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Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
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Sexfighting in America

2/3/12 4:49 PM42 min507 MBwmv720p
Price47.49 EUR
CategorySex Fight


Brainy, beautiful Ariella Ferrera has an agenda. She wants to introduce all of the housewives in Parker City to the joys of lesbianism. First, however, she seduces their daughters so that the younger generation will assist her in her mission. Horny 18-year-old Alice Hamilton becomes one of Ariella's staunchest allies. On a rainy Thursday afternoon Ariella calls Alice and tells her: "I invited your step-mother over here to discuss your extracurricular activities. Hopefully, with a little coaxing, she will prove to be just as sexually adventurous as her step-daughter." "Don't bet on it." Alice responds flatly. "My step-mother only has sex for the purpose of procreation." A knock on Ariella's front door interrupts their conversation and soon Ariella is Alice's prim, bespectacled step-mother into her living room. Tanya Hamilton wears a pink sweater, pink mules, pink lipstick, and a shy expression on her face. "Why, you look like a cross between a Barbie doll and Bambi, the little lost deer from the old cartoon show." Ariella remarks as a lascivious glint creeps into her eyes. Tanya blushes. Her host cannot take her eyes off of the large breasts concealed beneath Tanya's sweater. "Umm.. you said on the phone that you wanted to discuss Alice's after school activities." the disconcerted Mrs. Hamilton stammers. "Yes. Yes, I do." Ariella affirms. Something in her tone makes Tanya glance nervously toward the door. "In fact.. " Ariella says. "I want to show you exACTLY what Alice has been doing with her free time." Without waiting for a response she grabs Tanya's left breast and uses it as a handle to steer the shocked blonde into her arms. Tanya resists furiously and a horrific catfight ensues. Ultimately Ariella achieves dominance and pins Tanya to the floor by sitting on her face. The militant lesbian nonetheless realizes that an exual conquest will not represent a true victory. She must induce Tanya to have so many orgasms that the surprisingly feisty housewife will ultimately renounce her heterosexual marriage and fully embrace the lesbian lifestyle..

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