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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Apr 25, 2010 1:27 AM

Dec 2009
Mustang finally stops and Envy is back to being little.

Envy cries! and then he suicides...

Alex is so beast and lols..

Great episode but i did expect more action.

Apr 25, 2010 7:21 AM

Jan 2009
Pure win. Epic. Man this episode was so cool, it made it feel so short. Another Homunculus down (or 2 down?).

The climax is coming so close, it's making me sad :P
Apr 25, 2010 8:17 AM

Feb 2009
I haven't watched it yet.
I'm here to ask if Ecrisp's is a fake or not.

In Tokyotosho, they claimed to be real, but I'm wondering since I never heard of this group doing the sub for FMA:B before.
Besides, Ecrisp just sounds like Eclipse. Although they want to beat Eclipse, they didn't have to name the group this way.

for now, I'm gonna wait for Eclipse's.
Apr 25, 2010 8:32 AM
Jan 2008
This is the shit men!! JUst pure epicness!!
Apr 25, 2010 8:50 AM

Mar 2008
I dont believe but i pity Envi.
And i like see teacher in Central.
But she just play in hand to Homunculus.

Quite normal subs.
Apr 25, 2010 8:58 AM

Nov 2009
Re: Ecrisp
Never heard of them too, but their sub is not fake.

Oh, and great ep, of course. Epic Roy is epic.
Apr 25, 2010 9:02 AM
Aug 2009
Wow, I actually teared up at Envy's suicide. BONES did a really good job at making it poignant, considering the fact that he was the biggest bastard in this entire series.
Apr 25, 2010 9:34 AM

Apr 2009
Jaymie said:
Wow, I actually teared up at Envy's suicide. BONES did a really good job at making it poignant, considering the fact that he was the biggest bastard in this entire series.


Great episode.
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Apr 25, 2010 9:38 AM

Nov 2007
Great episode is great. 10/10

[Ecrisp] isn't fake though, and their subs were really up to the mark.

We all knew the unwaivering bond Taisah and Riza shared between them, but this episode took it into another level.

Felt bad for envy a bit, but in the end, happy that he is gone for good. and it was a good death.

The Armstrongs are as win as ever, great to see Alex getting his dislocated shoulder joint back in place with some style and Olivier taking the command of Central Army ;)

And Briggs put yet another class act, this time, with the help of the Ordinary Housewife (W.C) :D
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Apr 25, 2010 11:01 AM

Oct 2008
Ichizon said:
nextday said:
TMD is out already, wow.

I guess this means Eclipse will be out today too :)

Eclipse lost their main translator and dropped all their series including FMA. So don't wait for them.

nice joke mate . . . Ha ha ha . . . But hey , are ya serious . . How do you know .
Apr 25, 2010 11:02 AM
Apr 2010
Wow, wow wow. What an amazing episode again. Even though I read this in manga format, just seeing this animated was amazing. Random thoughts for the episode:
-Felt a little bad for envy in the end, but glad to see him go
-Izumi's entrance was great. 8D
-Glad to see the "burn back" scene at last.

Looking forward to the next episode~!
Apr 25, 2010 11:21 AM

Oct 2008
This episode looks absolutely stunning , this is what i have to say about it from the screenshots and a few minutes of the raw . . . . Awesome . . .
Apr 25, 2010 11:34 AM

Feb 2008
Never would have expected to actually feel sad bout envy's death for even a second, but i quite pity "it" now :) another great episode. rizu and roy <3 alex with his lolish imbaness ^^ nice cliffhanger to end it all off, give more !
Apr 25, 2010 11:35 AM

Apr 2010
Great episode! It was a very powerful moment with Mustang struggling to conquer his emotions. Less than 10 episodes to go!
Apr 25, 2010 11:36 AM

Nov 2007
Ichizon said:

Eclipse lost their main translator and dropped all their series including FMA. So don't wait for them.

So it seems youre right. Partially though. Here is the actual confirmation. [Eclipse] won't be subbing any show other than Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Kaichou wa Maid-sama this season. All the other shows if you think they were subbing or had plans on subbing, have been dropped.

Sourse: irc://
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Apr 25, 2010 11:49 AM

Jun 2009
I was waiting for this episode so much! And it was just great! ^^
Mustang and Alex were really cool again. :)
Don't belive in yourself! Belive in me who belives in you! (TTGL) XD ...LOVE and PEACE!! ^_^
Apr 25, 2010 11:51 AM

Aug 2007
And another awesome episode. =D

Geez, this purely made of win. Envys death was really great, Roy was just totally epic, Riza... man I can't tell you how much I love her, the Armstrong siblings win as always and of course, the final cherry on the cake: the ordinary housewife introduced as an alchemist.
Holy shit is this epic.

Now we have the two most badass female characters in Manga/Anime-history in the same building (Olivier and Izumi). Let them meet and this is going to win so much. :D
Apr 25, 2010 11:52 AM

Oct 2008
At least they are subbin brotherhood . . . Because i download xvid version and eclipse are the only ones who release xvid version of each episode . . . Man , seriously . .Why the hell did they drop the other shows . . Crap

but i can't help but smile at the poll . . . So awesome :) :)
Apr 25, 2010 11:52 AM

Apr 2010
This episode gave brought out so many emotions. Really loved it. lol @ SHOULDER's BACK!

Apr 25, 2010 11:55 AM

Aug 2008
Dammit Envy why didnt you run when you had the chance! Damn I'm gonna miss that guy!
Armstrong was owning some ass! Here comes the Housewife! and omg Hohenheim and Father meet

Apr 25, 2010 12:03 PM

Feb 2009
Wow, that was an awesome episode, I loved all the Roy & Riza parts! I Almost cried when Envy died!
Can't wait to see the armstrongs fight, and it looks like Eds dad will be fighting too! Also I was happy to see Izumi!
Apr 25, 2010 12:10 PM

Feb 2010
Soooooooo awesome. Kinda felt sorry for Envy. If Alex keeps his attacks up then Sloth should die in no time. Oh and Hohenheim and Father!

FMA has been consistently awesome for so long now =D
Apr 25, 2010 12:10 PM

Apr 2009
By the way, Ecrisp subs are actually better than Eclipse.

Another amazing episode! FMA:B has really picked up as of late. I can't believe there are only 9 episodes left. T_T
Apr 25, 2010 12:20 PM

Nov 2007
kennikitty said:
And another awesome episode. =D

the final cherry on the cake: the ordinary housewife introduced as an alchemist.
Holy shit is this epic. Now we have the two most badass female characters in Manga/Anime-history in the same building (Olivier and Izumi). Let them meet and this is going to win so much. :D

True that, absolutely true.

ReaperEXE said:
By the way, Ecrisp subs are actually better than Eclipse.

Umm...I have to agree on that though. :/ The subs were really of top notch, and considering it coming out within few hours, i am stunned.

ReaperEXE said:
Another amazing episode! FMA:B has really picked up as of late. I can't believe there are only 9 episodes left. T_T

"As of late"?. This is the only anime which got 42 straight 5/5 from me. and dont remind the sad things. T_T. OMG only 9 to go. :'(
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Apr 25, 2010 12:36 PM

Oct 2008
42 straight 5/5s is just awesome . . And i really hope ecrisp releases an xvid version . . I can't imagine fmab without an xvid version . My comp lags when i play those huge mkv files :(
Apr 25, 2010 12:38 PM

May 2008
It sure is a collection of colourful characters.
Apr 25, 2010 12:41 PM

Apr 2010
Nice Poll, btw.

I can't help but feel sad for Envy though. Suicide..

Armstrong, however...
Alex Louis Armstrong said:

Behold these artistic muscles and the artistic alchemical collaboration,
Excellento ando Eleganto!


Alex Louis Armstrong said:

This form of star sparkling has been passed down the Armstrong family for generations!!

*Hand Sonic Version Nine!* | You really need a new sig, Nine. |
Apr 25, 2010 12:44 PM

Apr 2009
Fantastic episode! Really did the manga justice. I felt that envy's part was really well done here, it was actually kinda sad for his end, almost shed a tear.
"Eat till you explode,
Play till you drop,
Whatever reason it is, just live live live!"
Apr 25, 2010 12:45 PM

Oct 2008
Wha . . The ecrisp file has been removed from tokyo tosho . . . What now :(
Apr 25, 2010 12:48 PM

Apr 2009
alex totally went roy mustang on sloth there
Apr 25, 2010 12:54 PM

Apr 2009
great episode! Armstrong was kick ass. Envy's death was also really well done.
Apr 25, 2010 1:19 PM

Dec 2009
cnaw said:
Wha . . The ecrisp file has been removed from tokyo tosho . . . What now :(


Apr 25, 2010 1:31 PM

Apr 2009
cnaw said:
Wha . . The ecrisp file has been removed from tokyo tosho . . . What now :( ~_~

awesome episode... lol at Envy.. too much screen time for him.

EXCELLENT AND ELEGANT <-- awesome speech XD
Apr 25, 2010 1:43 PM

Aug 2008
Wow, they're gonna have to pack a lot of stuff in just 9 episodes. Anybody want to guess that there's a subsequent movie?
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Apr 25, 2010 2:15 PM

Aug 2009
Oh man, that episode was amazing. It was cool to see Mustang burn that crap out of Envy. Then Ed got Envy to kill himself. Alex beats Sloth to a pulp. And we have Izumi entering the stage.

Apr 25, 2010 2:32 PM

Aug 2008
I grined while repeating 5 times scene when envy BUUUUURRRRRNNNNNNS.
gar mustang and alex were fine too
Apr 25, 2010 2:36 PM
Feb 2010
Envy's death was the saddest to me. I'm glad he repented (kinda) and called Edward by his name, not calling him chibi.

Olivier and Izumi together!? I've been waiting for this! XD The two possible outcomes are: 1) They get along because they are so alike, or 2) they argue because they are so alike. XD

Next episode promises to be EPIC! With Hoenheim vs Homunculus. I still can't wait to see Wrath, Greed, and the others.

Damn, this is so EPIC! XD
Apr 25, 2010 2:36 PM

Oct 2008
CkretAznMan said:
Wow, they're gonna have to pack a lot of stuff in just 9 episodes. Anybody want to guess that there's a subsequent movie?

well , those are the rumours that are going around . . And thanks smokes and deviantkaos
Apr 25, 2010 2:37 PM

May 2009
Epic episode is epic, especially when Alex abused sloth's attack to recover his dislocated shoulder.
Apr 25, 2010 3:25 PM

May 2009
Not short of amazing. Still wondering how a series - animated or not - can be so good week-in, week-out. Powerful opening. Roy x Riza (or Roy vs. Riza) was simply electric. Envy went out pathetically as it should be. Armstrong siblings are scary. The ending scene will make the wait until next episode almost unbearable. Seriously, how can a show be this good?! Wow.
Apr 25, 2010 3:36 PM

Oct 2008
Awesome episode as usual..!

though I'm a little disappointed of how easily the homunculus are getting beat
[complicated pictogram] [complicated pictogram] [complicated pictogram] [urinating dog]
Apr 25, 2010 4:36 PM

Nov 2008
epic win episode is epic win lol xD

every time i see that i feel sorry for envy :( i kinda preferred riza saying "dont go where i cant follow" at the scene riza is holding a gun to roy's head in the manga

9 more T_T and and at least 2 more chapters T_T

i wonder where Fai, noteDhero, and our weekly troll kodial are lol
suigetsu00Apr 25, 2010 4:41 PM
Apr 25, 2010 4:48 PM

Jul 2008
Great episode, i always feel you never see enough of Mustang and Armstrong fighting. Good to see them in action.
Apr 25, 2010 4:51 PM

Oct 2009
EPIC i havent seen something this EPIC since TTGL!!!
Apr 25, 2010 5:31 PM

Apr 2010
I remember back when episode 30 aired, all the other forums and blogs I frequented had the manga readers raging at the fact that the Ishval flashback had been screwed beyond repair. Though at the time I was a manga reader, I didn't really care. It had been a while since I'd read those chapters that I didn't really see the loss.

Well, WHAT NOW? I'll tell you what: Those folks can eat their words because the intro scene to this episode was incredibly well-placed. Not to mention flashbacking to Hughes in Ishval as Roy was forced to swallowed his pride (quite literally, it looked like) and not kill Envy.

Also, lol at the stupidly obvious way of stopping the zombies. Destroy their jaws? Damn, I can't believe I didn't think of that 2 episodes ago.

And I'm impressed that the storyboard hasn't forgotten about Falman. I didn't realize why they pointed him out at the end until it hit me: he's the only one in the Briggs team that has actually knows the layout of the Central command center, so his intel was invaluable in capturing that black general.
Apr 25, 2010 5:37 PM

Nov 2008
AICW said:
I remember back when episode 30 aired, all the other forums and blogs I frequented had the manga readers raging at the fact that the Ishval flashback had been screwed beyond repair. Though at the time I was a manga reader, I didn't really care. It had been a while since I'd read those chapters that I didn't really see the loss.

Well, WHAT NOW? I'll tell you what: Those folks can eat their words because the intro scene to this episode was incredibly well-placed. Not to mention flashbacking to Hughes in Ishval as Roy was forced to swallowed his pride (quite literally, it looked like) and not kill Envy.

lol thats what i was'd been so long since read em i didnt care
Apr 25, 2010 5:48 PM

Nov 2009

I actually felt bad for Envy. >.<
Apr 25, 2010 6:15 PM

Apr 2010
Nooo.... who Ruined the perfect 5/5 poll. Jerks.

Apr 25, 2010 6:20 PM
Sep 2009
Damn, Envy :/

His rant there about being humiliated was epic.
Apr 25, 2010 6:45 PM

Dec 2008
I awww'ed a bit at Roy and Riza. I've always supported their relationship, so that moment was sweet.

I felt Envy lived for five minutes too long. I couldn't wait for him to die.

Then I laughed at Armstrong for his sparkly muscle-ness.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
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