Minecraft, But Fire Drops OP Items...
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Minecraft, But Fire Drops OP Items... (Challenge)
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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, FIRE DROPS OVERPOWERED ITEMS! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a 'Minecraft but' challenge... This one was really weird.
#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge Игры
first reply
Good video wispexe
ly wisp i have no money so i can buy merch :(
@Brandon Meyer your third
i am so excited for the merch i will be buying it for the whole family
XD, troll Doni bobes pls
Wisp: "We're gonna need a fire contraption."
Flint and Steel: Am I a joke to you?
🥺🤣Poor flint and steel
Also he's saying 'contraction' lmfao
On my
@@breakingaustin dear lord
It made me so mad how he made a lava thing when he could of made a FLINT AND STEEL
“Haven’t you always wanted to drop in lava? Well today you can!”
Pog champ
not pog
I love how he justs casually goes from a normal stone sword to a sharpness 10 netherite sword.
its normal in a wisp video
Ikr it just goes stone tools to Netherite sword
Just a normal id
"Gets a sharp x Netherite sword" extremely usual
“Well today you can!”
All the people that have died to lava: ;-;
The link is a Rick roll lol
when you’re too scared to beat Minecraft normally
lmao i can agree as i’ve never beat minecraft myself
@@Memesbypunk shut upppp
@@Memesbypunk stfu
“We didn’t start the fire
But it gave us really good loot!”
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@@soundsforvids no thank you
@@soundsforvids shut up who asked
@@soundsforvids no one cares
@@soundsforvids bot
I like how wisp have beaten the ender dragon millions of times but is still so hyped every time. I love it
Began hyenas and pollutes voyeurs fighted it was a great fight
“Haven’t you always wanted to drop in lava?"
"Well today you can!”
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@@Earnist111 How about 0. If you have to use recommendations/other people's videos to gain subs, then it shows your content isn't worthy enough to be subbed. Plus, how many subs you have? Because i see a non existant number.
@@Earnist111 Yeah!
@@diggydiggyhole-fan True
@@diggydiggyhole-fan ye the dude has just spammed wisps content with that garbage
Skyblock swords: *Im 4 parallel universes ahead of you*
@@gassedup2445 I’m still struggling:(
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Lmfao, wisp faces both pain and happiness in these videos
“and my pickaxe is so quick, i cant break blocks”
-wisp 2021
wisp: "i need to find lapis and we are set' 2 mins later... walks past lapis and doesn't see.
How didn't he see them :/
@@isaefan5099 ikr its lapis and blue he colour blind? Lol
@@justaweirdo36 Lol
It's because he didn't need it anymore-
“My pick axe is so quick I can’t break blocks”
-wisp 2021
Wow this is a lot of likes for me
Edit it Cows
When ever he breaks a block with the "the driller" it looks like he broke it with creative mode
Wisp: “Didn’t even eat a single notch apple.”
Also Wisp: proceeds to eat a notch apple
Made 0 sense but I think I know what you are trying to say
Tasted good man
@@wisp hi
@@wisp YEah I love u bro
@@cashie_yt5404 😳
Wisp: "Get out of here ugly."
Zombie" 😢
Alt title: Wisp attempting suicide for 18 minutes straight.
01000010 01110010 01110101 01101000
@@SmileDrippy ?
@@SmileDrippy did you just say bruh?
@@Purged726 lol idk
He’s so rich he builds his portals with corners
Everyone should build with corners
@@thehugesmall no
your just poor
Speedrunner with lava pools: am i joke to u
@@imrane1425 bruh stop being a kid
“I need lapis”
*Casually skips 10 lapis ore 10 seconds later*
I saw
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Current: 660
Look at 7:09
“Today we’re gonna be seeing if we can beat the game with op items”
Hmm I REALLY wonder if he can beat the game with enchantments that aren’t in the game because they are too powerful
He has beaten it many times
“Infinity X”
Ikr he’s done this in all of his things
i was like what is he gonna get an arrow for every one he shoots
1 through 2 is infinite but some how 1 through 3 is a bigger infinite
hmmm maybe infinity 2 is u can get inf amount of potion arrows and on infinity 3 hmmm maybe inf spectral aroow inf 10 free arrows
This really has adds another meaning to “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
First reply
Especially blazes
@@AgniaxX shut your up
Except that it does kill u
I agree
"My pickaxe is too fast that i cant break blocks" - wisp 2021
if he had haste...
@@aniruddh6a233 ultimate driller
@Usecode Topia LOL
Do this but with uhc
@@RomeoV9 dude u stole my highlighted comment
"I actually SUCK!"
"well that doesn't MATTER"
Wisp: **gets infinity X** "OOOOH YESSSS"
Me: **thinking why tf is he so excited, its the same as infinity**
But it still is infinity
@@gassedup2445 why?
@@gassedup2445 ruclips.net/video/d9i6v1ZtHH4/видео.html
who doesn't like to stand in fire..
I know
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@@Earnist111 that's actually not a bad ideamind if I use it
@@Earnist111 non
"Strange contraption"
Literally the Flint and steel: "am i a joke to you?"
He says contraction, it's the wrong word. Two very different meanings.
@@flauntyice8183 Naw, he says contraption.
@@scientificallyaccuratespino nope he definitely says contraction
@@flauntyice8183 no
He says contraction
Something you will never hear again: “my pickaxe is so quick that I can’t mine blocks.”
POV: Congrats on being early and reading this comment.
Thx (0w0)b
Thx now please subscribe to my channel
Wisp kept saying “contraction” instead of “contraption” and I kept thinking back to his muscle simulator thing video- XD
i read both of those words as contraception 💀
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@@soundsforvids no
Imma just say this out of nowhere: gacha kid
" have u ever wanted to jump in lava? NOW U CAN" Wisp 2021
I cant believe its not a UHC almost all his vids usually are UHC's
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
No, I'm never gonna give you up
No, I'm never gonna let you down
No, I'll never run around and hurt you
Never, ever desert you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
No, I'm never gonna give you up
No, I'm never gonna let you down
No, I'll never run around and hurt you
I'll never, ever desert you
@@aliteralpotato873 can't belive i got rick rolled by a comment
@@znxwy i legit didn't think that would work XD
Wisp: We need lapis so we can enchant!
Also Wisp: *walks past a potential 4 vein of lapis*
"Have you ever wanted to jump into lava?"
Hardcore players who get screwed up after knowing that you still take fall damage even with fire resistance on when jumping into lava:
no and never will again
I feel like Wisp and TapL should do one of these challenges together.
ikr it will be POG
“My pick axe is soo quick I can’t break blocks” nice one.
you heard it wrong
@@oppon3keilly what was it then?
best skit on my channel
@@09abfg oops nvm i just found out
Because of a little lag he cannot mine
It's already 2024 anyone?
My head hurts this man is trying to make a dragon fight dramatic when he has level 10 enchanted gear
You know what they say, haters gonna hate
@@rogueomega1u161 shakers gonna shake shake shake shake.
*_Yo mama and I are gonna make make make make, make it on, make it on._*
@@ScubaShark--8964 eww
Wisp: I need tons of food to heal up.
Literally throughs out instant heath potions
why did you spell throw wrong?
FN REPLAYS its a spelling mistake
@@fnreplays who nose
7:09 “I really needs some lapis” skips it
Ikr it's so annoying
Wisp: "i should destroy this from above"
Bow: *Mind* I will embarrass this youtuber
"5 stacks of obsidian is a bit too excessive"
Me: *Has 1 piece of obsidian*
'I really need lapiz rn so i can enchant'
*proceeds to walk past it
Have you ever thought that if you got fire res and get caught on fire, do you still get loot
Big brain boiiiiiiii
@@victoriacwright08 1000000000000000 IQ
@@victoriacwright08 I thought of that
When you get netherite: I just want diamonds. When you get diamonds : yes yes yeesssss
He needs diamonds for netherite
With the water and lava next to each other on the ground level, you could have pistons on either side at the top level, Hooked up to a redstone clock pushing you from side to side.
I can already imagine me as a kid trying to type this out in a normal survival world 0:29
Baked Bean Jeans ha true
@@bretsimmons494 def egg gf G txfhhjfhhg
@@Abs0lMasters .
@@azimahmedchowdhury5920 hujuuuuuu
6:27 : I need some lapiz so i can enchant
7:09 : Runs trough lapiz
Lapiz? You mean lapis?
@@dreyyerson lol in the philippines lapis means pencil
@@pika3207 ok?
@@dreyyerson ok
Next: minecraft, but every time you drown you get a OP item
Wisp: “get out of here ugly”
Zombie: “why are we still here, just to suffer”
I saw the cartoon on your profile pic
@@bakoknight8058 ?
Never in my life have i ever seen someone say «yes hit me more blazes» without being sarcastic
Wisp: “I hear lave right here”
Also Wisp: digs straight down.
Breaking the 1# rule of minecraft
The amount of times he’s beaten mincraft and he still goes yesssss!!!
it's a great feeling to Beat Minecraft
Wisp in 2031: Minecraft But Spawning Gives You OP items
“So I can jump around OWW THAT HURT” 12:38
best skit on my channel
@@jbawt6380 thx
he said "Ow, k that hurt."
@@wardishfr I see you are a EE of culture as well
Wisp :”I really need lapis so I can enchant. Also Wisp:”run strait past lapis
thank u u saw i thought i was the only one that saw that
@@JUSTAnotherWoman me toooo! i thought he just decided he didnt need it anymore
@@JUSTAnotherWoman Me Too
@@JUSTAnotherWoman me three
“ I need some lapas to enchant”
Legit passes it 5 times lol
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Current 215
@@Memesbypunk no one asked
@@h2yz0 i didnt ask if u didnt ask
@@thedreadqueen2495no one asked for you to reply
@@h2yz0 I asked.
Whisp: I will make a lava contraption
Me: I will make a flint and steel
"If I don't eat, I do start to die" ~Wisp, 2021
“I have thought of a *Contraction* to help me.”
Me: Wait a minute?
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Current 215
you know the drill
Wisp: “If only there was a contraption to set me on fire consistently...”
Me: *starts singing the Campfire Song Song*
Wisp: "Ima throw these instant "health potions" out because i dont think il need them but i hope i dont regret that." Also him seconds later: "aww i have to eat so much food to "heal" up." lol
"I have too much good stuff that I don't even need"
- wisp suffering from success.
I love how he keeps acting that this “challenge” is hard af (like every single video he made)
best skit on my channel
Exactly he literally got netherite before diamonds
fr he never makes it challenging it always has to be op items
i mean hes taking advantage of his viewers (mostly 8 year olds) to live and make his money and get a crap ton of views
Some youtubers say if ya read the title ....... YEAH WISP DOSENT READ THE TITLE
Wisp: I want some lapis to enchant then walks on top of lapis
Me: trying to tell him to take it
me to
I’ve never heard of a Minecraft player saying “Minecraft please set me on fire” 😂
“Ah isn’t this great you got your gold smelting, your iron, and then you set yourself on fire”
2:52 "I need a fire contraction."
I can assure you. You do not need contractions.
Oh but he has
Contractions are what happens when you go into labour?? Are you sure he has contraction?? @Jude McDonnell
@@Benusr i think one time he did a challenge once where he got hurt alot for taking damage to the point he started screaming like he was giving birth for taking too much
@Joseph Kowall WOW REALLY?
getting an enchanted golden apple from a chest is rare, but getting a enchanted golden apple from being set on fire is...idk
Dude i love this series i could watch all of them over and over again
New title - Minecraft but what kills you makes you stronger
copied from another comment?
You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, 'cause you're dead wrong
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new
But told you I was moving on over you
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You try to break me but you see what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning
In the end
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
When I'm alone
Thank you for making your videos Wisp, you cheer me up every time. One of my pet rats is having issues and might pass away tonight and I was crying nonstop about 5 minutes ago, but your videos popped up in my recommendations and my head cleared and I'm ready to help my pet tonight. thank you
Ouch, are you okay? I’ve been through this with my cat. It’s hard to pull through, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if the tunnels are a maze, there is always a light. I hope you are going to be okay.
Is he alive right now or ded?
Let’s go and find some Lapis Wisp: just passes lapis.
@@brianpannell6825 same dude 😂
“Everything that kills me makes me feel alive“
-One republic
It is not lime or lemon, it is this channel that deserves another million
Go to back to Roblox
I agree with you
Not to the go back comment but to your comment @RenaPlays_ YT
@@zulfito9824 How abt you go to block man go?
@@Bros0910 Someone got offended?
who would've thought fire was actually helpful
You should do a video called, “when i take damage , I lose an item from my inventory”
Wisp: okay that hurt
Takes no damage…
Wisp when you scream in a girl voice it makes me so happy I love your videos so much! Love you wisp:)❤️🥰
“I need lapis to enchant”
Me: Sees he passes lapis 1 min later
Edit: wow thank you for so many likes
True lol
When???? (:
When wisp enters the nether
This is where the fun begins
Wisp: 9:47 I just one tap obsidian
Xnestorio (fastest obsidian miner) *visible anger*
I have never seen anybody so exited to be on fire lol
What about the Jewish?
Wisp : Contraction
Me : Thats not what- nvm let him have his fun * slowly dying inside *
Title: Fire Drops OP Items..-
Me: Time to burn my house.
This guy never runs out of ideas 👍👍
Speed runners:finds a lava pool “YES”
wisp finds a lava pool: yes a lava pool to burn in
Gotta love how he throws his healing potions away only to mention that it takes a while to heal using food.
Alternative title: Minecraft, but Wisp is a masochist
Minecraft players when see lava:*avoid*
Wisp see when there is lava:*OP Stuff*
The title should be: "A Minecraft Parallel Universe Where lava/fire gives you OP items."
Wisp when he found the lava pool: all this power that I found gonna totally abuse it
Am I the only one who loves when he says lovely jubbly in the accent 😂😂
I love his vids he just does super interesting mods and just casually speed runs the game every time lol😂
"let's get some flint because i wanna be set on fire and i love it"
Nether Portal : am i a joke to you?
imagine if this potion was a fire resistance potion.
alternative title:
My little sibling in creative mode
7:07 You missed a vein of lapis 😭
"Ever wanted to jump in lava? Well now you can!"
*Sad creative noises*
@DR - 03dJ 859440 Forest Glen PS you do not take damage when falling in lava in creative
When he said we are actually undefeatable around 10mins in he built boots and he probably did a pun by accident unde-feat-able
"My pickaxe is so fast I can't break blocks"