N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth !

N. Korea will force Obama to use force against N. Korea because N. Korea 's northwestern lauching site is ready to launch a long-range missle aiming at Hawaii on July 4th.

Within 18-24 months, N. Korea will launch long-range missles aiming at California and planning to just annihilate the entire west coast.

California may file for bankruptcy and massively cut services but California may not survive the multiple missles attack from N. Korea.

Why and who is behind N. Korea to provoke United States into another major war? :glugglug:
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

Dude, what have you been smoking ?
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

Do we have a reliable source on this?


No .... okay then, I'll move on with my day :D
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

Ginseng , the best from Korea !

But CIA and NSA both announced already N. Korea will launch the missle directly aiming at Hawaii. It is 100% true !
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

Wait, what? The United States needs to be PROVOKED into another war? Since when?
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

When is this new Hollywood movie out? Who are the main stars featuring in it? :rofl: :1orglaugh


Closed Account
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

"While the newspaper speculated the Taepodong-2 could fly over Japan and toward Hawaii, it said the missile would not be able to hit Hawaii's main islands, which are about 4,500 miles from the Korean peninsula. "

the US will do nothing.
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

Well, another Korean war sound like a shit storm, but if it brings back M*A*S*H, then I guess it's worth it.
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

The head douchebags in NK want to stay in power. They cannot do that if they start shit with the US. They know full well that if they even pretend to launch a nuke at the US, or anyone else for that matter, that the US will completely glass them over within 5 minutes and NK will cease to exist. Then Kim Jong Il won't be able to get anymore shipments of Courvoisier, cuban cigars or American porno. And that is really all he cares about.
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

We should annihilate N. Korea completely, as they might someday think about firing on us.

Also, same goes with Iran.

I've also heard that someone in New Zealand was talking about what it would take to acquire uranium or yellowcake or something. So who knows, it's quite possible that they might think about building nuclear weapons someday. What choice do we have, if we're reasonable and care about defending America, but to destroy all of these places and the evil people that live there??

Just to be on the safe side, we should obliterate everything beyond U.S. borders, except maybe the U.K. and Israel.

Anything less than this is just suicide, can't you see?????!!!!
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

.....don't be too sure of us Brits either ;)
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

I'm seeing on legitimate news sites that Hawaii is on alert.

Might be something to this.

Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

.....don't be too sure of us Brits either ;)

How about Canada, how about those oil in Alberta, the water from last ice age in the Great Lakes , and the minerals, diamonds, yes, diamonds in northern Ontario and Mexico, get rid of the people, keep the oil for Amerikan !:ban:
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

I can bet 100% for sure N. Korea will launch a long-range missle towards the pacific Ocean not quite close to Hawaii on or around July 4th.

N. Korea keeps pushing the envelope to provoke United States and Obama.
Re: N. Korea will launch long ranch missle directly hitting Hawaii on July the Fourth

I can bet 100% for sure N. Korea will launch a long-range missle towards the pacific Ocean not quite close to Hawaii on or around July 4th.

N. Korea keeps pushing the envelope to provoke United States and Obama.

Would you care to put some money towards that bet?