeous garden!!

  • @juliegolub2602
    @juliegolub2602 2 года назад +2

    Beautiful garden 🌹

  • @chrisbehavior7659
    @chrisbehavior7659 4 дня назад

    Wow I really live the green borders and what they did inside. Jim talked about the holliys in the back. Is it really hollys all the way along their garden? I've never seen them grow like that. I mean they have to be about 16 feet high :O

  • @phuongnguyen-qw6gl
    @phuongnguyen-qw6gl Год назад

    Love love your beautiful Garden. Thanks ❤❤❤

  • @BeautifulGardensExplorer
    @BeautifulGardensExplorer Год назад

    what a dream garden! I love it!! 😍🌸🌺🌿

  • @twilde3754
    @twilde3754 2 года назад +2

    Beautiful! I'd love to know the kind of grass they have ...

  • @idaniamorales6058
    @idaniamorales6058 2 года назад +1

    Amazing 😻

  • @mirasolsegovia5596
    @mirasolsegovia5596 11 месяцев назад

    Absolutely beautiful!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  11 месяцев назад

      Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for watching and commenting.

  • @Benice-y4y
    @Benice-y4y 2 года назад +7

    Please do this type of private tours more

    • @ktay287
      @ktay287 2 года назад

      Thanks for watching! Be sure to check out the rest of our Talk & Tour Video series with more tours with the gardeners

  • @sharonwittmayer1221
    @sharonwittmayer1221 Год назад

    This one is my FAVORITE 💕🙌🏻💕

  • @lindaburniac6183
    @lindaburniac6183 2 года назад +3

    Beautiful! Very inspirational. I would love to know the size of this garden?

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  2 года назад

      Hi Linda! This backyard is roughly 70×80-feet. Find more details about this garden in our full online article:

  • @debrawatkins5310
    @debrawatkins5310 Год назад

    Love your garden it's so beautiful

  • @lisamiller7143
    @lisamiller7143 2 года назад

    Love it

  • @cindyking9813
    @cindyking9813 Год назад

    So very pretty!

    • @GardenGateMagazine
      @GardenGateMagazine  Год назад

      Thanks for watching! Be sure to check out the rest of our Talk & Tour series 🌺

  • @sonyasutton6200
    @sonyasutton6200 2 года назад

    congratulations well deserved