Six Arrested in Plot to Storm N.J. Army Base

dick van cock

Closed Account
Before the people arrive who'll tell us that the assault would have been justified because the US is evil...

Hats off to the law enforcement authorities!
The investigation began when a man walked into a photo shop and asked to convert a tape to a DVD, two law enforcement officials said.

The tape contained scenes of men conducting weapons training in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, using handguns and rifles and firing live ammo, according to the federal complaints unsealed today in New Jersey.

The tape was intended for training purposes and to recruit more members to the group's cause, according to law enforcement officials.

I smell, a rat...

Color me 'cynical'.

When are we going to learn that these people are our enemies and simply cannot be trusted. It's going to take an attack like what almost happened here or another 9/11 for us to get it. We as Americans are relaxed again and these crazy sandeating fucks no it. Thankfully there are a few people like these law enforcement people who are on top of the job. You know it's okay to be cautious of these people and if you suspect something about any of them then I beg you as American citizens to contact the FBI or whomever. You won't get in trouble and you could save thousands of lives. The sad thing now is that our tax money will go to some bullshit trial for these guys when six bullets would be so much cheaper.
Well someone is bound to come up with a licensing bill for pizza drivers now which will push a sausage and cheese pie up to $44.
Well someone is bound to come up with a licensing bill for pizza drivers now which will push a sausage and cheese pie up to $44.
:1orglaugh :rofl:


Makes me think you are a closet libertarian :)



Closed Account
These guys are a bunch of wackos that just believe the other side of the fake coin the media has been portraying.

I'm not gonna get into a big debate here, and I'm probably not going to respond to anything, but you need to realize that "al-qaeda" and "osama bin laden" and people who actually believe their bullshit are actually 1/2000th of the cause of "terrorism" and real anti-American agendas desgined to benefit a certain sect of people , who happen to consider themselves supreme beyond all (oh but no one really talks about that do they?) -- and that's been on going for a century.

If what I just wrote sounds way "wtf" to you, please kill your tv and visit the local library.

"Built Ford Tough" ;)
a certain sect of people

Since you say we need to realize this, and pronto (being as they're at the root of terrorism and anti-americanism), please don't deprive us of your certain knowledge of their identity!


IMO The worst part of this is the emergence of the 6 Yugos. I'll guess, without having seen them, that they are going to appear as fairly normal, European descended Americans.

The Turk and the Jordanian you'll likely be able to pigeonhole as "muslim", but not the Yugos - and that is the part where any value profiling has is finished. (And they know that.)

I shudder at the thought of "blue eyed Isalamic terrorists".


Apparently it was going to be a pizza jihad. I bet there's a gay porn called Fort Dicks.

All kidding aside, what I'm hearing is that they're from America originally, or maybe I'm wrong...more homegrown terror in the vein of Oklahoma City??

dick van cock

Closed Account
All kidding aside, what I'm hearing is that they're from America originally, or maybe I'm wrong...more homegrown terror in the vein of Oklahoma City??
Quote: "Four of the six suspects were born in Yugoslavia, one was born in Jordan and the other in Turkey."

Yugoslavia most likely means Bosnia (the Muslim heartland of Yugoslavia).
I shudder at the thought of "blue eyed Isalamic terrorists".
There have been "Blue eyed Islamic terrorists" since atleast the Shah of Iran as far as my feeble memory can remember....

Blues eyes and a fair skin is not limited to Europe, North America or Australia.



Blues eyes and a fair skin is not limited to Europe, North America or Australia.

That's my point.

The images, etched into our memories are of a pretty narrow margin of physical features. Those features are one of the tools used in profiling, by law enforcement and the "alert citizen".

My quotes are not a reference to specifically blue eyes, but to those falling outside of the (accurately) portrayed Islamic terrorist stereotype.

(On my travels, in fact, I would say that there are clear physical features and traits (regardless of just eye, skin or hair color) that belie a persons, or group of people's ethnic heritage. )
:1orglaugh :rofl:


Makes me think you are a closet libertarian :)


I don't know. It's just that some wise fool will come up with great ideas based on something like that. You have to see the insane regulations and ideas my local government comes up with to waste your money. Don't get me started.
While I agree with you about the "portrayed Islamic stereotype"....

(On my travels, in fact, I would say that there are clear physical features and traits (regardless of just eye, skin or hair color) that belie a persons, or group of people's ethnic heritage. )
I guarantee $1000 USD you would not be able to assess "clear physical features and traits (regardless of just eye, skin or hair color) that belie a persons, or group of people's ethnic heritage" of me (or my family).....

I'm also confident that you won't be able to place half the members of my 1969 squad (for example).

A TV show was held where a trained observer was supposed to guess who was lying, and then he was supposed to try to lie to others. Usually he was successful.

There are several books on the subject, and so many facial nuances that are not controllable a trained observer should pick up.
You have to see the insane regulations and ideas my local government comes up with to waste your money. Don't get me started.

I've been protesting monetary wastage since 1975....

Believe me, there are literally no topics that the government manages to surprise me about.

If you are bothered about "wastage", I suggest a start at: "What has government done to our money" by Murray Rothbard...

A TV show was held where a trained observer was supposed to guess who was lying, and then he was supposed to try to lie to others. Usually he was successful.

There are several books on the subject, and so many facial nuances that are not controllable a trained observer should pick up.

I'm afraid mine is much more low-tech. My "examples" simply have way too many "mixtures" in them to render them a 'positive profile' (even a profile amongst the "American" ones).

I like the "It's Your Money", segments on ABC World News.

For some reason I just thought of Trent Lott's wasteful decision to dump a billion dollars into the Mississippi economy to try to bring back large ship design and construction in the state to compete with France, Italy, Finland and others. His plan included funding an on the edge of bankruptcy company to build two new cruise ships, to steam up and down the U.S. coast, (stupid?), so we could all live happily ever after.

But this story I know first hand as I once had stock in the Delta Queen Steamboat Company, which became American Classic Voyages after purchasing American Hawaii Cruises.

The big scheme, or let's just call it "Project America". (No one will have the balls to argue against us then, it's unpatriotic);

The company also bought the classic shipbuilding name, "United States Lines", (also very patriotic you see), now operated under the American Classic Voyages tent was unable to stay afloat after putting itself in even greater debt. You see, after building the largest Mississippi riverboat ever, they purchased American Hawaii Cruise's, aging two ships. New ships were being designed and built because it cost too much to renovate old ships in the mid 90's for new Coast Guard SOLAS regulations, (Saving of Life at Sea). Old ships were generally sold for scrap unless some idiot cruise ship company facing bankruptcy bought them. If a politician backed your stupidity, all the better.

They immediately got in trouble with the Coast Guard as the two old identical ships purchased from American Hawaii were left in drydock awaiting the completion of an additional $25 million dollars of renovations which they authorized but were unwilling to pay for. Eventually they satisfied the Coast Guard by stating they couldn't make any money to pay off the lein while in drydock and so were allowed to take the ship out. They got the one ship out, and were towing the other to Oahu, Hawaii claiming it would be used for parts, when it sunk.

The point is, I remember this idiot Trent Lott, screaming with face as red as a beet to congress about funding this disaster while the evidence was there the company couldn't keep afloat a plastic boat on a cement slab. He finally got the money, the ship was never completed, and my taxes went up a little bit more then they were.

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