Jan 8, 9:15 AM
Reply to GreenPanda56
@TheSFHero I'm so glad you enjoyed it, its definitely a interesting read!
And Zeno's villain arc has had me on the edge of my seat. Being careful of spoilers, I literally felt like my soul was being crushed with each chapter, every time a dragon encountered Zeno up until the current chalice storyline, my poor dark dragon and happy hungry bunch! I'm so ready for them all the reunite now! How about you?
And Zeno's villain arc has had me on the edge of my seat. Being careful of spoilers, I literally felt like my soul was being crushed with each chapter, every time a dragon encountered Zeno up until the current chalice storyline, my poor dark dragon and happy hungry bunch! I'm so ready for them all the reunite now! How about you?
@GreenPanda56 First I felt like it came out of the left field, but the more I read, the more I realized how tragically sad his life was. I wanted him to succeed but at the same time I didn't. It tore me apart! |
"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh “No one knows what the future holds. That’s why its potential is infinite.” -Okabe Rintarou “You will never be able to experience everything. So, please, do poetical justice to your soul and simply experience yourself.” -Albert Camus “The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.” -Jade Ring “Sometimes I want to go back in time at certain points of my life, not to change anything, just to feel the experience once more.” -I Don't Know "When we reduce people to one or a few characteristics, they hear all the time, we remove their humanity." -CinemaWins “As kids, we love the heroes. As adults, we understand the villains'' -Abhysheq "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end" -John Lennon “If you know exactly where you're headed, it’s no fun at all” -Soma Yukihira |
Jan 8, 9:15 AM
@Rezarikka Thank you for the recommendations. I know it was very tough for you to recommend me something new but I really appreciate your hard work. Jormungand, your main recommendation, was entertaining and it kept me hooked till the first season whole night. |
My Candies : |
Jan 8, 9:17 AM
@Potato-Chhan Hello Potato, happy new year thanks for the gifts!! I started watching Tiger & Bunny and so far I really liked it :) I also read into BNA and it sounds interesting, I will check it out soon^^ I was so happy when I read your message, you put a lot of thought into your choices! I wish you a great 2025!! @goncix3000 Hello Goncix, happy new year as well! Your recommendations were great, single volume BL were exactly what I was in the mood for. Nagahama was sooo good, it hit all the spots for me! And I also really enjoyed Lion-gotoki and Oita ga Sugiruwa Koneko-chan. I hope you will have a great 2025! |
Jan 8, 9:18 AM
Reply to Tsokura
Hello Memore! I hope you had a beautiful christmas and arrived happily in the new year 2025!
Thanks alot for the santa present!
I have to admit, I have already read Under the Green Light some months ago, but had dropped it back then because of some plot points, which fked me up tbh back then. (dropped it back in July/August)
But because of your recommendation I've looked into it again and saw that it was completed in the last couple of weeks and decided that I am gonna give it a try again and read it anew.
And I have to thank you so much for that! Otherwise I wouldnt have picked it up again! and yes! The ending was so intense holyyyyy. I also cried, which I didnt expect.
Hope you received some great recommendations and had an amazing time over the past few weeks!
Hello Memore! I hope you had a beautiful christmas and arrived happily in the new year 2025!
Thanks alot for the santa present!
I have to admit, I have already read Under the Green Light some months ago, but had dropped it back then because of some plot points, which fked me up tbh back then. (dropped it back in July/August)
But because of your recommendation I've looked into it again and saw that it was completed in the last couple of weeks and decided that I am gonna give it a try again and read it anew.
And I have to thank you so much for that! Otherwise I wouldnt have picked it up again! and yes! The ending was so intense holyyyyy. I also cried, which I didnt expect.
Hope you received some great recommendations and had an amazing time over the past few weeks!
@Tsokura, I am also very glad that you read it to the end! It is one of my favorites! I like it so much! Yes, I received some recommendations, although I don't like the genre so much. |
Jan 8, 9:20 AM
@Mandorik Thank you very much for recommending Aria! I just finished the first volume of it's prequel, Aqua, to get a small sample and really enjoyed it! The characters are all enjoyable, the art is very stunning, and the story does a really good job capturing the fun, tranquil adventures and life experiences. I am looking forward to learning more about the characters and the world of Aqua in the dozen of volumes! |
Jan 8, 9:20 AM
Thank you to all the elves who give up their time during the holidays to make Secret Santa a huge success! If you guys were an anime, your score on MAL would be a perfect 10! |
Jan 8, 9:21 AM
@MRpuchamon Thank you for the anime recommendations! Ragna Crimson had quite a strong and intriguing first episode that I did not expect and I am curious to see where it goes. I will definitely be munching on some popcorn as I enjoy the thrilling action! I have also been really enjoying your other recommendation, The Fable. The show reminded me of The Way of the Househusband and the Yakuza: Like a Dragon video game series with its fun cast and wacky action that surround the Yakuza lifestyle. P.S. You mentioned Monogatari, which I have heard of the series, but I haven't watched it. Maybe you were thinking of someone/something else? |
Jan 8, 9:25 AM
@nexuro01 Thank you so much for your recommendation of Seven Killer. That's definitely a great anime! I've watched the first season and planned to watch the rest of it. I'll take some time to finish honestly with all the stuff haha, but really appreciated it cuz I'd not find that kind of anime without recommendation from others. |
Jan 8, 9:29 AM
Reply to Kineta
Anime Rec Edition: Elf-pyon (Q to Z)
Recipient <---------- Santa
Qthatup <--------- saharii54327
QueerPapayas <--------- alopecia69
Radio_Gaga <--------- Pimelea
RaiYou <--------- Alyssa_Wanderer
Rakshana <--------- lethalram
Ravenclaw690 <--------- Kazuradroop
RayalitySaga <--------- GumiPurrito
raymon2039 <--------- AnthraxRTL
RazorFinger1 <--------- NolanF
rcemo <--------- QueerPapayas
RealMungDaal <--------- leescxtt
reanimate11 <--------- Nymeew
Rekii_san <--------- remember-Achmed
remember-Achmed <--------- Wakashimazu
RemuRat <--------- bandoappi
retroy <--------- OtakuRyder
ReyyRPG <--------- Yokairuler
rimopa <--------- Sonolix
rleason <--------- spinningtillnext
RM14 <--------- eirian_j
Rodalex05 <--------- astroameba
RODIOMG7 <--------- StuartFalcon
RositaS2 <--------- Askeladd514
Royce_ <--------- shiinafanboy
Ruhan <--------- furlene
rusticism <--------- byeuni
Ryaqn <--------- urgfnat
rylan16 <--------- kenjibagelz
RyRy0Dan <--------- PhilZockt
S0L3 <--------- inklingboi08
s1ch <--------- digitalsoup
S1L3NT-L0V3RS <--------- SammyOldLad
saberfr <--------- ParadoxalSeer
saharii54327 <--------- Nymeew
Saikomoto <--------- YayakoChii
SakshaM- <--------- MikeyD2001
salmonellar <--------- Lodesone
saluh <--------- d3ni4l
samiix_ <--------- elias33
SammyOldLad <--------- OneTrueBass
Saturnde <--------- Damicatto
Schalonym <--------- Kittyful
ScytheXz <--------- yohaneygyul
Sebbbbyyyy <--------- LyLord
SehriZade <--------- muramuranomi
SeraNara <--------- MwS_
Serenaa_Lolz <--------- Nymeew
sereto111 <--------- falaflani
Serinita <--------- Pimelea
Seruk1 <--------- nygon08
ShadySpeaker2 <--------- CadTD0156
shiinafanboy <--------- DiaSwan
Shineta <--------- nnemono
ShiningDD <--------- shira_kiba
shira_kiba <--------- General_Sherman
Shirowase <--------- liljaba1337
Shockshwat <--------- Northicc32
shuvon12 <--------- Royce_
ShyGirlAmy <--------- Kurrox
Silva-Alta <--------- mastahBO
SimSim3097 <--------- Boulder_
Sir_Zedmore <--------- 4ustinF
SIrJMike <--------- Nymeew
Sithumsathsara <--------- KuRover
sk225 <--------- Colr_Gren
skiddled <--------- haodepinglunjia
Skitels <--------- claricespectro
Slawnesh <--------- PokefanPT
slitlamb <--------- Green3554
Slyrackx_ <--------- Talence
smoochie_mild <--------- Peepo0
SnegOwo <--------- HumanFinny
Snow999 <--------- menacce
SolDarksoul <--------- LukeSpitwalker
Sonolix <--------- Ysraell
Soonie <--------- aster_vesta
Sopno_551 <--------- Donjok
SoulOfTheSerpent <--------- apricity21
SourZu <--------- rleason
sp_oo_ks <--------- M-5
SpicyBean88 <--------- Shineta
spinningtillnext <--------- FortHell
Sr_Tiziu <--------- kevinville34
SRG456 <--------- pezpuuh
Ssistad <--------- yakisobari (Elf: AlvarRaynor)
stawaiiyokoto <--------- saberfr
StealthOrc <--------- dean111010
Stormy1234 <--------- akirangels
StrawbearyHoney <--------- miaxnder
StuartFalcon <--------- cinnapuppii
Su_mi_ko <--------- iixna
Subtleweir <--------- Almighty-Duck
sunbriel <--------- Amai_Gami
suvie <--------- Drickssss
sxrpente <--------- chr6llo
SylviAiya <--------- Yuki_Yoru
Taameli <--------- veryver
Takica <--------- Ssistad
Talence <--------- reanimate11
taptothebeat <--------- BangerXShane
Telestia <--------- phiddies
teqkoiz <--------- ImmortalOtaku
terrascura <--------- Nymeew
Th3LuckyOne <--------- Winters_Echo
The_Big_Z <--------- oxfordcommaslice
The_HiddenLeaf <--------- fiery_ashe (Elf: YayakoChii)
The_P1kachu <--------- Lksssss
TheArtifact <--------- isekun
TheBabyYoda <--------- Howwhatwherewhen
thebigjango <--------- Judini90
TheEmeraldSphinx <--------- goodname2
TheGhostySven <--------- OtakuKun1
theiceria <--------- Oishii_
TheNoo <--------- Mynnn
TheRealYTFL <--------- OskarRandall
Thestrangepeach <--------- SRG456
ThiagoIanuch <--------- xShive
Thorfinn-is-cool <--------- hob0_
tiffany5126 <--------- Rekii_san
TigaLN <--------- cryoluminescent
Timeline_man <--------- KirbyCoded
tinshard <--------- Jack_Kai
Tired_Moron <--------- luffoy
tlat714 <--------- Mononoke-san
tobifiy <--------- Qthatup
ToMM3R <--------- Zekeer
TommyTheWeeb139 <--------- pendr4gonz
Tomori_Kanade <--------- zhenaz
touhoubae <--------- retroy
Toxi10 <--------- Su_mi_ko
Trentaxx <--------- Swiggy
TricoCritter <--------- IBasic_YapperI
Tsar_Ivan <--------- xxKumorixx
tubajesser <--------- ft86
tufen <--------- juvialockser
Tuszmak <--------- nenefleur
tweetoot <--------- Diseased_Viti
tymax4 <--------- SoulOfTheSerpent
Urantij <--------- orangepeeltora
urgfnat <--------- HeIuna
usedpsvita <--------- DarkyBoy_
Vakes <--------- ChemistryG33K
ValkataDLuffy <--------- medusoide
vampelias <--------- maryyee
Vardaruus <--------- EienNoOniichan
Vennunen <--------- acels
VerbalEntities <--------- VoltCombo
veryver <--------- blunyy
victooooorious <--------- bogonog
Vinhtage <--------- krispy_tuff
Vivi-is-dead <--------- Hirouki
VoltCombo <--------- GlitchGamers
Wakashimazu <--------- MikeAPro
walteran <--------- hamm-uuu
wamoli <--------- wuvii
waspy_dude <--------- Th3LuckyOne
WaterMage <--------- isekun
WeaponArchitect <--------- StrawbearyHoney
WeebBravoAdams <--------- Dreixerino
Whalbia <--------- A-snap
WhyEvenMakeMAL <--------- dustydany
Wiktorr1200 <--------- LioLeo_
Winters_Echo <--------- SIrJMike
Wivok <--------- Notshur
Wolfanyme <--------- CaptainPickle246
wuvii <--------- zaskaa
xBaldur_ <--------- Frownyy
xenamika <--------- kta_99
Xetfield <--------- RaiYou
xLoesje <--------- Zouyra
xLouaa <--------- noturneko
xMincee <--------- Normaliv
xQtie <--------- Radio_Gaga
xShive <--------- The_p1kachu
xxKumorixx <--------- TheRealYTFL
yakisobari <--------- yuninyan
yandereu <--------- CaptainSyrus
yawnaroo <--------- RazorFinger1
yohaneygyul <--------- iznite
Yokairuler <--------- D-A-W
YoloPvP106 <--------- Toxi10
Ysraell <--------- KBGMan01
Yuki_Yoru <--------- ecavard
yummewag <--------- Omgitslynlee
yungneutron <--------- WaterMage
yuninyan <--------- DylansTrashTaste
Yunnanni <--------- Ady_
Zahnaf <--------- Pimelea
zaskaa <--------- RyRy0Dan
Zekeer <--------- OPKeldeo
ZEN_ITH <--------- NightOwl8641
Zentrixx_ <--------- WhyEvenMakeMAL
Zexstrome <--------- Crayonics
zhenaz <--------- 2kb
ZnS_the_Great <--------- Ryaqn
Zouyra <--------- CARRGAMER
Anime Rec Edition: Elf-chama (A to Mr)
Recipient <---------- Santa
_constant_ <--------- Homura_Desu
_jami_ <--------- lunanamu
_kurenaii <--------- NetherWinds
_Laisrr <--------- SamayuJung
_ReXo_ <--------- Desumon
--sayori-- <--------- Kaip0
-Top-Azn- <--------- Delikado
0lapislazuli0 <--------- nrhkm
0rangez <--------- EnchantedHeart
23012005 <--------- Perhapsually
34311 <--------- RewLord
3ofie <--------- AdamxxYushiro
707supremacist <--------- Riizo
abbykill <--------- Tapadnom
AbhiSan__ <--------- Giant_hero
AdamxxYushiro <--------- Ninja_Ace
AGuyYouDontKnow <--------- Dankesttt
Akunoroi <--------- radical-renegade
AlanR100 <--------- MKIkawa
Alematt288 <--------- Narizor
along02 <--------- sephyr786
alucinotronic <--------- N1cklz (Elf: Cesars)
AlvarRaynor <--------- Darklizard1111
alwynphelan <--------- Mobe
Alyssa123456 <--------- Yukissionator
Amnestix <--------- Lynnx__
AmphibiousCrown <--------- OnlyMigu
Andrete <--------- Kaylof
andreth <--------- Narujoe
AngieLiz <--------- BR5N
animegirlsimper <--------- Mandorik
Animeweeb35445 <--------- 0rangez
annyvick <--------- ttricaele
Anotherlander <--------- Nami_91
AnyTheFox <--------- KamuiScum
anywaygamer <--------- MGaurang
Aoi_hana <--------- javitwt
ApocalypSnow <--------- BoredToBeth
aquaaa106 <--------- AbhiSan__
AriKitaruKatoka <--------- Dornkz
Arlindox0 <--------- SPACECRAFT
Asiroka <--------- Demonic-Armor
ATOMICEMPEROR <--------- _kurenaii
Auruguen <--------- malyama
autumn_sky96 <--------- MikaIsLonely
awwwCHUU <--------- Sloker_
axel_bread <--------- TsuNePo
Baazero <--------- KrakenSTeiN
Babakwast <--------- Cesars
Bakatokii <--------- kaidoulvr
BakuKemono <--------- g3rg3lusz
BatGuin <--------- Martins4
Beny_bomb135 <--------- Stone-ocean
BigboyscrimBaby <--------- Imoutosan
BigRahRah <--------- DevBrev
blackandwhite_ <--------- -Top-Azn-
Blanners <--------- LaviiS
BlastInThePast <--------- Stargate18
BlazingAbsol <--------- aquaaa106
BlazingOptimist <--------- Gabitzxa
BlkAngle <--------- 34311
Blu3Zz <--------- Inuuu
bluerocker26 <--------- Kcmichalson
Bodalindo <--------- Tunes
Bolshoi_Booze <--------- clairefairy95
BorderlineCaseA4 <--------- red1130
BoredToBeth <--------- SamayuJung
BR5N <--------- SamayuJung
Brodisan <--------- PMayberry
bubba460z <--------- Henrique_Miranda
Bubbletea21 <--------- TinyButMighty
bumskee <--------- DerpySven
Butterbox <--------- IndecisiveMind_
CallMe_Senpai <--------- Mr_Shadow5_3
camspx <--------- jmoney2788
Capella_Chan <--------- Verhexen
cats_ <--------- HaykawaNyx
Cayusashi <--------- Rusdi07
CeItyfr <--------- Tyler
Chaosfromhell <--------- lumarel
Chara888 <--------- PhonexReavers
CherryStar03 <--------- strawbaie
Chika_Best_Girl <--------- minclemcsprincle
Chomik30 <--------- along02
ChromeOzone <--------- Treeky_
Chuckorios96 <--------- bluerocker26
cijhho123456 <--------- TheSquidBoi
clairefairy95 <--------- Faclox
ClarissaIssy <--------- HiMyNameIsEric
Cluffyyyy <--------- puddinz
Cokebomb <--------- Niakko
ColdMei12 <--------- Hippo-Krit
ConstantReader <--------- HinKyto
Controlling <--------- JoanVi04
Cookie111 <--------- Cesars
CookieBeast555 <--------- gabi11
cooldogmom <--------- Mr_Escapism
Crawling_Dead <--------- dragmine
Creonto <--------- sincerelyusuck
CrimsonShadow_07 <--------- sk7rpion
crissoopshii <--------- lostbcyz
CrumbOfDoom <--------- famservice
CRUZER108 <--------- Senphry
cupimelo17 <--------- TuduTumru
CutieAnshin <--------- DavidJN5
Dalek_Sec <--------- perseverance008
Dalmik01 <--------- sharvin8383
DanciestSpy <--------- Rizz_y
Dankesttt <--------- real_slim_jadey
DankFC <--------- Michal_33_
Danmafrique <--------- NanOki
DarkCentauri <--------- H-5121
Darklizard1111 <--------- Kazsou
Darnyx <--------- Capella_Chan
DavidJN5 <--------- Endorfer
DeadBored <--------- Blu3Zz
deas28 <--------- Lubrawarf
decciim <--------- UnlawfulAjay
Delikado <--------- kekful
DeLuieTand <--------- Pocato
DemBananasFTW <--------- Flonx
Demon0fAnime <--------- Zlain
Demonic-Armor <--------- EpicRz
deniseko <--------- Dalmik01
DepresjaEnjoyer <--------- Kopa22
DerpySven <--------- deas28
Desumon <--------- SamayuJung
DevBrev <--------- AGuyYouDontKnow
DevrimK <--------- Iwonafide
Dexterfail <--------- WolfyAnimeK
dicloflom <--------- GentleCannibal
DiogoSoryu <--------- AlvarRaynor
Dirtsoul <--------- tomoonshine
Disoriented <--------- rasvanel
divlyfein <--------- BorderlineCaseA4
dixdix04 <--------- Harukitooo5
DizzyEzzy <--------- CallMe_Senpai
Doaniel <--------- Sokksoff
doctor-funk-beat <--------- ocallie
Dolanzz <--------- EvermoreSong
Dornkz <--------- MaxTheCartooner
dragmine <--------- thanhvic
Dragonblxze <--------- k3woru
Dransyo <--------- HisuiCait
Dumb <--------- spadeHokage
EarlCiel <--------- camspx
early_beta <--------- Marcdrox
easedcookie <--------- verbinflection
Eiiichi-Kun <--------- blackandwhite_
Emillian <--------- Chara888
emmikazar <--------- munasaka
EnchantedHeart <--------- DeadlyRaven
EnderGamer33 <--------- Who__O
Endorfer <--------- 0Mouho
EpicRz <--------- Extremo888
Equilibrium_9 <--------- royy69
eunareri <--------- emmikazar
Evbignerd <--------- kaonashichan
EvermoreSong <--------- JuiceDK
EverySportsAnime <--------- Imuunstelsel
EveyScarlett <--------- TheSFHero
Exonymos <--------- Liffi96
Extremo888 <--------- Beny_bomb135
Faclox <--------- _ReXo_
Faisal_90s <--------- unscreamable08
falloutforari <--------- AriKitaruKatoka
famservice <--------- LazyTh1ef
FelixNyah_o3o <--------- eunareri
Fer-Sama <--------- HanniPahm
Filiponio <--------- AmphibiousCrown
Filthy0120 <--------- mortelenta
Finku_ <--------- luvset
Fireblaster69 <--------- Wicky46
Flacion <--------- mokrinsky
Flamenger_Red <--------- Stargate18
Flonx <--------- mushfik002
Fluffygreygrass <--------- ryck66x
FlynnRider_ <--------- PVR_N3R0
Fujimatsu <--------- liljankukka
FushikoMaruko <--------- Disoriented (Elf: lumarel)
FutureWarLord <--------- JynxTsu
g3rg3lusz <--------- SniperPRX
gabi11 <--------- JotaSHOW
Gabitzxa <--------- NootNoot711
GamelinIV <--------- Novo_
gamestar_21 <--------- Zubidi
Garamin <--------- NegativeRei
GentleCannibal <--------- cijhho123456
GentleDragonite <--------- kyoumashi
Giant_hero <--------- DankFC
giftina <--------- Joel77
GingZ <--------- Ra-zac
GjaltPower <--------- 23012005
Gladowar <--------- L4tino
GoodPixel <--------- qvo
GorillaOz <--------- wallus81
GracefulOnion <--------- he7y_ps
GrandWizardGod <--------- Yoshinowithbunny
Gumies <--------- EveyScarlett
GunnerMCFC <--------- GustavAhr
GustavAhr <--------- Dirtsoul
H-5121 <--------- RundownTrex
HanniPahm <--------- ReiJoaoVictor
Harukitooo5 <--------- phantom_trash
Haspur <--------- Chika_Best_Girl
HaykawaNyx <--------- Vell7idk
Haylen <--------- BlkAngle
he7y_ps <--------- Faisal_90s
hehehe-kpop <--------- DanciestSpy
Henrique_Miranda <--------- reaper557
henryer <--------- Warmearers
Hero_of_My_Story <--------- sotarin
HIGHB4LL <--------- mincxnta
HiMyNameIsEric <--------- ThisIsSidam
HinKyto <--------- Kyoya2
Hippo-Krit <--------- Phalcon
HiruHatake <--------- Stg_Tumeric
HisuiCait <--------- Serenity34
Hitonhyvajatka <--------- melinakys
hokimoz <--------- Kuxol
holsoma <--------- Rajidae
Homura_Desu <--------- Pacific1901
Honeyplays12 <--------- ice-in
Horizon248 <--------- MaxTenacity
hugrim <--------- SSSTenshi
HyruleCoCo <--------- Butterbox
IAmJustBad <--------- vvafels
ice-in <--------- shortt4llman
IceGamble <--------- axel_bread
IcyCrobat <--------- BlazingOptimist
idk_Near <--------- lobotomylover
Imoutosan <--------- litecrush
Imuunstelsel <--------- Haylen
IndecisiveMind_ <--------- SamayuJung
Inuuu <--------- L_DuDe
Ivan_y_punto <--------- CherryStar03
Ivanbbb <--------- SamayuJung
ivaxx <--------- ApocalypSnow
Iwonafide <--------- IceGamble
Jac0bPlay56 <--------- DigiCat
Jairette <--------- relatedcontent
Jaissor <--------- Zernomic
JanMichael24 <--------- ThePhilosoph4
Jasmitty <--------- Ron27_
javitwt <--------- NoEnemiesAtAll
JDPegasus06 <--------- vislife
jerbq <--------- lonelyvagabond
JessicaKari <--------- serafim13
Jin137 <--------- liquuidee
JKHSS <--------- Hitonhyvajatka
jmhj <--------- Mugen_Casey
jmoney2788 <--------- early_beta
JoanVi04 <--------- Maxnr_16
Joao20F <--------- FlynnRider_
Joel77 <--------- Musashi_Arun
JohnZarb <--------- tensaikoudakishi
Josef163 <--------- Exonymos
JotaSHOW <--------- hehehe-kpop
juanlqr <--------- KuroNeko5097
JuanLu8947 <--------- Kr1st1an
JuiceDK <--------- BatGuin
Julitku39 <--------- Whiskerfilms
justanto2k05 <--------- Amnestix
JynxTsu <--------- Seanizzle
k3woru <--------- _constant_
kaidoulvr <--------- TheDB
Kaip0 <--------- GoodPixel
Kaleith <--------- nathan__02
Kallun_Galanodel <--------- JKHSS
KamuiScum <--------- EverySportsAnime
kaneki1231_ <--------- Luchi231
kaonashichan <--------- verivanilla
karolinvy <--------- justanto2k05
Karudima <--------- LyLord
katarise95 <--------- x_cyn
Kausagi <--------- Venttux
kawaiipannacotta <--------- weebtoge
Kaylof <--------- mai_kales
Kazsou <--------- cupimelo17
Kcmichalson <--------- PlasmyBabie
Kebakkaran <--------- hugrim
kekful <--------- --sayori--
Kierah <--------- kawaiipannacotta
kimidoll_queque <--------- Hero_of_My_Story
KinimodYunmi <--------- tnevss
KLM101 <--------- crissoopshii
kmss <--------- Sugusato
KnightTimaeus <--------- ShunRin
Konisaurus <--------- yanshenpan
Kopa22 <--------- GingZ
KouWoah <--------- Demon0fAnime
Kr1st1an <--------- lovebomb6
KrakenSTeiN <--------- Nenomech
krisnae <--------- Zelie
KrowKrof <--------- Sengir
Kuioko <--------- Seanmcca
KuroNeko5097 <--------- Pabloku
Kuxol <--------- Madhav001
kwiateek <--------- Lord_Nawor
Kyoumashi <--------- KnightTimaeus
Kyoya2 <--------- SamayuJung
L_DuDe <--------- VILLA926
l1ttlecrybaby <--------- Kebakkaran
L4tino <--------- BakuKemono
lanngabriel <--------- juanlqr
lauzzzeta <--------- Shojuto
LaviiS <--------- Ludomirek
Laxerynn <--------- Shockwaeve
LazyTh1ef <--------- Slick10000
LeGoldenWolf <--------- Blanners
Lei-ella <--------- Pexx1234
leilascarlettt <--------- 3ofie
Leo-Senpaii <--------- autumn_sky96
Liffi96 <--------- ConstantReader
liljankukka <--------- SickN1ck
Linsette <--------- SamayuJung
LionPokemonKing <--------- Chuckorios96
lipospacek <--------- Mayron_Luctus
liquuidee <--------- jerbq
litecrush <--------- dixdix04
LittleQt <--------- sagedevault
lobotomylover <--------- ATOMICEMPEROR
Lock-Senpai <--------- LeGoldenWolf
Lokasino <--------- Saplex
lonelyvagabond <--------- Tenshii__
Lord_Nawor <--------- Jaissor
lostbcyz <--------- _jami_
lovebomb6 <--------- MaxcraftMD
Lubrawarf <--------- katarise95
Luchi231 <--------- lanngabriel
Ludomirek <--------- EnderGamer33
Lunabearrr <--------- FutureWarLord
lunanamu <--------- TheRanenEmpire
luvset <--------- ShardsofStars
LyLord <--------- SpyrosDemir
Lynnx__ <--------- Lock-Senpai
Madhav001 <--------- andreth
Maho_Stitch <--------- MER0S
mai_kales <--------- Fluffygreygrass
Maimuta1092 <--------- NelielYume
malyama <--------- KrowKrof
Mandorik <--------- CookieBeast555
Marcdrox <--------- cooldogmom
MarilunaAdams <--------- zhabnica
Martins4 <--------- Honeyplays12
Mateko666 <--------- river77jones
MaxcraftMD <--------- karolinvy
Maxnr_16 <--------- 0lapislazuli0
MaxTenacity <--------- YuzuruKei
MaxTheCartooner <--------- olokinprime
Mayron_Luctus <--------- Jin137
Mayty <--------- Dumb
mdshies <--------- Cluffyyyy
Meeyua <--------- the_holy_toast
melinakys <--------- ShiroPhantom
MemeManKeem <--------- Fireblaster69
MER0S <--------- DepresjaEnjoyer
MGaurang <--------- tephraverdant
Michal_33_ <--------- HiruHatake
MikaIsLonely <--------- DizzyEzzy
mikuu99 <--------- Dransyo
minclemcsprincle <--------- Akayona
mincxnta <--------- ykFeelpZ
Mintt_ <--------- DeadlyRaven
MisaMilly <--------- Pishtek
Miyumi_Rose <--------- nnbrrs
MKIkawa <--------- anywaygamer
Mobe <--------- OtakuTildi
mokrinsky <--------- Filthy0120
Monsarr <--------- pontarensmamma
Mooshio <--------- will-o-wave
mortelenta <--------- toradoraman
Mox_mox_moxed <--------- BlazingAbsol
Mr_Escapism <--------- Flacion
Mr_Shadow5_3 <--------- Parpadokun
Mrassassin124 <--------- MysticMusician
@Kineta I don't see my Santa's name! I did receive gift! Elf-pyon (Q to Z) |
Here's TOUDOU ! |
Jan 8, 9:30 AM
THANK YOU SO MUUUUCH <3 especially the elves, such a great work <3 Sadly, my Secret Santa is missing :( can someone help me? When I click on the name it just goes to a 404 page... Maybe they changed their name? Or just disappeared from my anime list :( It's supposed to be this one |
Jan 8, 9:31 AM
Jan 8, 9:32 AM
Reply to _Exon
@Potato-Chhan Hello Potato, happy new year thanks for the gifts!! I started watching Tiger & Bunny and so far I really liked it :) I also read into BNA and it sounds interesting, I will check it out soon^^ I was so happy when I read your message, you put a lot of thought into your choices! I wish you a great 2025!!
@goncix3000 Hello Goncix, happy new year as well! Your recommendations were great, single volume BL were exactly what I was in the mood for. Nagahama was sooo good, it hit all the spots for me! And I also really enjoyed Lion-gotoki and Oita ga Sugiruwa Koneko-chan. I hope you will have a great 2025!
@goncix3000 Hello Goncix, happy new year as well! Your recommendations were great, single volume BL were exactly what I was in the mood for. Nagahama was sooo good, it hit all the spots for me! And I also really enjoyed Lion-gotoki and Oita ga Sugiruwa Koneko-chan. I hope you will have a great 2025!
@_Exon Great to hear you enjoyed them all! Happy new year to you as well :) |
Jan 8, 9:35 AM
Thank you so much @omerr for the recs! All of your suggestions seem right up my alley, and are shows I am planning on watching soon. I keep a separate PTW list since there are so many shows I want to see, but your shows are now high priority watches for me. I am excited to start them! Thank you! And for the elves, thank you for your hard work! |
Jan 8, 9:36 AM
@JValiente Thanks for your multiple recomendations. I only watched Kokoro Connect until now and i really enjoyed it. You give a perfect recomendation to start this year. I enjoy drama but starting the year with emotional scars was not my plan and Kokoro Connect let me enjoy the feeling of a good drama jus without the traumas. I have pending Gantz but i will see this in the near future. |
Jan 8, 9:37 AM
@PotiPontencia Thank you for the presents! unfortunately, I couldn't watch K-on and Oshi no Ko due to them only being available on HI-dive, a streaming service I don't have (K-on is on Crunchyroll, which I have, but not in my region), so I was only able to start watching Kaguya-sama Love is War, and it's very interesting even from the first episode! The way Kaguya and Miyuki think in their heads reminds me of when I watched Disney XD (back when they had good shows like Gravity Falls, Amphibia, The Owl House, etc.) and the only anime that would air would be Yu-Gi-Oh and Beyblade, and how the characters dueling (either with Beyblades or Yu-Gi-Oh cards) would be calculating their next move! It's pretty unconventional and I like it even though its an anime that could be considered as a "Shounen Rom-com" (yes I know it's a Seinen), which is usually a type of anime I usually avoid. I'm going to try and work-out HI-Dive and maybe then I can start watching K-on and Oshi no Ko! Also, your English is perfect! I'm an American, English is my first language, and even I had trouble trying to word some of this message! |
Jan 8, 9:38 AM
Thank you all for making this event such a wonderful one again :3 It's always so nice to see everyone being happy afterwards, hope you all could make some nice memories this year! And especially GAPLS for sending me such a wonderful gift, the long version will definitely land in your DMs :D Finally, of course also thank you to my recipients first and foremost ILIA (but also Chaosfromhell and SilvaMirie), for giving me the option to write such fun messages! I hope I see you in the event next year again! ✨ |
Jan 8, 9:38 AM
@Mady3-2 I do not have more tears after Umarekawattemo. I do not have enough words to describe how much i like this manga and how much it make me feel. I have good expectations in your other recomendations because i think you and i navigate in similar vibe. Thank u so much!! |
Jan 8, 9:44 AM
Reply to RealCheeze
Thank you very much for these images, @Ominous_One. :3
I really like them, especially the one with Tails! :D I think it's creative as well.
I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night from Cheeze! :D
I really like them, especially the one with Tails! :D I think it's creative as well.
I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night from Cheeze! :D
@RealCheeze You're welcome! Yeah, I enjoyed making them. Use them as long as you want and have a great 2025. <3 |
Jan 8, 9:46 AM
Elves!! You did such an amazing job this year, I had so much fun participating and finding a new show that I'm really hooked on. We all really appreciate how much work you all are doing for this event to even happen, I absolutely cannot wait for next year! And, @Nrk_ Hii, thank you so so much for the anime rec! I have thoroughly enjoyed Bungo Stray Dogs (clearly, I'm already into the third season). The characters are so well crafted, that even when I have a few problems here or there, they totally rope me back in. Don't worry, I'm always very careful watching shows- I usually do a lot of research to make sure I'm watching everything in the right order. My biggest problem right now is finding someone to talk to about it haha Anyways- thank you again, I cannot wait to keep watching the show, and I hope you have a really lovely year!! |
Jan 8, 9:48 AM
Reply to hello243
Thank you for the thoughtful gift! Please don't worry about not being able to match my gift ideas perfectly, it's true that I like pretty much anything. I think your recommendations were pretty spot on too because I had already been planning to watch both Apothecary Diaries and Dungeon Meshi very very soon (it's kind of my fault for not putting them on my ptw) but your letter gave me a final push to start Apothecary Diaries. I've heard a lot about Dungeon Meshi so I'm excited to start that later, as you mentioned it seems similar to Campfire Cooking in Another World which I really enjoyed so I have high hopes for this one!
I also started Vivy and I'm almost finished with the anime now. Although I've heard of it before, I didn't know much about the anime so I was excited to watch it! It's been pretty interesting so far and I really enjoyed Vivy and Matsumoto's dynamic. By the way, I love receiving long gifts so don't apologize for it being a wall of text, I'm pretty sure I wrote more for my own gift... lol
Thanks again and happy new year!
Thank you for the thoughtful gift! Please don't worry about not being able to match my gift ideas perfectly, it's true that I like pretty much anything. I think your recommendations were pretty spot on too because I had already been planning to watch both Apothecary Diaries and Dungeon Meshi very very soon (it's kind of my fault for not putting them on my ptw) but your letter gave me a final push to start Apothecary Diaries. I've heard a lot about Dungeon Meshi so I'm excited to start that later, as you mentioned it seems similar to Campfire Cooking in Another World which I really enjoyed so I have high hopes for this one!
I also started Vivy and I'm almost finished with the anime now. Although I've heard of it before, I didn't know much about the anime so I was excited to watch it! It's been pretty interesting so far and I really enjoyed Vivy and Matsumoto's dynamic. By the way, I love receiving long gifts so don't apologize for it being a wall of text, I'm pretty sure I wrote more for my own gift... lol
Thanks again and happy new year!
@hello243 It’s great to hear from you! I’m glad you’re satisfied with your gift. Happy New Year to you as well, and I wish you a wonderful 2025! |
Jan 8, 9:50 AM
@NetherWinds Thanks for your recommendation! I really enjoyed watching C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control! Wishing you a great 2025 :) |
Jan 8, 9:55 AM
Thanks @gaussian_ for being my secret santa this year! Your recommendation was the perfect fit for what I was looking for. I enjoyed the show quite a lot. If youre interested I can also get a bit more into detail on the things I liked / disliked about it. Also thanks a ton for the nicely written letter! I hope you had some refreshing and happy holidays aswell :) Greetings Gedatzu |
Jan 8, 9:57 AM
I had a lot of fun. A huge thank you to everyone who made this event possible. Thank you to the elves/workshop for the effort and time they dedicated to ensuring everyone had a good time at this event. I was very lucky to receive some great recommendations from my dear santa, and I have already sent a private message to thank him. I can’t wait to participate again next year! To elf @Pimelea: I was very surprised to receive a bonus recommendation (other than the ones from my Santa). This was an anime I hadn’t heard of before, and I really enjoyed it. It was so sweet and wholesome. Thank you so much for this wonderful surprise, and I hope you have a great year! |
Jan 8, 9:59 AM
Reply to AnimeWatcher2006
Thanks for the suggestion, Var. I picked Planetes since it's much shorter than Space Brothers and I watched the first three episodes, and it really love it. I love the adult slice-of-life stories since it really hit a cord on me and I recently reading Smoking Behind the Supermarket, another adult slice-of-life. Unfortunately, haven't finished the series yet but if I have the time, I'm going to binge watch it all.
Thanks for the suggestion, Var. I picked Planetes since it's much shorter than Space Brothers and I watched the first three episodes, and it really love it. I love the adult slice-of-life stories since it really hit a cord on me and I recently reading Smoking Behind the Supermarket, another adult slice-of-life. Unfortunately, haven't finished the series yet but if I have the time, I'm going to binge watch it all.
@AnimeWatcher2006 glad you've liked it. I'm a fan of slice of life and adult cast animes, smoking behind the supermarket is fire too. Happy new year! |
Jan 8, 10:02 AM
This was really fun!, and well organized :) |
Jan 8, 10:04 AM
@DrSEUS_x_Machina Thank you for the recommendations, the first one seems especially cool. I really hope I can get around to watching it soon! :) |
★ ★ 0:00 〇────── 5:14 ★ ★ ↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡ ★ ★ |
Jan 8, 10:08 AM
Reply to Saturnde
@Khushuu oh my im really glad you enjoyed it!! i am watching the japanese dub but im sure both are great. Chat gpt reccomending that anime surely is hilarious, i found it out back in 2022 but just found the courage to watch and i liked it so i wanted to reccomend. Once again glad you enjoyed!
@Saturnde okii imma continue watching in dub too :D, watching anime u found 3 years ago is wildd, if i found some random anime i'll probably forget it the very next day ,also ig u still havent completed the anime yet so i was thinkin can we do a watch together of last ep when we both reach the end? ofc if ur free and comfortable with it (btw pls reply in pm we shouldn't make forum a gossip area or mods will be angy) ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) |
Jan 8, 10:09 AM
@EienNoOniichan Happy new year, and thank you for the recommendations. I've managed to watch all of them. I was a fan of "terror in resonance" binged it in a single day, awesome show. Can't say the same about "Pupa" though, i think i could demand moral compensation for my last braincell damage haha. but i've asked for it myself :D as for the "Drifters" really fun and interesting show, it was fun to recognize some historical figures and see how people from different eras react to different thinking logic, different technological development etc. it's a shame that it still doesn't have a second season Thanks for recomendations, i doubt I would find any of these on my own, and i've greatly enjoyed this event. |
Jan 8, 10:12 AM
Reply to CoopBro
Thank you for the anime recommendations! Ragna Crimson had quite a strong and intriguing first episode that I did not expect and I am curious to see where it goes. I will definitely be munching on some popcorn as I enjoy the thrilling action! I have also been really enjoying your other recommendation, The Fable. The show reminded me of The Way of the Househusband and the Yakuza: Like a Dragon video game series with its fun cast and wacky action that surround the Yakuza lifestyle.
You mentioned Monogatari, which I have heard of the series, but I haven't watched it. Maybe you were thinking of someone/something else?
Thank you for the anime recommendations! Ragna Crimson had quite a strong and intriguing first episode that I did not expect and I am curious to see where it goes. I will definitely be munching on some popcorn as I enjoy the thrilling action! I have also been really enjoying your other recommendation, The Fable. The show reminded me of The Way of the Househusband and the Yakuza: Like a Dragon video game series with its fun cast and wacky action that surround the Yakuza lifestyle.
You mentioned Monogatari, which I have heard of the series, but I haven't watched it. Maybe you were thinking of someone/something else?
@CoopBro Sorry, I think I mentioned Monogatari because I got confused with the manga secret santa. |
Jan 8, 10:15 AM
how do you @ someone??? |
Hello! i'm not done with changing this but. uhhh |
Jan 8, 10:17 AM
This was my first MAL Secret Santa and I enjoyed the format; Actually, I don't often update my graphics, so these kinds of events are probably going to be the primary way I do so, lol. Yes, I procrastinated until after the deadline, but the staff were flexible and I was able to both send and receive a gift. Plus it's nice to interact more with the community, which I need to do more of. Looking forward to next year. |
Jan 8, 10:18 AM
@Hirouki Fantastic Recommendations will be watching all of them 10/10 thank you!!! |
Hiii |
Jan 8, 10:19 AM
Reply to Vardaruus
Happy new year, and thank you for the recommendations. I've managed to watch all of them. I was a fan of "terror in resonance" binged it in a single day, awesome show.
Can't say the same about "Pupa" though, i think i could demand moral compensation for my last braincell damage haha. but i've asked for it myself :D
as for the "Drifters" really fun and interesting show, it was fun to recognize some historical figures and see how people from different eras react to different thinking logic, different technological development etc. it's a shame that it still doesn't have a second season
Thanks for recomendations, i doubt I would find any of these on my own, and i've greatly enjoyed this event.
Happy new year, and thank you for the recommendations. I've managed to watch all of them. I was a fan of "terror in resonance" binged it in a single day, awesome show.
Can't say the same about "Pupa" though, i think i could demand moral compensation for my last braincell damage haha. but i've asked for it myself :D
as for the "Drifters" really fun and interesting show, it was fun to recognize some historical figures and see how people from different eras react to different thinking logic, different technological development etc. it's a shame that it still doesn't have a second season
Thanks for recomendations, i doubt I would find any of these on my own, and i've greatly enjoyed this event.
@Vardaruus happy new year! i'm glad to hear you enjoyed most of them :) i believe i also binged most of, if not all of, terror in resonance in a single day, really captivating and interesting i watched pupa with my friend, us making jokes left and right really helped make it enjoyable, haha drifters is one of my favorites and it really is a shame that its second season hasn't come yet. however, i noticed that the first season covered 45 manga chapters, and the manga just recently hit 90 chapters, so maybe the second one will come soon? the manga is apparently released pretty irregularly. my pleasure, i really enjoyed this event as well! |
Jan 8, 10:20 AM
Reply to RODIOMG7
how do you @ someone???
@RODIOMG7 If you go to a person's profile or hover over their name, you'll see "{some username}". Put an @ symbol with no space in front of that "{some username}". For example: @RODIOMG7 |
Jan 8, 10:22 AM
Jan 8, 10:22 AM
Reply to Kineta
Anime Rec Edition: Elf-chama (Ms to Z)
Recipient <---------- Santa
Ms_Muffin <--------- un1_v3r_5al
Muckle <--------- SSSYokai
Mugen_Casey <--------- ObiKappa
munasaka <--------- Jac0bPlay56
Mura-chin <--------- silverwhip21
Musashi_Arun <--------- yyorum
Mushfik002 <--------- EarlCiel
muydfslgpplv <--------- NotHomoWeeb
mWadie <--------- KinimodYunmi
mylf_hunteer69 <--------- rikiki109
Mystic_08 <--------- Karudima
MysticMusician <--------- yyosi
N1cklz <--------- RubyWolf222
nami_91 <--------- BigboyscrimBaby
nanicatto <--------- KLM101
NanOki <--------- ScarBri
Narity_ <--------- Bodalindo
Narizor <--------- Haspur
Naroomaki <--------- Miyumi_Rose
Narujoe <--------- KouWoah
NarukamiReiji <--------- GracefulOnion
nathan__02 <--------- Anotherlander
Nawic <--------- RusiansBF
nbarber374 <--------- kimidoll_queque
NeedANap <--------- thetkakaka
Nefka <--------- kaneki1231_
NegativeRei <--------- bumskee
Nekosus <--------- Souryu_Nadia
NelielYume <--------- Flamenger_Red
nenomech <--------- mikuu99
NetherWinds <--------- viksa_
Niakko <--------- BlastInThePast
NightWatcher24 <--------- krisnae
nima_bio <--------- yoslina
Ninja_Ace <--------- DevrimK
NinjAzurFR <--------- FelixNyah_o3o
Nirabu <--------- DarkCentauri
nnbrrs <--------- Yasu16
NoEnemiesAtAll <--------- Asiroka
NootNoot711 <--------- Mateko666
NotHomoWeeb <--------- Queen_Blaze
Novo_ <--------- Vantai_
nrhkm <--------- TokyoFell
NyanList <--------- Mooshio
o_0ani <--------- rikkitikinikki
ObiKappa <--------- DigiCat
ocallie <--------- Equilibrium_9
oliverpng <--------- raccmeister
olokinprime <--------- SilvaMirie
Onedux <--------- Rom-Com_lover
OnlyCosm <--------- Danmafrique
OnlyMigu <--------- MisaMilly
onogatari <--------- VampireUshio
OtakuFildub <--------- wheresmysanity
Otakutildi <--------- Bubbletea21
Owen60943 <--------- GamelinIV
Pabloku <--------- Fer-Sama
Pacific1901 <--------- suvxshya
pakiweeb42 <--------- RevloKrOne
Parpadokun <--------- doctor-funk-beat
Patrick_Seastar <--------- Evbignerd
peachytarts <--------- 0Mouho
peaxchxx <--------- rayy_of_night
Perhapsually <--------- SamayuJung
perseverance008 <--------- TheFabulousTrash
Pexx1234 <--------- Annyvick
Phalcon <--------- OtakuFildub
phantom_trash <--------- snoopydragon
PhonexReavers <--------- Rancid-_-Raymond
pinklightswitch <--------- LittleQt
Pishtek <--------- trailblazer_l
PlasmyBabie <--------- Bolshoi_Booze
PMayberry <--------- Creonto
Pocato <--------- Muckle
pontarensmamma <--------- kuioko
Potato_Bl4z3 <--------- Ms_Muffin
Potatogirrrl <--------- _Laisrr
Pprithish <--------- lipospacek
Prarthna <--------- V-E-N-U-S
Puddinz <--------- rensrin
PVR_N3R0 <--------- NyanList
pwtrq <--------- Tipps
Queen_Blaze <--------- yenbarn
QuitoTactico <--------- STIFLAUN
qvo <--------- V_i_r
r_prpl <--------- alucinotronic
Ra-zac <--------- Vamp_Lord
raccmeister <--------- ivaxx
radical-renegade <--------- decciim
Rajidae <--------- RoyalyGaming
Rallert <--------- YAMISPEAR
Rancid-_-Raymond <--------- scorpioniclibra
rasvanel <--------- VCAnime
ravioliqueen <--------- Mox_mox_moxed
rayy_of_night <--------- Nefka
real_slim_jadey <--------- vanish
reaper557 <--------- Dolanzz
red1130 <--------- Alyssa123456
ReiJoaoVictor <--------- Onedux
Reira2336 <--------- deniseko
relatedcontent <--------- Ivan_y_punto
Rendevous <--------- Laxerynn
Renji_200 <--------- Lei-ella
rensrin <--------- Potato_Bl4z3
RevloKrOne <--------- SloBurr
RewLord <--------- falloutforari
Ricchan__ <--------- Reira2336
Riizo <--------- Bakatokii
rikiki109 <--------- JDPegasus06
rikkitikinikki <--------- Lunabearrr
river77jones <--------- soulsilver4ever
Rizz_y <--------- oliverpng
Rom-Com_lover <--------- Alematt288
Ron27_ <--------- Vaivozas
RoyalyGaming <--------- r_prpl
royy69 <--------- HyruleCoCo
RrFf <--------- JessicaKari
RubyWolf222 <--------- CrimsonShadow_07
RundownTrex <--------- sakurajima
Rusdi07 <--------- NeedANap
RusiansBF <--------- Stargate18
ruulqt <--------- kmss
Rwynrx <--------- DeLuieTand
ryck66x <--------- Naroomaki
RyuOhStark <--------- FushikoMaruko
sagedevault <--------- Thorrik
Saicooh <--------- Meeyua
Sakizuh15 <--------- Sivik
sakurajima <--------- NightWatcher24
samthesilly <--------- ChromeOzone
Saplex <--------- Akayona
ScarBri <--------- Nawic
scorpioniclibra <--------- Cookie111
Seanizzle <--------- Owen60943
Seanmcca <--------- Filiponio
SekooZT <--------- shalimar
Sengir <--------- watcherzzzzz
Senphry <--------- rwynrx
Sensei_Kuro <--------- Waran-Ess
sephyr786 <--------- nima_bio
serafim13 <--------- IAmJustBad
Serenity34 <--------- Yaysea
SetHorizon <--------- Potatogirrrl (Elf: Akayona)
ShadowR366 <--------- QuitoTactico
shalimar <--------- OnlyCosm
Shapeee <--------- nbarber374
ShardsofStars <--------- ColdMei12
sharvin8383 <--------- SetHorizon
ShiroPhantom <--------- Emillian
Shockwaeve <--------- Crawling_Dead
Shojuto <--------- hokimoz
shortt4llman <--------- GentleDragonite
ShunRin <--------- Julitku39
SickN1ck <--------- Baazero
SilvaMirie <--------- lumarel
silverwhip21 <--------- peaxchxx
simo_miz9u <--------- CrumbOfDoom
sincerelyusuck <--------- easedcookie
Sivik <--------- Zack77
sk7rpion <--------- Brodisan
Skydis <--------- ShadowR366
Slick10000 <--------- GunnerMCFC
SloBurr <--------- Rallert
Sloker_ <--------- troilus_05s
SnailCorn <--------- leilascarlettt
SniperPRX <--------- Konisaurus
snoopydragon <--------- Lokasino
SnowyWinds <--------- Skydis
Sokksoff <--------- Gladowar
sotarin <--------- Chaosfromhell
soulsilver4ever <--------- Mintt_
SounKade <--------- TobiasLupin
Souryu_Nadia <--------- Maimuta1092
SPACECRAFT <--------- Zootman21
spadeHokage <--------- DemBananasFTW
SpadesGambit <--------- Ivanbbb
SpyrosDemir <--------- samthesilly
SSSTenshi <--------- Zeloge
SSSYokai <--------- NinjAzurFR
Stg_Tumeric <--------- ruulqt
STIFLAUN <--------- idk_Near
Stmdhc <--------- Joao20F
Stone-ocean <--------- Mayty
strawbaie <--------- Fujimatsu
Sugusato <--------- Mura-chin
suMiReV <--------- Aoi_hana
suvxshya <--------- SekooZT
symbolsanime <--------- AnyTheFox
Tamago_Senpai14 <--------- DigiCat
Tapadnom <--------- gamestar_21
tensaikoudakishi <--------- usopp_sama
Tenshii__ <--------- DigiCat
tephraverdant <--------- mylf_hunteer69
thanhvic <--------- Andrete
The_Flow <--------- CutieAnshin
the_holy_toast <--------- Gumies
TheDB <--------- suMiReV
TheFabulousTrash <--------- Ricchan__
ThePhilosoph4 <--------- o_0ani
TheRanenEmpire <--------- RyuOhStark
TheSFHero <--------- vertiKarl
TheSquidBoi <--------- Darnyx
thetkakaka <--------- Kaleith
ThisIsSidam <--------- Narity_
Thorrik <--------- Josef163
TinyButMighty <--------- Dalek_Sec
Tipps <--------- Sensei_Kuro
tnevss <--------- Vincentevil
TobiasLupin <--------- CeItyfr
TokyoFell <--------- HallowsIvy/CombeFerre
tomoonshine <--------- dicloflom
toradoraman <--------- alwynphelan
trailblazer_l <--------- Cayusashi
Treeky_ <--------- jmhj
troilus_05s <--------- mWadie
Tsukiyomi_Utau <--------- 707supremacist
TsuNePo <--------- holsoma
ttricaele <--------- Finku_
TuduTumru <--------- kwiateek
Tunes <--------- Controlling
Tyler <--------- Garamin
un1_v3r_5al <--------- ClarissaIssy
UnlawfulAjay <--------- divlyfein
unscreamable08 <--------- Shapeee
usopp_sama <--------- Tamago_Senpai14
V_i_r <--------- SpadesGambit
V-E-N-U-S <--------- simo_miz9u
Vaivozas <--------- DiogoSoryu
Vamp_Lord <--------- Dragonblxze
VampireUshio <--------- Doaniel
vanish <--------- MarilunaAdams
Vantai_ <--------- SamayuJung
VCAnime <--------- Cokebomb
Vell7idk <--------- Mystic_08
Venttux <--------- Babakwast
verbinflection <--------- Animeweeb35445
Verhexen <--------- xuriiqa
verivanilla <--------- Linsette
vertiKarl <--------- Sakizuh15
viksa_ <--------- DigiCat
VILLA926 <--------- onogatari
Vincentevil <--------- Patrick_Seastar
VinPorrima <--------- JohnZarb
vislife <--------- SnailCorn
vvafels <--------- Auruguen
wallus81 <--------- muydfslgpplv
Waran-Ess <--------- Tsukiyomi_Utau
Warmearers <--------- CRUZER108
watcherzzzzz <--------- GjaltPower
weebtoge <--------- Prarthna
wheresmysanity <--------- JanMichael24
Whiskerfilms <--------- Chomik30
Who__O <--------- Arlindox0
Wicky46 <--------- pinklightswitch
will-o-wave <--------- MemeManKeem
WolfyAnimeK <--------- Leo-Senpaii
x_cyn <--------- DigiCat
xuriiqa <--------- Stargate18
YAMISPEAR <--------- lauzzzeta
yanshenpan <--------- Akunoroi
Yasu16 <--------- DeadBored
yaysea <--------- ravioliqueen
yenbarn <--------- SounKade
ykFeelpZ <--------- henryer
Yoshinowithbunny <--------- SamayuJung
yoslina <--------- Horizon248
Yukissionator <--------- bubba460z
YuzuruKei <--------- peachytarts
yyorum <--------- z_ach
yyosi <--------- RrFf
z_ach <--------- awwwCHUU
Zack77 <--------- cats_
Zalgaryth <--------- Stmdhc
Zelie <--------- l1ttlecrybaby
Zeloge <--------- nanicatto
Zernomic <--------- The_Flow
zhabnica <--------- SnowyWinds
Zlain <--------- Zalgaryth
Zootman21 <--------- IcyCrobat
Zubidi <--------- Jairette
Anime Rec Edition: Elf-hime (A to Kj)
Recipient <---------- Santa
__Klaus__ <--------- Harmid
_AsHin_ <--------- Youusha
_Eni_ <--------- mysh-chan
_Exon <--------- Potato-Chhan
_Fangg <--------- Curlybrace101
_michal <--------- OldGhostDVD (Elf: Jelly)
_Nara <--------- sosu3
_pablo123 <--------- bowotan
_shirokishi <--------- TheBlockernator
_Yare_Yare_ <--------- Inkedtel
-Hollow- <--------- pickpocketcat
-Nora- <--------- moonfire1
-PhiL- <--------- umeabased
-rkr- <--------- RainsofCastamere
0Mouho <--------- ParaSwordFish
1kdj_jdk1 <--------- Deltalpha
1luckzz <--------- Andrada2002
420miike <--------- Rimuru_kml0
5Hucka5 <--------- MickHeal
5LIAM <--------- _Fangg
9i6 <--------- Nina-set
aaru-shi <--------- Ocerin
agilek <--------- Yusaaann
Ahmad_Sahil_ <--------- Jaycee_
aipri <--------- PwVsVipeR
Alex2422 <--------- DearPants
AlexPower07 <--------- Im_rel
alfiak <--------- Magikarpeus
AliceHanano <--------- eblf2013
AlienZack <--------- jzake
AllenWalker866 <--------- L-7
Amber_lord <--------- Moe_Buta
amberrxo <--------- AsmodeusXD
amethystcave <--------- PandaSmitten
Anarkyrd <--------- JexTexSSB
Andrada2002 <--------- hannah703
AnTiiX <--------- X3nophage
Anwar_D <--------- LOwOry
anymore4u <--------- ningunick
aquasprite <--------- Bobbelbeat
aquatar <--------- samimomo
Aracnio_06 <--------- finxst
Arekuso <--------- Tohka_Tenshi
Arjooon <--------- kakashis_sidehoe
arnav_joshi <--------- tenkousei
Arska551 <--------- yuki_-
AshanDev26 <--------- Shouto_san
Ashuz <--------- Ditszz
AsmodeusXD <--------- Ahmad_Sahil_
astronomydancer <--------- cinnamon_png
Asu14 <--------- Ralf2oo2
Asumino <--------- ChihiroMizuno
Asylum0741 <--------- flutterpaw
atan639t <--------- Demisu
Atsunome <--------- aipri
atychi <--------- HijnZ11
AurelianM <--------- OP_Rider
AveryFB <--------- TheMidnightWolf
AwesomeSawse <--------- TheOnlyOneTM
AymanMaelainin <--------- IWentToJapanOnce
Azal4-4 <--------- Connoisseur_desu
AzuG <--------- WWS0
Azurianyte <--------- aquasprite
Baberisbestgirl <--------- Hikool101
Bananabananapie <--------- Wizdom_the1
bashfulashh <--------- nncn
BenjaPV <--------- MikeCometa
BENWXLF <--------- Zain12p
BerblyDerbly <--------- Tsukemono-san
BetterRaccoon <--------- Amber_lord
bhfine <--------- ViktorShuusei
BigMoistPhrogg <--------- Kiruzonu
blackshu <--------- dino857875
Blairosef <--------- Romaokoo
Blue_Mustang <--------- Arekuso
Bobbelbeat <--------- jaywhyy
Boggante <--------- GreedyChip
bowotan <--------- ElFamosoAxolotoz
BowserdudeX2 <--------- mika1412
BROKENHEART22 <--------- mimihira
Bruno_Otaku22 <--------- AveryFB
bunny94 <--------- SaigeTheMage
butterxc <--------- Ivanyn
ByronasauresRex <--------- ZenitrasS
C4stie1 <--------- M_I_R_A_I
cakesandwakes <--------- Enceladus27
capricuernos <--------- Ebo
Caramel-san <--------- Nyaaruhodo
CareBear <--------- Nishiki_Nikki
catdumb <--------- santydallas
CDXX-LXIX <--------- pLaMRs
Celestial-Honami <--------- kagamigensou
Cezrye <--------- kishikari16
CharliePY <--------- imdmi
Chechi666 <--------- OatK
chiantidoylabs <--------- aquatar
chibiandreea <--------- LennonBechara
Chief_AJ <--------- BENWXLF
ChihiroMizuno <--------- Timcampy
Child-Of-God <--------- diogocsilva1
ChocoCravingHobo <--------- meghwan
Chuy_diazz <--------- JValiente
cinnamon_png <--------- MonsterGH
Cinoche19 <--------- Kelthur
CJustawaye <--------- Nyanko-senpai
Cl1mberc4t1 <--------- LiIlie
colorado_cat <--------- SirAkatosh
CoMmUnIsTdOmO <--------- haszKEJL
Connoisseur_desu <--------- Kei_XI
cookinmama <--------- stfucedric
CoopBro <--------- MRpuchamon
coshkunz <--------- OOz_
CrazyClown <--------- Kari01
Crazysheeptobman <--------- NARENDRA
creativemp4 <--------- Kyuunz
Crystalligator <--------- minamiame
CukieMunster <--------- HarlyMc
cureem <--------- June-4th_1989
CurlyAnocas <--------- aaru-shi
Curlybrace101 <--------- JamesB100
CutieZia <--------- Jilliun
Cyxone <--------- leandrocostab
Daisuki <--------- Pink_pantsu
Dam_My_Lyfe <--------- Shouk02 (Elf: Timcampy)
Damascar <--------- RaphaelSensei
damekitsune <--------- Twintail_Daemon
DaMexican <--------- yMeLx
DANGER_DASH <--------- xCRACKERx101
Dany__ <--------- ESzPa
DaPeacockSama <--------- Kaweri
DarkStarHarry <--------- ReverseSL
davekramer <--------- zakrslik
DearPants <--------- SoaringPegasus
Deepak914 <--------- xFlameSnowyIce
DefeatingMe <--------- Gui_silva23
Dehkoh <--------- Twintail_Daemon
Deltalpha <--------- Parca666
Demisu <--------- butterxc
Denvf <--------- lil-pie
desertshadow364 <--------- Ethieria
Destinesia <--------- NinaNikiforov
Dido16 <--------- sepantaa
dino857875 <--------- GreenPanda56
diogocsilva1 <--------- Linnus
dirtydal95 <--------- Ziahhh
DisasterDrache <--------- cakesandwakes
Ditszz <--------- ThekingofNevelan
DragonQueenYona <--------- DulSol
dreamerofpluto <--------- Krypto9te
DulSol <--------- Wormaq
eblf2013 <--------- Sotnas
egozxa <--------- Sykofun
Ei_Sei <--------- CurlyAnocas
ElBriga27 <--------- ewlys
ElFamosoAxolotoz <--------- Frrja
Elleur15 <--------- Possibly_me
EmrysTatari <--------- joycefms
Enceladus27 <--------- iqs8
enrosurobakia <--------- Hlebka
Enymu <--------- LeavesOnFire
Epiccgaymer <--------- Alex2422
Eponymous <--------- tsukareru (Elf: Timcampy)
Epti <--------- Ishigami45
EraXYT <--------- survivor_girl
ErEnt1513 <--------- Crazysheeptobman
ErrorUnknownn <--------- DisasterDrache
ESzPa <--------- NotJoan
Eternal_Rest <--------- MayorD
Ethieria <--------- Dany__
EuphoricHuman <--------- OrangeJuice32
Evilhunger <--------- thereIwasnt
Evotez <--------- kdzzp31503
ewlys <--------- IkemenSenpai
FalconMaster6 <--------- VinylVetti
fallenpetal <--------- MarylandIzumiKun
FarCritical <--------- Pastafarianin
FavCharacterDied <--------- Rapidexal
Feity027 <--------- CareBear
fight4day <--------- Bananabananapie
finxst <--------- HannUndefined
Fish4Seagulls <--------- DragonQueenYona
Flame_Insignia <--------- Priyajadli24
flutterpaw <--------- harorudo74
FranqitoH <--------- YoBoiLance
Friff <--------- LamyWater
Frrja <--------- Elleur15
Furnandles <--------- alfiak
Fuwamoja <--------- Siluetta
GalaxyHunter0 <--------- Nathana
gaur_ <--------- old-toasty
GDjkhp <--------- Fish4Seagulls
Gilraen_ <--------- Left_hook
Gio-sama01 <--------- _Nara
Glacial82 <--------- Grantonator
Gojira-Chan <--------- Rheanne_Harkness
golisvum <--------- Suriyuko
Grantonator <--------- SwopaKing
GreedyChip <--------- Nioxys
GreenPanda56 <--------- MarkyMark132
Gui_silva23 <--------- Azurianyte
gyanburubii <--------- Lanyaners
HadesAidoneus <--------- Qratozh
hana5963 <--------- Tricodin
hannah703 <--------- ParkKlao
HannUndefined <--------- CrazyClown
Haptism93 <--------- Prophecygirl
hardcore_weeb <--------- kawi
HarlyMc <--------- Cezrye
Harmid <--------- MickHeal
harorudo74 <--------- VenomousV1per
haszKEJL <--------- Gojira-Chan
HiganCherry <--------- AlienZack
HijnZ11 <--------- 5Hucka5
hikaribee89 <--------- JaniSIr
Hikool101 <--------- noiseaholic
Hlebka <--------- ElBriga27
hopelesspotato <--------- Itv-rlwab
HorizonX <--------- RivalCaptain
HUNK61 <--------- BenjaPV
HyunShake <--------- TheSunLife
idris48 <--------- CoopBro
Ikarus101 <--------- Dam_My_Lyfe
IkemenSenpai <--------- kjplethodon
Im_rel <--------- davekramer
Imacd24 <--------- Num1boy
imdmi <--------- Robertson1
IndienRock <--------- Larry
inhalery <--------- Lux616
Inkedtel <--------- KOTFTW
iqs8 <--------- Arska551
isekun <--------- Ebo
Ishigami45 <--------- Kandziula
Itv-rlwab <--------- Subxxxx1
Ivanyn <--------- kjDom
IWentToJapanOnce <--------- semicolon4193
J0hn0 <--------- bashfulashh
Jackof-allspades <--------- BowserdudeX2
Jaiimy <--------- AwesomeSawse
JamesB100 <--------- vemz21
JaniSIr <--------- Daisuki
JanWiller06 <--------- Mimbus
JasonVIK <--------- CoMmUnIsTdOmO
Javaking369 <--------- dirtydal95
Jaycee_ <--------- Epiccgaymer
jayway <--------- Baberisbestgirl
jaywhyy <--------- Rokerche
Jeremk <--------- Blue_Mustang
Jeruli <--------- n0t_m0rr1s
JexTexSSB <--------- Atsunome
JhayTeee <--------- Timcampy
Jhearn16 <--------- Cl1mberc4t1
JhonyS3 <--------- ZAZC
Jilliun <--------- roough_berry
Jimgus <--------- MikeOnHighway61
John_The_Sage <--------- DarkStarHarry
JordioJoystar <--------- _Yare_Yare_
Joyboy_WoL <--------- Pillsbury_Uchiha
joycefms <--------- Mensualite
julliy <--------- Paulson_No1
JUMBUZI <--------- BROKENHEART22 (Elf: MickHeal)
June-4th_1989 <--------- nmga
JValiente <--------- Volkslied
jzake <--------- LORD-FROST-777
kadussauro <--------- YabooiNikos
kagamigensou <--------- Chief_AJ
kakashis_sidehoe <--------- The_Sky_Enforcer
Kamishiro2003 <--------- _shirokishi
Kandziula <--------- LegendGoose49
Kari01 <--------- Kitsune_707
karrie1337 <--------- Timcampy
kataneer <--------- ByronasauresRex
Kaweri <--------- Picol0
kawi <--------- zcythewoah
kdzzp31503 <--------- Anwar_D
Keaton3 <--------- Twintail_Daemon
KeesTB <--------- JhonyS3
Kei_XI <--------- Qoolie
Kelthur <--------- QuentiNeicigam
Ken_Chan90 <--------- L_cid
ketupat39 <--------- HUNK61
Kill_That_Bird <--------- Takoyakirin
Kiruzonu <--------- TheBasicofBasics
kishikari16 <--------- Yukio8
Kitsune_707 <--------- sakuruM
kjDom <--------- oznaexe
kjplethodon <--------- Mucharetsu
@Kineta It was a fun and interesting event, please do more like this. :) @YoBoiLance Thanks for the recommendation (although I haven't had time to watch it yet). :> |
Jan 8, 10:22 AM
Reply to Ominous_One
@RODIOMG7 If you go to a person's profile or hover over their name, you'll see "{some username}". Put an @ symbol with no space in front of that "{some username}". For example:
@Ominous_One oh thanks |
Hello! i'm not done with changing this but. uhhh |
Jan 8, 10:25 AM
@Pabloku Thanks for the gifts! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. So far, from your recommendations, I've started watching Mayonaka Punch and it's absolutely hilarious! I don't know the last time an anime made me laugh this hard. I can't wait to have the time to finish watching it. I also plan on watching the other two soon, since they also sound very interesting. |
Jan 8, 10:26 AM
@StuartFalcon thanks for the anime Recommendations. sorry if i wasn't specific about that i wanted. Vinland Saga is great |
Hello! i'm not done with changing this but. uhhh |
Jan 8, 10:26 AM
@MonsterGH Thank you for your recommendations, I haven't finished any of them yet (sorry) but I'm loving Houseki no kuni and I promise to read the others as soon as possible. :) |
Jan 8, 10:34 AM
@Pogers Thanks for the recommendation! I have long heard great things about Monster. I think the thing that held me back from getting around to it was thinking I should read the manga first/instead. But given that I loved Pluto's anime and you recommended it, I'll be sure to give it a shot. Hope you have a great year! @EliteSlayer_12 Admittedly me and Manhwa haven't had the best relationship, but I'm hoping Omniscient Reader can turn me around on them, because it would be rather ridiculous of me to write them all off that generally. Unfortunately Solo Leveling is part of the reason for that (I didn't care for the anime and I had skimmed through some of the comic, but didn't bother logging it so you had no way of knowing). But I'll be sure to go into Omniscient Reader with an open mind, I've been wanting for a manhwa to prove me wrong. Hope 2025 is a great one for you! @AoiRar Thanks for the signature! It's sleek, well-balanced, and dynamic. While I know my way around photoshop, those aren't the types of images I usually spend my time on. If you're up to it, I'd love to hear about your creative process, because you did some cool things there that I wouldn't know how to approach if I wanted to mimic it. Certainly an improvement from my old one. Here's to 2025 being a great one for you! |
Jan 8, 10:34 AM
Huge thank you to the elves for making this secret santa a success once again ! Thanks to @nononoriko for the manga rec, that has been an enjoyable read so far. I'm nearing the end of everything, and I have my hopes up for it. And finally, thanks to @Romaokoo for the anime recs, especially Hakumei to Mikochi, the only one I've taken the time to watch so far. I really wasn't expecting an anime that matched nearly all I asked for, but it was exactly what I needed. I think I'm not lying if I say this is the anime I've enjoyed the most for the past two years or so. So once again, thanks a lot ! |
Jan 8, 10:35 AM
Reply to Skatrzoo
Thank you for the recommendations! Shows like Flag are exactly what I hope to find by participating in events like these, being both unique and something I would have very likely never even heard of otherwise! I do plan on watching the other 2 as well eventually, but this one immediately caught my attention :)
And of course, thank you to all the elves that volunteered for this as well :)
Thank you for the recommendations! Shows like Flag are exactly what I hope to find by participating in events like these, being both unique and something I would have very likely never even heard of otherwise! I do plan on watching the other 2 as well eventually, but this one immediately caught my attention :)
And of course, thank you to all the elves that volunteered for this as well :)
@Skatrzoo I'm glad to read that you were interested in Flag, the truth is that it was quite difficult for me, you've seen some good anime and many of the ones I thought you already had in some of your lists t-t. Keep watching anime and participating in the community, regards. |
Jan 8, 10:39 AM
@sephyr786 Thanks for the recommendation! Ranking of the Kings was very emotional and intense like you said. It was a very fun watch and I enjoyed all of the characters. I was waiting for a rainy day to watch the show, and I'm glad that I finally got to watch it. |
Jan 8, 10:42 AM
@FireRifle64 Starting with thanking you for the gift, I'm currently watching Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi and enjoying it quite a lot. After seeing your MAL I realize that we really share about 50%, I'm sorry that your search has been arduous but I assure you that it was fruitful, of the three recommendations, the three have interested me. Greetings and thanks. |
Jan 8, 10:43 AM
@LilVidelchan Thank you for the recommendations! I have slowly been making my way through Delico's Nursery, and it is a fun show! I will definitely look at the others you recommended once I finish with that one. I hope you are having a lovely 2025! Thanks again for the recommendations! I will definitely do this again next year! It was a lot of fun. |
Jan 8, 10:49 AM
I really enjoyed this event! I hope to see everyone on the next present exchange! |
My MALoween candies: |
Jan 8, 10:50 AM
@Whiskerfilms Happy new year!!! I managed to watch all 3 recommendations before the santa reveal and overall really good, I liked all of them! Ok so first gokushufudou/The way of the househusband, I watched this one first and I really liked it, it's pretty funny to watch a guy that looks like that doing househusband thing being so nice to everyone but in his own way lmao, I also love all the other side characters like Masa or Miku, I even ended up somehow relating to her 😭. I also didn't liked the style in episode 1 but idk if it changes a bit or if I just got used to it but I ended up actually liking it a lot, its cheap and really enjoyable somehow. I'll give it like a 8/10 overall almost 9 idk. Then Takt op. Destiny, I have an issue with this one and idk what is it but I always felt like something was missing during the show. Still I really liked the characters and the whole plot, I love the idea of mixing classical mussic with action, It works weirdly well even if for me I still missed some classic music. Oh also I absolutely love the character design there like Titan, Anna or destiny and Cossette are so pretty and cute and memorable. Also that kiss at episode I think 11 from Anna to Takt was really unnecessary to me like there was no romance developing and suddently she wants him? Idk but that kinda ruined the ending for me even if it's not that but by itself. The first episodes gave me high expectations and then it falls a little so I gave it a 7/10, which is pretty fair to me. Btw I even cried in episode 10 when Lenny died it was such a beautiful scene 😭. Lastly Dorohedoro and this one was my favourite from all your recommendations, its the kind of show that has something that hooks you from the very beggining and idk what is it but I love it. The world (only hole) gives you the despair vibe the people there have and I love that, the sorcerer world has a completly different vibe and I also like tht but I just enjoy hole better. The characters are mostly super memorable and my favourite is Nikaido, not by far since I love Caiman a lot but still. Also doesn't affects the show at all but I love having different endings every 2 episodes. Overall I loved it and gave it a 9/10, Its really not my usual romance or CGDCT, its actually the contrary and I still enjoyed it a lot and loved it. Also I thought of reading the manga but I don't feel like doing so rn, so from now I'll just pray for the season 2 to release soon. Really good recomendations overall and thank you for all of them! Have a happy 2025 🫶. |
Jan 8, 10:54 AM
Thanks for the hard work again this year~ |
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