[ASMR] You Can't Leave Me That Easily! [M4A] [Demon] [Vampire Feeding]
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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It is the wee hours of the evening. You are at your computer desk working on some important research. However, you get a strange knock at the front door. When you open it up, someone special has come back to you...your Vampire Ex-Boyfriend; however, he looks...different. Enjoy!
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!! I am unable to find the original artist for the thumbnail. If you can find them, please let me know so I can give them the proper credit !!
☞ Disclaimer: The reason that the thumbnail and the thumbnail in the video are different is because, I realized a little too late I forgot to replace it while editing. I apologize!
"I mean, you are spending an unhealthy amount of time on this computer."
And you're spending an unhealthy amount of time creeping the shit out of me, but you don't see me judging you.
Damn no need to be so brutal
Hahaha damn!! Feel bad for the next person who crosses you lol.
@@PandastcASMR It's all love though lol. Great video as always.
"You are spending an unhealthy amount of time on this computer"
"Oi! You leave my computer out of this!"
Lol I'm not unhealthy 😬...*spends an unearthly amount of time listening to ASMR that involves vampires, werewolves and all manner of supernatural* I'm fine....this is fine 🥹
Y’ain’t cringe, you’re free
Lol omg I can’t lol
@@PandastcASMR I may be a bit lost 🤷..... sorry
*voice changes*
Me: oh no he’s a demon
Him: you’re dating one of them?!
@@PandastcASMR hell hath no fury for an idiot who cheated on a demonic vampire.
Bro when he said that he killed his brother because he was liking us my dumbass went;
"Damn so you're a Yandere, a Demon, and a Vampire? OH BABY A TRIPLE"
(Also note um... 0:00 , Why did I hear a door slamming?)
The listener (you) is startled because your ex bf is now a demon lol and you slammed the door in his face out of fear
@@PandastcASMR Wow, good touch in the audio I guess lol
Friend:why the salt ring again?
Me:"i have a sprained wrist and a very VERY pissed demon vampire ex"
Him:"get the hell *voice going demonic*over here now"
Me:"never!stupid bed"
Hahha big oof
Literally I sprained my right wrist in my sleep yesterday night
Petition: Can you do something aggressive that can beat my insomnia? 😂
I love your videos, your purring voices is so calming
Ohh haha I can try? And thank you!
Again with all the connections to Damien, I absolutely love it!!!!! I always wait every new episode to hear something related to some past person again beautiful work. Your creativity with the placement of these little hints are perfection. Also what's with it as Damien, Is Damien now a god and controlling everywhere????
Hahah thank you kindly! And….maybe he’s just sewing some seeds. (I think that’s the saying) (Pretty much, he’s making business partners lol)
The fact that he keeps trying makes him a bit cute....
Heheheh 😂
"You are spending an unhealthy amount of time on this computer"
"Uhhhhhhhh...no, I'm not." *Nervously sweating*.
Your voice is very calming.
Thank you!!
I haven’t slept in 6 days🥲, I’ve just been listening to Asmr like this😩
Awww you should really get some rest!
*Damien pondering his orb*
"The Gods say I should make an ASMR RUclips channel"
im laughing hard on the "for moi " me a french Canadian dying starting this small part of the video again and again
Hhah I thought it would add to his sarcasm lol
@@PandastcASMR it did
So early!I'm about to sleep,so lucky me!I can listen to this while I sleep
Literally scared the living crap out of me when he first spoke, my volume was up wayyyyy to high. My heart is pounding as we speak 😅
Hahah omg I’m sorry!
God damn it I hate it when I'm always right all these stories are intertwined man this was amazing how many vampire demon ex-boyfriend now too three
Hahaha can’t catch a break now? Lol
Not him saying "a Couple of Months" when I said the samething at almost the same time I just started freaking out for some reason I love this asmr's ❤
Haha oh wow!! What luck! Lol
Gosh, I love vampires❤
I’m with you
I like vampires too lol
@@PandastcASMR hi pandastc I’m a huge fan!
And vampires loves our blood~
The king has posted 😍🔥
holy crap. An asmr that I never knew I needed 😭 I need to listen to this series but idk where to start 😭
Start wherever you wish haha
Friend: why are you sitting in a ring of salt?
Me: my ex is a demon now and won't stop bothering me
Damn, that’s a no no for me haha lol
Cucumber Approved
Why do I see you everywhere!!!!???
Awwww your scary good audio,just gave me chills 🥶,down my spine.
Another masterpiece pandastic 💯🌟❤️👍🏻👍🏻🧛🏻♀️
Thank you!
He 's a crazy one and i love it !Great audio.
Haha yes he is! Thank you!
Oh damn she's in for it now
That is true lol
I didn’t know I was attracted to voices until I found this video. I’m subscribing, no questions need to be asked, I don’t need to watch anymore videos to finalise my decision. I shall continue to watch every single video on this channel.
Awwww ☺️ thank you!!
@@PandastcASMR it’s alright, no need to thank me! But I think you did some black magic because your videos are addicting, I’ve been listening to them for almost two days, and I can’t stop.
Hey, I have a question for you. Uh. So I've been really interested in the "Vampire and His Hunter" Series and was just wondering when the next video on that was going to come out. I love your content! It's so creative and well thought out!
We are currently waiting for just one more voice actor, they’re probably busy or something.
@@PandastcASMR Ah I see! Thank you sorry it took me so long to respond!! I've been busy with school!! Sorry!!!
Wow I'm finally early
Part two will be: the story of their love and how pandastic falls in love with you because you understand him but when you knew he isn't just a vampire you tried to assassinate him but you failed
Wait me?!?! I didn’t do anything lol. It was the demon vampire lol
Как всегда на высоте ❤
Wow! This is what I need as an asmr!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Hahahah THUD
Got to love demon vampires :3
Thank you! ^.^
Pandastc ASMR you’re welcome :3
Another fantastic vid 😊
Thank you!!
“You never said [ insert the 3 sentence ]”
Andrew, we’re breaking up :)
The Voice was different than i expected 😂😂😂💀
Hahaha in a good way or bad way?
After I finally stopped biting my nails off and their growing nice...this video randomly triggered me to pick and bite my nails-
Ohh please don’t
Of course he knows Damien. We are so screwed 😰
Damien is slowly getting around the Panda-verse lol
I’d love to see some more ex-vamp bf asmr’s love the storylines. ❤
You got it!
It feels illegal to be this early
Uhh why illegal? Lol
@@PandastcASMR doesn't have any comments, and I normally watch the video readying the comments so it feels kind lonely
Wow so early 😀❤️
Me grinning 😂
Love all your vids
Thank you!
I need sleep but the scrips are so amazing
Aww thank you!
Andrew: you have the aim of your new boyfriend’s brother
Me: did you kill him?……
Under my breath: ya you did
I like your video Deep Voice make me smile
Thank you!
At least he loves us
That’s one way of looking at it lol
An interesting relationship lol
Him: Is it the face?
Me: You know I *was* considering the whole “getting back together” thing, but if you think I’m that dense then I’m throwing fists-
Him: Now *you’re* just being heartless and cold
Me: No duh, why tf else do you think we even started dating babe?-
Haha that’s something he should’ve thought about
Wow nice. ^.^
Thank you!!
@@PandastcASMR you're welcome ^.^
Cool video
Thank you!!
Him: "You're spending an unhealthy amount of time on the computer."
Hey, I'm working on art while I listen >//////
Oooo I love art! I’m sure you’re a very talented artist!
@@PandastcASMR aww, thank you 😌💕 if you're interested in seeing any of my works, I'd be happy to show you 😊
i love your asmrs they the best😍🥰 keep up the awsome work
Thank you!
For love and revenge 😆 that’s funny
1st vampire to describe themselves as "Durable as Fuck"
Haha hell yeah!
These fists are rated E for everyone
As they should be lol
this got me screaming
AHHHHHH in a good way or bad way?
@@PandastcASMR a bit of both 😏
personally, im convinced panda is a actual vampire, and i would let him kill me tho 😒😂
Haha well I would not want to do that at all.
Anyone laugh at the beginning when you just slammed the door 😂
I actually had some kind of theory about this. Us as The Character that damien Has in His Secret 'Jail' , He usually Knocks us out and stuff. What if the other Episodes are Actually Us Being Unconscious and its all our imagination? That's why we keep hearing about damien, because deep down we know that We are still imprisoned.
Oooooooo that’s an interesting theory!
@@PandastcASMR thank u!
do you take requests?cause iif you do.i have one.i've never really seen..any human freshly turned vampire comfort audios on this channel.can you make it like where you.a doctor.save the listener who was badly injured.and died during a fight with werewolves.but you turn them to save them?and comfort them?it could be anything with the listener's relationship to the vampire.father.brother.anything.if you do this next time..thank you:3
Check Redacted ASMR's channel. He has an audio for both the senarios you mentioned.
@@sofiachrysanthakopoulou849 thank you for the suggestion!
@@Mystical_Panda2003 no problem! You can also check out Ranger Pirate audio. He has some audios that may be up your alley with a similar theme!
So, my character turns the listener to save their life?
@@PandastcASMR basically..yeah but it'd be like their not happy with this. The listener and your character tries to convince them but the listener isn't having it (I thought you replied to the comment I left on the vampire listener one so I typed saying to make them get together as brothers and fight people when their forced to work together. But their still fighting XD)
Him : DUHHHH !
Hahah 🤣
As a witch , I should have stayed with my own kind and have a relationship with male witches so that me and my male witch can get married and live wonderfully at/in my coven .
That’s very true!!
The demonic voice nearly gave me a heart attack. 😭🤚
Oooo sorry! Hehe
@@PandastcASMR Lol don’t worry 🤭
I maybe going to repeat it but....When you says "for moiii?"it's....it's not scary at all😶....it is funny !!!!🤣🤣😂😭🤭
Hahah at least it made you smile
@@PandastcASMR It make me laugh 🤣 😂 but you need to know that you have a good accent 👍when you speak other languages.....especially Spanish 🤭😆
5:43 this is so intense
it's illegal to be this early lol
Again, why illegal lol?
1:36 Wait so me and my ex didnt actually break up?!?!? 😦 It's been 4 years.
Hang on... Weren't you outside?!... How... What... When... ?
Haha he has his ways
@@PandastcASMR tricky
I made someone go half deaf before I will throw hands 👊😒👊
Hahah choosing violence lol
I've ascended this was insanely hot and I have gender envy yet again for another ASMR artist
Awww thank you
@@PandastcASMRmy fav part
Hear me out…..
This give me ✨Yandere vibs✨
Hehe nice!
@@PandastcASMR and plus I love your asmrs so much! They make me sleep!!😭
" i bet if i was your precious hunter you would be treating me a lot better"
Me:... atleast you know it( ' - ')
Jk i love this ... But also hate it cause i already know I'm unhealthy and unstable i don't need yt and tik tok to remind me of it every 5 fucking minutes ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
Aww no. I’m sorry! I hope you’re doing better
It's almost Halloween
Yes it is!!
Me who's lesbian: sometimes ya gotta beat em back with a stick *BACK BACK I SAID*
Haha that sounds familiar. I could’ve sworn I heard that in a cartoon show or something on Netflix
@@PandastcASMR Ding Ding, it's quite a popular audio
i see kaneki, i click
For all those people who play dead by daylight: why does his laugh sound like the doctors a bit?
Hmmm really? It does?
this is - chiefs kiss ✨🤌✨ outstanding ~
defo needs a part 2 ~
Awww I think this might just be a stand alone lol
@@PandastcASMR ;-; awwww but i understand if so but trully amazing
That an’t no vampire man….. THAT’S A DEMON
You’re not wrong there lol
@@PandastcASMR and I would say something nice about the voice but the satan demonic voice Changing got me thinking different 🤣
Part 2 please!!!!!!
Ooooo I’m sorry :/ this might be a stand-alone
@@PandastcASMR it's ok I love your Damien series
Can we get a part 2 pls 😭
Oooo I think this might be a stand-alone
@@PandastcASMR oh come on!! We need a part 2 u cut it off once it got juicy!😭
Can we get another vampires maid
Maybe, if I find a way to make an additional story for it
How did I just realize the channel name is spelled like that
Haha you’re not the first lol
Me be like:
I swear I was trying to finish my fanfiction ill deal with you later go get some coffee or some crap
I swear I can never have nice things with you around I swear im gonna die from blood lost if you keep biting me😒
Hahahahah okay. *goes to Starbucks*
@@PandastcASMR i want a coffee!
@Skylar Ziair Adderley sure just be good and don't cause problems
@Ella Amos fine just make sure to brush your teeth before bed
Who made The Tumbnail art? I want The credits
I can’t find it anywhere! That’s why I ask people if they know them, let me know so I can credit them.
Negotiate a deaaal with Lucifer for love and *revenge* but yeah